How much is Remo getting per plant? They are MONSTROSITIES!!!


Well-Known Member
Any thoughts?

I know he does an 8 week veg and an 8 week flower, lately he's been growing "Warlock" from "Serious Seeds":

He also doesn't top his plants at all, and they still end up being MONSTROUS bushes.

He obviously runs on Remo Nutrients, and they sure seem to be doing the job. He's growing in 20 gallon trash cans using a mix of coco and sunshine mix #4.

Here's one of his videos on the subject:

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Afgan King

Well-Known Member
Any thoughts?

I know he does an 8 week veg and an 8 week flower, lately he's been growing "Warlock" from "Serious Seeds":

He also doesn't top his plants at all, and they still end up being MONSTROUS bushes.

He obviously runs on Remo Nutrients, and they sure seem to be doing the job. He's growing in 20 gallon trash cans using a mix of coco and sunshine mix #4.

Here's one of his videos on the subject:

Lmao 8 week veg dear lord I pull 2 light and do a 32 day veg lol no need for that long veg and also doesn't show how many watts per plant


Well-Known Member
about a pound. I've got no willpower...
No way dude! He's gotta be pulling way more than a pound. You can get 1.5 to 2 pounds easy, with a 30 day veg, in the same type setup he has, with 1 plant under a 1000w HPS, a huge pot (20+ gallons), using some reputable nutes, and keeping that PH in check.

I think hes pullin' no less than 2.5 and that's off of the lighest one of those freakishly humongous trees he's got growin' there.
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Well-Known Member
No way dude! He's gotta be pulling way more than a pound. You can get 1.5 to 2 pounds easy, with a 30 day veg, in the same type setup he has, with 1 plant under a 1000w HPS, a huge pot (20+ gallons), using some reputable nutes, and keeping that PH in check.

I think hes pullin' no less than 2.5 and that's off of the lighest one off those freakishly humongous trees he's got growin' there.
about a pound is an inside joke in TNT. Anyone asking for any measurement whatsoever gets that answer. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle...


Well-Known Member
Didn't you post shit about 3 week veg plants yielding a ridiculous amount or some shit before? I may be mistaken.
3 week veg yeilding 5 pounds? Lol, I was in the thread but I definitely wasn't the one making that unbelievable claim.