Are LED's That Good?

Johnny Lawrence

Well-Known Member
Bro, you sound like s fucking chaffed asshole.
"cringe, youve got the logic of an imbecile. Candles work well too jack ass.

FACT: while hps growers were sucking each other off over 1 GPW grows, LED growers were getting close to 2gpw, cheaper, cooler and safer.
The opinion from @TacoMac is luddite, idiot contrarian shit."

Pretty sure that's your first post in this thread.

If you had bothered to read any of my posts, it was pretty clear that I'm pro-LED. The post I was responding to - the one where you told me I needed to take hysteria meds - the guy was recommending cheap, chinese, blurple lights. Is this a good recommendation? I'm hoping your answer is no. So what exactly was wrong about telling the guy to gtfo with his suggestion of a mars/platinum/galaxy style light?


Well-Known Member
In short leds are good as long as you pay no atention to manufacturer clames.... The guy in the led industry that said a 180w led replases 600w hid bwahahaha you need at least 450-480 to replace a 600 hid. Cob leds are better and almost hit that 200% efficiency.....a 300w cob almost replaces a 600w hid with a much better light quality


Well-Known Member
If you go led either build a cob or buy from California Lightworks, B.M.L./ Fluience, or spectrium king. Personaly im a fan and user of C.M.H lighting

Heil Tweetler

Well-Known Member
I'll try to say nothing at all when i am tempted to witlessly defend my ignorant beliefs and archaic commitments.

brother, you've had your bitch ass handed to you in this thread. Your proper response is to shut the fuck up and resist talking out your ass, clown.


Well-Known Member
Just a question for the cob builders. Do the drivers that power leds utlize a high frequency seguine wave? If so shouldnt there be a way to convert them to a low frequency square wave and get even more efficiency from the led? The ceramic globe in a cmh still heats a gas.the ceramic is what gives the better spectrium as opose to hps. Its the lfsw ballast that makes them more efficient. We have a 150w cmh at my shop and the ballast looks kind of like a led driver. Could you convert it to power leds?


Well-Known Member
@fuckboy aka @Heil Tweetler

"Heil Tweetler"

Probably not wise to post selfies on a weed forum. Have your mom unblock Facebook and Instagram for you.

On topic, why are you retards still on about this LED shit (rhetorical, not a question). You can't grow large scale with LEDs (successfully), so get back in your shitty, poorly lit closets, and shut the fuck up.


Well-Known Member
@fuckboy aka @Heil Tweetler

"Heil Tweetler"

Probably not wise to post selfies on a weed forum. Have your mom unblock Facebook and Instagram for you.

On topic, why are you retards still on about this LED shit (rhetorical, not a question). You can't grow large scale with LEDs (successfully), so get back in your shitty, poorly lit closets, and shut the fuck up.


Well-Known Member
Looks fairly large scale to me
I said "successfully".

1. Plants look like shit (discoloration, curled leaves).
2. Their yields (via visual and as they state, based off of square feet) are pathetic.

Thanks for posting a vid to back me up.

Edit: "posting, not "posted", stupid phone.

Heil Tweetler

Well-Known Member
You mean: You're not interesting.
@fuckboy aka @Heil Tweetler

"Heil Tweetler"

Probably not wise to post selfies on a weed forum. Have your mom unblock Facebook and Instagram for you.

On topic, why are you retards still on about this LED shit (rhetorical, not a question). You can't grow large scale with LEDs (successfully), so get back in your shitty, poorly lit closets, and shut the fuck up.

Cringe, Asshole and asshole whisperer, you pair are duller than fuck. Imbecile level 'wit' and creation camp 'science', a match made in RIU's deep, dark and dank sphincter.


Well-Known Member
I like cheeseburgers with cheese.
So, you think those fucked up scraggly plants look good (not a question, you've implied as much). That explains your love for shitty lighting, looking to fuck up plants like some weird kid that strangles cats.

Got any nudes of your mom (also not a question, you for sure have them pasted above your bunk bed).