Busted on my B day


Well-Known Member
Well here goes my story for the ages...
Me and 2 of my friends lets call them Fred and Pedro for the fucksake of it.
We went and picked up our dealer cause he needed a ride home from where he was at him and his best freind get in the car and we take them down to his house, I buy a quarter they get out we leave. We drive around for a little bit before parking behind an old "abandoned" warehouse. We sit there and smoke our bleezy about 3/4 of the way down we roll down the windows (too much smoke in the car according to Fred) and almost like 2 mins after we do this I see a cop walking up on our car. Im like "what the fuck cops go", Fred freezes and then goes to turn his car on the cop says "Please turn the car off for me." Fred obeys and we sit there the cop comes up to us and asks us why we are out here and we said "just chillin not wantin to waste gas." The cop said "You were just chillin huh?" and we all replied "Yeah." He then asked for all our Id's which we all promptly gave him, he then said again " So you guys were down here just chillin eh?" Once again we all replied "Yeah." he then reads all our drivers license numbers off through his little radio and they all come back with an "okay." He then said "So yall werent out here stealin scrap metal were ya?" We were like " WHAT man fuck no we werent stealing any scrap metal." He then proceeds with telling us that we are all on private property and that we were trespassing. So we told him that there were no signs posted saying this was private property and there was nothing up blocking off the entrance to where we were sitting so how were we to know that this was private property, he then replied "Well someone owns this property someone has to own it right?" We all said "yeah but there was nothing posted anywhere..." he then got real dicky and started yelling "someone OWNS THIS PROPERTY YOUR ALL ON PRIVATE PROPERTY!!!!" We were like "okay but still there is nothing posted anywhere." Hes says "that doesnt matter someone still owns it." And our driver said, "okay but you can clearly see there is no scrap metal in this car, if you would like I will open my trunk so you can see there is none in there." The cop then called for backup and asked us all to step out of the car. His two buddys arrive as soon as we are outta the car, the first cop (luteinient the one weve been talking too the whole time) looks in the back seat and swipes up an 18 gram bag that one of the dealers dropped and we had no clue was in the car...then goes under my seat and grabs my quarter and says "ya yall wasnt down here smokin dope or nothing." He then searches the rest of the car and says hes giving us all minor misdomeanor pocession charges I said "hold on why are we all getting them," he said "your bag under your seat his bag by his leg and your freinds pill bottle." We all started yelling and arguing saying the weed wasnt ours driver didnt know whos it was I said its not mine, and our buddy in the back said it wasnt his either, "that it musta been dropped." The cop then yells "THIS IS YOUR WEED WE KNOW IT IS YOURS YOU ARE NOT GETTING OUT OF THESE CHARGES!!!!!!!" and we argued for a little longer and then the other cops start cracking jokes like this shit is funny they think the fact that they are completly fucking our lives up is funny. We just all shut up and said "What ever Ill just fight it." and then the cop goes "Oh okay smart asses, I was gonna be nice and just give u all pocessions and not give u trespassing but now you get both. Gotta make sure something sticks. hahahahahaha."

So basically that is my story, Im getting a lawyer hes supposed to be real good too, but do you think I will get outta this mind you this took place on my 20th birthday.


You had weed in the car. I don't see where fighting it will take you.
That sucks though man, fuck cops.


Well-Known Member
damn that sucks..your lawyer can probably pull some strings and get it dropped to a lesser charge or something if hes that good. or maybe lower the sentence and possibly get it expunged from your record.

and dress nice if you got to go to court..theyll throw the book at you if not.

good luck.


Well-Known Member
plus since the cop saw the 18 grams in plain sight in the back seat gives him the right to search the whole car. you guys should have just took the tickets. Shitty luck bro, happy belated birthday


Well-Known Member
yeah that does suck, but a little respect will take you a long ways. I got caught in a national forest with 19 grams of mushrooms, a felony. I was very respectful, yes sir and all that so the cop changed the charges to posession of less then 1/2 an ounce of weed which was a 400 dollar fine, I paid the fine and the whole thing disappeared. I could have gone to prison but because I was polite I got off pretty lightly.


Well-Known Member
First of all, you should of never smoked it near that warehouse. The best place to smoke outside is in a parking lot with other cars in the parking lot.

Second, arguing with the cop on whether or not it was private property with signs or no signs doesn't matter. If the cop said it was private property, then it's private property. Your response should of been, yes sir, were very sorry sir.

Third, never be a smart ass. Keep your answers very polite and pleasant and never say anything under your breath. Cops can be assholes if you give them a reason to be one.

Listen you guys fucked up, get a good lawyer and hopefully this will teach you that cops don't have to care about you. They are simply doing their job. Cops that are walking the beat are usually cops that fucked up in some way or another. You and your friends made this cops night by acting like assholes, it's gonna make him look like a hero.

Forth, learn how to write. It makes easier reading when there's paragraphs.


Well-Known Member
First of all, you should of never smoked it near that warehouse. The best place to smoke outside is in a parking lot with other cars in the parking lot.

Second, arguing with the cop on whether or not it was private property with signs or no signs doesn't matter. If the cop said it was private property, then it's private property. Your response should of been, yes sir, were very sorry sir.

Third, never be a smart ass. Keep your answers very polite and pleasant and never say anything under your breath. Cops can be assholes if you give them a reason to be one.

Listen you guys fucked up, get a good lawyer and hopefully this will teach you that cops don't have to care about you. They are simply doing their job. Cops that are walking the beat are usually cops that fucked up in some way or another. You and your friends made this cops night by acting like assholes, it's gonna make him look like a hero.

Forth, learn how to write. It makes easier reading when there's paragraphs.

totally agree there.. coudnt be bother'd to type it

cant be botherd to type many things lately :( .... heh

--- b nice to cops, and they will reward you with looking at your growroom without busting ya ;) :weed:


Well-Known Member
well we now know that they had no right to search the car (being as the owner of the car my freinds mom did not concent)so this will all be thrown out cept the trespassing charges.
oh and matthew smoking at home wasnt an option being as we all still live with our parents and they dont approve.


Well-Known Member
First of all, you should of never smoked it near that warehouse. The best place to smoke outside is in a parking lot with other cars in the parking lot.

Second, arguing with the cop on whether or not it was private property with signs or no signs doesn't matter. If the cop said it was private property, then it's private property. Your response should of been, yes sir, were very sorry sir.

Third, never be a smart ass. Keep your answers very polite and pleasant and never say anything under your breath. Cops can be assholes if you give them a reason to be one.

Listen you guys fucked up, get a good lawyer and hopefully this will teach you that cops don't have to care about you. They are simply doing their job. Cops that are walking the beat are usually cops that fucked up in some way or another. You and your friends made this cops night by acting like assholes, it's gonna make him look like a hero.

Forth, learn how to write. It makes easier reading when there's paragraphs.
...and make sure you use that damn spell checker, too! (otherwise, it's like a dentist with coffee breath and a parsley in his teeth, telling you to brush after every meal... kind of undermines what you say.):wall:

I'm just high and I know that race is a non-issue to many...but I wonder: How many minorities were cops and how many minorites were suspects?

Having been eyeball to eyeball with more than one judge, in more than one state, I say take any plea that leaves you with 1. No charge. 2. No drug charge.

You may have to pay some dues. Try to get the drug case dropped... That will harm your future more than any trespassing misdomeanor.

If you're a minor, keep from getting certified (remanded, whatever they call the process of 'calling you an adult' in the court's eyes.) as an adult. If you get charged and 'convicted' as a minor, your juvenile record can be sealed and eventually, expunged.

If you have a drug conviction as a minor and don't take the time to get the lawyer to do the paperwork, then you get popped for a bag of weed as an adult, they'll unseal your juvenile record and use it against you during sentencing in what's called a 'presentencing investigation'.

Oh shit...too many bonghits. Your 20th bday...got it. Well, you're an adult and you'll have to face the music.

I'd try for community service or fines if they give you an option of getting the charges dropped... Anything to keep your record clean.

That said, a record isn't the end of the world. Especially if all you want to do is surf the net for porn and grow pot.

I mean, I'm doing okay. :clap:


Well-Known Member
...and make sure you use that damn spell checker, too! (otherwise, it's like a dentist with coffee breath and a parsley in his teeth, telling you to brush after every meal... kind of undermines what you say.)
That's a bad analogy, for someone who only misspelled one word.
I wouldn't of said anything if his thread was easy to read, It wasn't.....
I had to use my finger to follow along on my screen so I wouldn't skip a line.
I didn't mention all the misspelled words and lack of punctuation.

I can handle a misspelled word or two and even some bad punctuation. But when have to sit up close to my screen and follow along with my finger so I don't skip a line, that's pretty damn bad.


Well-Known Member
This is a text book example of what not to do.

Never let the police search your car. Always say "I do not consent to any searches" Keep saying it...

You should of rolled up your windows and locked your car when you got out.

Don't say anything!!!! You have a right to remain silent. Use it for gods sake.

Everytime the cop asks you something ask him if he is retaining you for anything and can you please go now. Keep saying it.

Don't talk, STFU. Anything you say will be used against you in a court of law!


Well-Known Member
damn thats some shit right there bra.
you can get that shit thrown out.. all ya'll gonna be in court and ya statements will say ya'll consented to no search so you good.


Well-Known Member
Anyone who is stupid enough to go park in probably one of the most patrolled areas (warehouses), possible meth labs, stealth grows, thieves...etc.. deserves what they get.... sure, NO COPS HERE ... God forbid that you'd park by a pier, beach, park and lean against your car smoking, or take a walk, sit on rock...If you're not IN your car, they can't search it.....much safer.......


Well-Known Member
well we now know that they had no right to search the car (being as the owner of the car my freinds mom did not concent)so this will all be thrown out cept the trespassing charges.
oh and matthew smoking at home wasnt an option being as we all still live with our parents and they dont approve.
If there was an a bag of weed on the seat in that was in plain view, thats more than enough for consent to search.