Donald Trump says if he loses, it will be the "greatest waste of time, money and energy in his life

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Trump would need advertiser's & sponsors for TV major company wants to be affiliated with the Drumpf brand
Lol,its too bad all polls that didn't oversample democrats & use the 12 month candidate support rule show Trump leading Hillary Bigly .

The polls of electoral voters also show Trump leading Hillary Bigly.


Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
las vegas is betting Bigly on Hillary
I just looked at Vegas books & your wrong,not all book makers are taking Hillary,right around 30% of the books are taking Trump,the book makers in the UK have trump by 70%,the professor who's algorithm has predicted every president correctly has Trump winning by a huge margin .

So much of what you guys claim is flat out untrue & half truths.


Well-Known Member
I just looked at Vegas books & your wrong,not all book makers are taking Hillary,right around 30% of the books are taking Trump,the book makers in the UK have trump by 70%,the professor who's algorithm has predicted every president correctly has Trump winning by a huge margin .

So much of what you guys claim is flat out untrue & half truths.
Post them then. Show us.


Well-Known Member
I just looked at Vegas books & your wrong,not all book makers are taking Hillary,right around 30% of the books are taking Trump,the book makers in the UK have trump by 70%,the professor who's algorithm has predicted every president correctly has Trump winning by a huge margin .

So much of what you guys claim is flat out untrue & half truths.
I'd go bet the farm if I was u......


Well-Known Member
Why would I look at 1.7 million dead people voting early when I've seen them :lol:

Here's your " early " fraud vote count :bigjoint:
meanwhile, in clark county, nevavda: 84,000+ have already voted, hillary is leading 55% - 27% so far. she is outperforming what obama did in 2012. same thing in north carolina and florida.

i'd tell you to suck a dick but i do not want to encourage rape.


Well-Known Member
It appears that you dont follow financial times & their future business segment ?

Donald Trump is sitting atop the single largest news viewing audience in the world as we speak,should he follow thru with buying out a network or creating his own its revenue would double his wealth in one year alone .

The revenue generation would make his golf course income look like bum change,FNN did an awesome report showing the value of Trumps media share & its higher than the top 5 current news networks combined ,you will only see Donald Trump grow more wealth.
He has dementia as is demonstrated by his aphasia, he seems normal now compared to how he will degenerate within the space of 18 months, Alzheimer's moves like a bitch