Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
And Hillary will learn from mistakes while Donald remains completely unfit for public office.
Didn't she say her vote on the Iraq War was a mistake? I wonder why if she believes that, why does she support the exact same kind of regime change in Syria? She was talking about ousting the Assad regime and arming the rebels during last night's debate.. exactly what Reagan did in Afghanistan.


Well-Known Member
Uhh, yeah. That's really the same as a wealthy old man using his position as a star to justify unwanted attention, kissing and grabbing a working colleague by the pussy. Because "they let you do it".

You are just apologizing for a nasty old man.

Do you know anything about people? They check each other out.

The difference is obvious. Gina is curious, Hil is lusting

Again, not that I blame her, but she is as guilty, if not moreso

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
It would seem that the donald has done a bit of failing himself:

I'm doing a research project on intel. You should see all the failed mergers, acquisitions, and start ups they have had.
Yet they are still a giant because of their domination in microprocessors.

Businesses constantly try to expand to increase profit or diversify their portfolio. Many times they have to drop a product or business by selling it at less then they bought it at or by declaring bankruptcy.

All legal. Change the law if you don't like it.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
were you tripping on acid?

she said she does not favor ground forces or an occupation in syria.

see a doctor for your hillary derangement syndrome.
No ground troops. But she is ok with funding the rebels.

The rebels we armed in syria have now joined forces with al-nusra (branch of al quaeda), Isis, and the free syrian army (another rebel group)

Why has our government been in the business of regime change so long? It only causes more suffering for the people in the region.
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