First Grow 10 plants!


Well-Known Member
Sounds cool. They will shed that seed. If not ya can carefully pull it off in a day or so.
The others still may come up.
You are on your way to smokeing your own smoke.


Well-Known Member
looks like a pretty good grow. ive got seeds germinating at the moment too in a paper towel between a couple of plates. anyone try doing with the plates before? its sitting on my computer


Well-Known Member
A strange little experiment that I have tested three separate times with the same result is germinating two separate groups of seeds. In the first paper towel I put a few seeds and fold them up placing between two paper plates. The second one I do the same thing only I place a little bit of potting soil over the top of the moist paper towel before putting the top paper plate on. Then I place both in the oven to dry (don't turn on the oven, lol it's just a dry spot i found 2 use). The seeds with the potting soil on them always sprout 2-3 times faster. Just my 2cents tho


Well-Known Member
hm sounds interesting, well after a couple days if some of my plants dont come up im gunna germinate some and put more in


Well-Known Member
hm sounds interesting, well after a couple days if some of my plants dont come up im gunna germinate some and put more in
Trust me again and put your seeds in a glass of water (inch or so) for 24 hrs and then plant them. Plant them regardless what they look like.


Well-Known Member
argggg... i had similar things.. planted a few seeds last saturday morning (so this is day 5) and i let them sit in water for a day and all that happened to them was they all cracked , i put them all in their own cup, moist same MG organic and one of them has poked the surface(on day 3) just the white spout and it got bigger to bout an inch then stopped and has been there for 2 days... it goes straight up then falls down and kinda is going all over but no leaves... the rest are still in the dirt...

now does it need light once its poked up out of the surface and its sprout with no leaves? or keep it in dark/warm/moist till leaves come up?

i am convinced once i see the leaves or any green i can keep it alive, im just stumped how i cant get past germ and sprouting... but its day 5 and some oldd ass seeds...

any ideas? (not trying to thread jack or whatever also, just seems to fit )


Well-Known Member
argggg... i had similar things.. planted a few seeds last saturday morning (so this is day 5) and i let them sit in water for a day and all that happened to them was they all cracked , i put them all in their own cup, moist same MG organic and one of them has poked the surface(on day 3) just the white spout and it got bigger to bout an inch then stopped and has been there for 2 days... it goes straight up then falls down and kinda is going all over but no leaves... the rest are still in the dirt...

now does it need light once its poked up out of the surface and its sprout with no leaves? or keep it in dark/warm/moist till leaves come up?

i am convinced once i see the leaves or any green i can keep it alive, im just stumped how i cant get past germ and sprouting... but its day 5 and some oldd ass seeds...

any ideas? (not trying to thread jack or whatever also, just seems to fit )
Ya did good with soaking them in water for 24hrs and then plant. The seeds just maybe shit.

If ya do the paper towle deal if it drys up your done,too much water your done. Thats why soak and plant. If the seeds are good they will grow.


Well-Known Member
Ya did good with soaking them in water for 24hrs and then plant. The seeds just maybe shit.

If ya do the paper towle deal if it drys up your done,too much water your done. Thats why soak and plant. If the seeds are good they will grow.

yeah i was just looking at some journals and some didnt sprout or come up with leaves for a week and half... its been 5 days for 3 of them and this is the 3rd day for the other 2, soo im going to just see what happens, this is an experiment with random seeds form a buddy...(most likly shit)

they are im sure months old, with 5 seeds this is just an experiment, but they were all cracked/sunk and i could see the green inside of the seed..

but when they poke out without leaves at this point should they be getting any light at all? or just warmth untill leaves?


Well-Known Member
yeah i was just looking at some journals and some didnt sprout or come up with leaves for a week and half... its been 5 days for 3 of them and this is the 3rd day for the other 2, soo im going to just see what happens, this is an experiment with random seeds form a buddy...(most likly shit)

they are im sure months old, with 5 seeds this is just an experiment, but they were all cracked/sunk and i could see the green inside of the seed..

but when they poke out without leaves at this point should they be getting any light at all? or just warmth untill leaves?
Ya can put the light on them to keep them warm. They should pop in 2 to 3 days after soaking. Let the soil dry some. Your soil could be too wet.


Well-Known Member
Ya can put the light on them to keep them warm. They should pop in 2 to 3 days after soaking. Let the soil dry some. Your soil could be too wet.
kkkk, thanks a bunch, im going to jsut let it do whatever it will do

soil isnt soaked but isnt flaky dry its just kinda damp

and a stupid question really, why does it kill the seed if u touch the sprout?


Well-Known Member
good news! there is 5 up that are streching like crazy...need more light :(
but that will be resolved verry soon, i have them basically touching the light now, and then there are 4 that are coming up with the shell on them, looks like the shell is stopping it from comin up, pulled 2 shells of of the 5 already, maybe tomorro the others will be bigger and can gently tear em off....guy i was suppose ta buy 400 watt hps off of bailed on this weekend for sure i will get one, but tat kinda delays shit :/


Well-Known Member
kkkk, thanks a bunch, im going to jsut let it do whatever it will do

soil isnt soaked but isnt flaky dry its just kinda damp

and a stupid question really, why does it kill the seed if u touch the sprout?
I dont know why it kills the seed. I just know that it does kill them.


Well-Known Member
good news! there is 5 up that are streching like crazy...need more light :(
but that will be resolved verry soon, i have them basically touching the light now, and then there are 4 that are coming up with the shell on them, looks like the shell is stopping it from comin up, pulled 2 shells of of the 5 already, maybe tomorro the others will be bigger and can gently tear em off....guy i was suppose ta buy 400 watt hps off of bailed on this weekend for sure i will get one, but tat kinda delays shit :/
Look on craigslist. There is a shit load of them on there where peeps tried to grow and failed and now they want to sell them.


Well-Known Member
It kills the seed because what you are touching is root material and roots don't like to be touched, nor do they like the oil on your fingers or whatever other funky stuff might be on them. :)

I've tried all methods of germinating seeds and my preference is peat pellets, but I germ my seeds in a cup of water (purified water) not tap water with clorine in it. As soon as they crack, before a sprout is out, I plant them in the soaked peat pellets.

After they have a few leaves they can take the soil better, especially soil like Miracle grow that is high in nutrients.

If your seedlings stretch too much they might fall over and die.
Throw some more light on them even if you have to steal a fixture from the garage or something and add a fan.

With a fan moving the stems even when they just pop and are brand new it'll make the stems grow strong. Always have a fan.


Well-Known Member
what ive seen in this seed(planted 5 days ago) is this.... its all making s shapes all under the soil but doesnt want to poke up out and do its thang... (look at pic)

another one is cracked in half and a bid of white is coming out i planted that on monday and its going decent..

and the other 2 planted 5 days ago are shitting out, and other planted 3 days ago isnt even cracked...

so ive decided im going to keep 2 in the dirt and 3 in the paper towel and see if he paper towel gets the sprout goin....

glad these are random shit seeds to try and learn... eek



Well-Known Member
Just gonna throw my 2 cents in. I don't consider myself an expert & I don't mean to refute what anyone else has said, just telling you what i know & maybe a little of what i just think. First off, touching the root... not a good idea but I would say that "it CAN kill the plant", not "it kills the plant" or seed. Secondly... Not all seeds are good. some just won't germinate or sprout. That's why I like to germinate in a paper towel & see which ones will sprout. I use @ least 3 towels & fold them in half & wet them each night while sitting in a dinner plate but pour off any excesss water so they aren't sitting in standing water. I put them in a dark place, a cupboard, a drawer.. whatever. when they sprout i put them in soil w/ the root down about 1/2 inch below the surface. Keep 'em damp & don't let them dry out & put them under light. you should see seedlings w/ they're first pair of round leaves (no technically called leaves, but whatever) within 2-3 days. From there Just make sure they don't go totally starved of water & also don't water them so often that the soild doesn't get to dry out a 'lil between waterings & they should continue to do better. when they get a couple sets of true leaves (not the first round ones, but the jagged ones) then you can start adding nutes @ a weak strength, maybe 1/4 strength. Keep giving light & as long as they are doing well keep making your nutes/water strength stronger so that by the time they are 6" or better & loooking healthy w/ many nodes of leaves you can transplant them. & when they get over the shock of transplant you can use full strength nutes & go to town.

Basically i'm saying my preference is to germinate seeds in paper towels as opposed to soaking them until germination as I know some do and also i know some soak 24 hours & plant. I like to germinate in paper towels so i can know if i have a good seed or not & not waste a pot & all that time on trying to make a seedling from a seed that may have never been any good from the start.


Well-Known Member
Just gonna throw my 2 cents in. I don't consider myself an expert & I don't mean to refute what anyone else has said, just telling you what i know & maybe a little of what i just think. First off, touching the root... not a good idea but I would say that "it CAN kill the plant", not "it kills the plant" or seed. Secondly... Not all seeds are good. some just won't germinate or sprout. That's why I like to germinate in a paper towel & see which ones will sprout. I use @ least 3 towels & fold them in half & wet them each night while sitting in a dinner plate but pour off any excesss water so they aren't sitting in standing water. I put them in a dark place, a cupboard, a drawer.. whatever. when they sprout i put them in soil w/ the root down about 1/2 inch below the surface. Keep 'em damp & don't let them dry out & put them under light. you should see seedlings w/ they're first pair of round leaves (no technically called leaves, but whatever) within 2-3 days. From there Just make sure they don't go totally starved of water & also don't water them so often that the soild doesn't get to dry out a 'lil between waterings & they should continue to do better. when they get a couple sets of true leaves (not the first round ones, but the jagged ones) then you can start adding nutes @ a weak strength, maybe 1/4 strength. Keep giving light & as long as they are doing well keep making your nutes/water strength stronger so that by the time they are 6" or better & loooking healthy w/ many nodes of leaves you can transplant them. & when they get over the shock of transplant you can use full strength nutes & go to town.

Basically i'm saying my preference is to germinate seeds in paper towels as opposed to soaking them until germination as I know some do and also i know some soak 24 hours & plant. I like to germinate in paper towels so i can know if i have a good seed or not & not waste a pot & all that time on trying to make a seedling from a seed that may have never been any good from the start.
in my picture i posted, the roots are not there right? hats the sprout... that should be going up when put in the hole.. yes? (lol..)

and do they need to be at a good temp of 75-85 to germinate right?

right now i just have them in the paper towell sitting behind my computer at 82.9º when going to bed ill put them under a infared light to put off heat, for both cups and paper towell..

would it be any good idea to plastic wrap the papertowell to keep the moisture in? or would that stop air(if needed) to the seeds?

"again im not trying to steal the thread here, 'sorry' it seems to fit here.. :? only a few questions to get me going.."


Well-Known Member
all are up except 1...which i think died, it somehow ended up barley being covered by soil and drying out :/


Well-Known Member
saweeet, i just bought a hps/mh 400 watt air cooled ballest with glass cover for 120
im goin to hook it up tonight...but 1 problem i think, i dont have a fan to go inside it, but i got a pretty nice fan blowin on the plants do u think tat will keep the heat down enough?