"Bail out plan"


Well-Known Member
I don't see what the big deal is - bring on the depression - I'm ready - why wait - let's get this shit going - the sooner we realize it is inevitable the sooner we can get it over with.

I seem to be not liked when I speak my mind or i knock down opinions.. but i see it as you, the sooner, the sooner we can get over with it ^^

rather than have it pile'n up

:( i am not very inform'd in this area


Well-Known Member
I agree the bailout is s*it taking 700 billion i worked hard then that head dick in charge jus tells me no options were the democracy in that


Well-Known Member
This isn't a democracy anymore, martial law is in place, we are in a police state.

Bush has multiple times said "I'm above the law." Talking about his executive power, he said "if it no longer is a law I'll continue to enforce it" about the patriot act... Examples of a dictatorship.

We need a revolution, a real revolution. Defined: When one group or idea takes over the other leaving no remains of the previous. Like sparta vs athens.

The people need to take back this country, I will stand up and fight.


Well-Known Member
Talking about bush and 4th dimensional powers...

It's a common belief in eastern religions, that reversing the meaning of a symbol or idea is a way of controlling 4th dimensional power.

IE the swatstika, used to mean peace, now a symbol of hate. Hitler believed in 4th dimensional power.

Examples in modern times.

The re-imaging of christ, he used to be a curly haired brown baby, now he's a fair haired white man.

Bush examples:

911 - what used to be the symbol of police and fire emergency, now means the world trade center

Money- how many times has he changed the appearance of our currency, it's to no end, there are 52 different quarters (one for each state, the original design, and the 1776 bicentinial quarter) the nickel has a couple different variations, and they just released a new design for the penny.

The use of terror as a scare tactic to convince people that we need our government for protection has been used throughout history.

"False flag" waving (when a country attacks itself) has gotten us into several wars; the Gulf of Tonkin, for vietnam, the attack on 9/11 in order to start the war on us, the people. And get us to attack Iraq for some reason or another, everyone knows it wasn't WMDs... Why the fuck can we make an abbreviation for weapons of mass destruction?!? The war on terror?!?!

I wish everyone would WAKE UP and realize what the fuck is going on. :cuss:


Well-Known Member
I love it when Alex is labeled a scaremonger, like what he's saying is the real terrorism... :evil:

Alex talks about Bill Cooper.

*Besides, if just one person follows that link, I think I made the world a little bit of a better place.


Well-Known Member
But according to other sources he's a CIA temporal coadjutor

It's his job to get you hype.

Alex Jones Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor CIA DISINFORMATION Agent.

Hahahaa, I actually went to that link and skimmed it, it's 1. It's riddled with spelling errors and false info,
2. it bashes CNN like fox news is the only good source of info
3. It looks like a 2 year old put it together.


I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't post two links of garbage trying to make my link disappear. You're in the illuminati aren't you :cuss:


Well-Known Member
Hahahaa, I actually went to that link and skimmed it, it's 1. It's riddled with spelling errors and false info,
2. it bashes CNN like fox news is the only good source of info
3. It looks like a 2 year old put it together.


I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't post two links of garbage trying to make my link disappear. You're in the illuminati aren't you :cuss:
You caught me Im an illuminati fluffer :clap:. Ha! Nah I posted that the information was scrambled and all over the place. The first link of The late William Cooper isn't garbage, and You probably didn't even listen to it. The other website I can't really defend. But it is a widely shared viewpoint of alot of the more educated Conspiracy theorists.


Well-Known Member
This isn't a democracy anymore, martial law is in place, we are in a police state.

Bush has multiple times said "I'm above the law." Talking about his executive power, he said "if it no longer is a law I'll continue to enforce it" about the patriot act... Examples of a dictatorship.

We need a revolution, a real revolution. Defined: When one group or idea takes over the other leaving no remains of the previous. Like sparta vs athens.

The people need to take back this country, I will stand up and fight.
if the people really stood up and i mean guns in arms ready to fight it would be another Tibet all over again anyone that fought would be tried for treason and never again to be seen water boarding would be the least of your problems and dont take this as an overactive imagination think about it...


Well-Known Member
I've been to infowars...I've seen terorstorm and endgame. Martial law 9/11. I've seen most of his documentaries. The guys info is factual, but he's so fanatical that he takes away any legitimacy his views may have.


Well-Known Member
Alex Jones is propoganda at it's best. William Cooper was a truth speaker. You may be right Biggravy22 about Jones supposedly getting people hype for a revolution & he's not the only one. I thought about this & said to myself that if people actually REALLY revolted against the gov. they could call you a terrorist & lock everyone up. All these things are really deep when you get to thinkin'. There could be many different scenarios. Who knows?


Well-Known Member
Trust me I'm definately a well educated conspiracy theorist, I didn't knock your Bill Cooper link, I've seen it, and yes, he is missed.

It all started with Behold a Pale Horse.

I was interested in David Icke back in the 90s-2002... Icke's a nutjob but fun to read.

Today it's just made way more apparent that there is a gigantic conspiracy network.

I was simply trying to use Alex Jones as an introduction because of his enthusiasm and hype. He does use some unconfirmed information... But at least he can make people WAKE UP, and realize wtf is going on.