Cenk Uygur interviews Joe Manchin


Well-Known Member
Yeah? You couldn't understand that?

TLDW; 'Equality of opportunity'

Holy shit! Communisms! Marxisms!
Dude, there wasn't anything either of those idiots said that made sense. They were equally idiotic. There is nothing about Uygur's or Sanders' economic "ideas" that can accurately be described as socialism. This is a talking head who denies historical facts and abuses leftist language to do it. It is more damaging to the good notions of economic equality than alt-right fixation on "free-speech" used as a ploy to spread hateful rhetoric.

What I don't understand is this; is this asshole a liar or is he stupid?


Well-Known Member
Bro take a look at the dictionary under irony. Your avatar has JFK. He was killed because he was going to:
1. End The (private) Federal Reserve. He had already taken steps by issuing currency from the US Treasury.
2. End the CIA right after he fired Allen Dulles.
3. Not allowing the fake ass opium CIA Vietnam War to happen.

All the Deep State people who murdered JFK run the show today including the Repubs/Dems who are the same.
Oswald shot JFK. Just like he tried to shoot General Walker in April, just like he shot a cop trying to flee.

There are facts, iron clad ballistic evidence, and over a dozen eye witnesses.

Only assholes ignore actual facts to go on a fishing expedition to find a nonexistant conspiracy based ENTIRELY on theory with ZERO supporting facts and ZERO witnesses to anything.

As though DC could ever keep a secret about anything, how gullible can you fucking be?


Well-Known Member
Dude, there wasn't anything either of those idiots said that made sense. They were equally idiotic. There is nothing about Uygur's or Sanders' economic "ideas" that can accurately be described as socialism. This is a talking head who denies historical facts and abuses leftist language to do it. It is more damaging to the good notions of economic equality than alt-right fixation on "free-speech" used as a ploy to spread hateful rhetoric.

What I don't understand is this; is this asshole a liar or is he stupid?

but stupid is a possiblity

asshole, yes, alt right's very own bought and paid for asshole of a judas goat.

And, yes, mixing up terms and ideas regarding socialism to confuse weak minded white boys is harmful to social justice and equal rights movements. I think this is intentional.

Manchin claims, beginning around 9:58, that he does not know where his political donations come from...

Thoughts on this?
nuff said about Uygur

I'd absolutely hate Manchin if he were my rep. He's not. He's odious regarding the environment, health care, minimum wage.

Regarding Manchin's slippery "I don't know who my donors are" answer, is that all you took from the interview? Uygur was completely buffaloed by Manchin regarding all of the points TYT wanted to make. Not that Manchin explained anything, just didn't give TYT anything to hang onto. Manchin is definitely trying to head off being primaried by what I'd call slick and harmful tactics. Again, I'd hate him if he were my rep.

He's not unbeatable but stands in with his voters at 57% approval vs 30% who disapprove. If he wins in 2018, there are issues where Manchin can be depended upon to vote with progressives and so, better than a Republican who will not. Not my rep, not my state, it's the voters of that state's decision. If Justice Democrats try to primary him, I think he'll win but not hoping for it.


Well-Known Member
Who believes that? That Manchin does not know where his donations come from?
I don't he just doesn't want you to know he is funded by big pharma, big oil, weapons manufacturers, drug cartels, etc.

Just a simple look at the money being made in the War On Terror and The War On Drugs it's all the proof you need.


Well-Known Member
But Donny Jnr has already admitted collusion, it's in his emails.

Kind of ironic that it's emails that were the beginning of the end for Trump.
donny junior is just trying to take the heat off kushner at this point. kushner is the guy in massive legal peril right now. lying on an SF-86 is 5 years in the federal slammer.