"Bail out plan"


Well-Known Member
Leland Brendsel of FREDDIE MAC received 50 mil.

All this for destroying companies and inflicting more pain on the average taxpayer.


Well-Known Member
I need a bailout...I wonder if they wanna pay my $1700 medical bill or maybe my $2800 in credit card debt.


Well-Known Member
If theres no bailout, it would mean full fledge depression...mass layoffs, food wars and everything....atleast with the bailout theres a chance we can correct the market, although probaby not very likely


Well-Known Member
If theres no bailout, it would mean full fledge depression...mass layoffs, food wars and everything....atleast with the bailout theres a chance we can correct the market, although probaby not very likely

So you cost taxpayers 700 billion dollars to delay the inevitable? Makes tons of sense.


Well-Known Member
I hear you and I understand. However, maybe more Americans would be more acceptable of this if they treated it as a depression, instead they continue to reward the culprits that caused this. As you say, it is unlikely that this bail out will correct the market, so why make suffering middle class Americans suffer more??? I still say fuck them let them fall.
If theres no bailout, it would mean full fledge depression...mass layoffs, food wars and everything....atleast with the bailout theres a chance we can correct the market, although probaby not very likely


Well-Known Member
The bail out plan is just that, a way for the ceo's and executive to get rich, and then bail out, we're fucked footing the bill.

If you run your buisness to the ground, you deserve the consequences.


Well-Known Member
"If done correctly, the bailout could work"

-has anything been done correctly with the current administration?

-could isn't will work. What will work is less government involvement.


Well-Known Member
I don't see what the big deal is - bring on the depression - I'm ready - why wait - let's get this shit going - the sooner we realize it is inevitable the sooner we can get it over with.


Well-Known Member
If you take the numbers that Biggravy gave us....The total is 418 million dollars. Now, don't you think all that money should be taken away from those incompetent CEOs and put towards the bailout?? That would cover half of the 'plan'.......I am so pissed right now.


Well-Known Member
Back to the foreclosures...

I rehabbed homes for a living, flipping house...

I can't do that because of the market.

So the government is going to buy up all the houses and hold on to them untill the housing market gets better.

If you were in my buisness, you'd realize that it's bullshit. They're taking my money, to make money, and they're taking my job.


Well-Known Member
You are definitely feeling it, I am so sorry.
2 years ago, where I live, there were 6,000 permits this month for building new houses. This year, this month....2 permits issued.
I am stuck in my house....I hate it. I am stuck. I guess though if I have to be stuck somewhere, this is the place to be stuck in.
I hope this will change...

Back to the foreclosures...

I rehabbed homes for a living, flipping house...

I can't do that because of the market.

So the government is going to buy up all the houses and hold on to them untill the housing market gets better.

If you were in my buisness, you'd realize that it's bullshit. They're taking my money, to make money, and they're taking my job.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've been trying to purchase a house since march, it's impossible to get a loan now, and i had to get a regular shit job.

I work for the county at an airport... And now the airline industry is failing, so wtf am I supposed to do, I could support myself from growing, but when I do my taxes wtf am I gonna claim? Sub contractor work? Fuck this :cuss: