Trump end's subsidies for low income families


Well-Known Member
Congress never appropriated money for the CSR subsidies. A federal judge ruled the payments unconstitutional. Trumps actually diminishing his power by deferring to congress to act. It's most likely a negotiation tool. Don't rail against POTUS for following the law. Write better laws!
good luck stripping away an entitlement from americans because you can't stand that a black man did it.

didn't the racist, raping asshole you voted for promise something so much better for a fraction of the cost and that it would be so easy?

you dumb fucking nazi shit. all he did was make the same thing more expensive using those executive orders that he got mad about the black guy using.

you shameless racist lying hypocrite shitstains.


Well-Known Member
good luck stripping away an entitlement from americans because you can't stand that a black man did it.
And that's it in a nutshell.

Republicans have promised "health care reform" since Reagan. They've never done one single goddamned thing about it. Obama FINALLY gets something done and the white, racist assholes just can't stand it so they do everything they can to torpedo it and ruin it.

For SEVEN FUCKING YEARS you republican assholes said you'd repeal and replace it with something better.

Then you finally get control of it all. OF IT ALL.

And you can't do shit. As usual.

So now your answer is to screw the American people and then of course you'll blame Obama for it.

You assholes should all be lined up and shot.


Pro-life...until they're born, at that stage they need to pull themselves up by the boot straps and cover their own healthcare...

Lazy fucking kids.
well, I am amazed at the various levels of respect, or not, of OUR President.. that is of course if you are American... if you are a citizen of the United States of America... then he is your President as well as mine... I am Pro-Life... but I am not responsible for every monetary want, or need, of that same person. it is a choice, you can learn, (it's free, paid for by every working American), get a job, (seems like a foreign word to some getting out of a society paid educational system), and lead a healthy, happy, motivated, and inclusive way of life here in this, the GREATEST country in the history of the earth... I just can't understand why people cannot or will not look at America , and it should ALWAYS be first... but just like you, it is an opinion, happens to be mine, but still it is only an opinion... but THANKFULLY.... I VOTE.. and mine counts just as much as yours does... Trump haters DO NOT lift up America... United we stand... Americans, for America !!
sure wish the Feds would lighten up on the MEDICAL cannibas issue..


Well-Known Member
well, I am amazed at the various levels of respect, or not, of OUR President.. that is of course if you are American... if you are a citizen of the United States of America... then he is your President as well as mine... I am Pro-Life... but I am not responsible for every monetary want, or need, of that same person. it is a choice, you can learn, (it's free, paid for by every working American), get a job, (seems like a foreign word to some getting out of a society paid educational system), and lead a healthy, happy, motivated, and inclusive way of life here in this, the GREATEST country in the history of the earth... I just can't understand why people cannot or will not look at America , and it should ALWAYS be first... but just like you, it is an opinion, happens to be mine, but still it is only an opinion... but THANKFULLY.... I VOTE.. and mine counts just as much as yours does... Trump haters DO NOT lift up America... United we stand... Americans, for America !!
sure wish the Feds would lighten up on the MEDICAL cannibas issue..
By what metric do you judge this to be the greatest country in the world?


Well-Known Member
Trump ended a key set of Obamacare subsidies that helped lower-income enrollees pay for health care last night, a dramatic move that raises questions about the law's future.

The late-night announcement is part of Trump's aggressive push to dismantle aspects of his predecessor's signature health law after several failed attempts by Congress to repeal it earlier this year.

Nearly 6 million enrollees, or 57%, qualify for the cost-sharing payments this year, according to the most recent data from the Department of Health and Human Services. The subsidies are expected to cost the federal government about $7 billion in 2017.

The uncertainty over the subsidies' fate was a key reason that many insurers are substantially hiking their rates for 2018 -- some by more than 20%. Several major carriers dropped out of the individual market, unwilling to wait and see what Trump and his fellow cunt supporters would come up with

White House press secretary Sarah (Fat Ass) Sanders said the decision was "based on guidance from the Justice Department."
"The bailout of insurance companies through these unlawful payments is yet another example of how the previous administration abused taxpayer dollars and skirted the law to prop up a broken system," Sanders said in a statement.

Democratic leaders called the decision another instance of Trump sabotaging Obamacare.

"It is a spiteful act of vast, pointless sabotage leveled at working families and the middle class in every corner of America," said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in a joint statement. "Make no mistake about it, Trump will try to blame the Affordable Care Act, but this will fall on his back and he will pay the price for it."

No he won't, he won't pay shit for it because his base still loves him, even now that their insurance will increase by an average of 20% next year, and some (hopefully a lot) will die as a result of not being able to pay for it.

They wanted and voted for it, well now their getting it, and I hope they like it when they end up broke and living in a box because they voted for Trump.

May justice be served, assholes
It's officially Trumpcare now. The press should never utter the word "Obamacare" again. It is no more and the republicans own it.


Well-Known Member
He doesn't give a fuck.
He's a 71 year old dotard, that somehow ended up on a pot site espousing shite that he should have learned was shite 50 fucking years ago.
I wonder if he felt the same way about Vietnam, like when he was 18, and boy's were dying for Nixon
Oh, I know!!!
He would have sacrificed his life for the POTUS in a heartbeat.
Fat fucking chance.
I love how he let us know he's pro life. Ack.


Well-Known Member
Wanna bet?
Impeachment anyone? coming up SOON, once collusion is PROVED , which is pretty much a given.
Trump is a dead asshole walking :)
We've all seen enough circumstantial evidence to convict if prosecuted competently. Luckily, the cases (plural intentional) will not need to rely solely on circumstantial evidence. If I voted for a traitor like Trump I'd renounce my citizenship. All the Trumptards should do that. Fucking commie-loving traitors.


Well-Known Member
If the opposition is sufficiently split in 2020, with independent candidates, third parties and a fractured DNC, Trump could win reelection simply by maintaining his loyal support base, which appears to be his strategy.
In 2020 I don't see Trump being a threat to the DNC, if he is still around, that is. I see Independents and Democrats united actually
I think the GOP will be so weakened by riding Trumps ballsack, that even Sanders would win if nominated to run against any Republican, no matter who it is.


Well-Known Member
In 2020 I don't see Trump being a threat to the DNC, if he is still around, that is. I see Independents and Democrats united actually
I think the GOP will be so weakened by riding Trumps ballsack, that even Sanders would win if nominated to run against any Republican, no matter who it is.
Yeah, but Pence will likely be the horse to beat. Trump won’t last 4 years...

Heil Tweetler

Well-Known Member
well, I am amazed at the various levels of respect, or not, of OUR President.. that is of course if you are American... if you are a citizen of the United States of America... then he is your President as well as mine... I am Pro-Life... but I am not responsible for every monetary want, or need, of that same person. it is a choice, you can learn, (it's free, paid for by every working American), get a job, (seems like a foreign word to some getting out of a society paid educational system), and lead a healthy, happy, motivated, and inclusive way of life here in this, the GREATEST country in the history of the earth... I just can't understand why people cannot or will not look at America , and it should ALWAYS be first... but just like you, it is an opinion, happens to be mine, but still it is only an opinion... but THANKFULLY.... I VOTE.. and mine counts just as much as yours does... Trump haters DO NOT lift up America... United we stand... Americans, for America !!
sure wish the Feds would lighten up on the MEDICAL cannibas issue..
Who fed you this rancid imbecile pablum. Just a mote of critical thought will lift you from your slavish devotion to laughable, nostalgic dogma.


Well-Known Member
Besides working in a factory I always had a side business repairing anything electronic. I've walked in some odd situations doing tv repair. All white Appalachian folks. Warranty work was hilarious. Anyway I've walked into several places with a person with COPD and on oxygen smoking. Those cigarettes would burn quick. Some people never learn. I saw a good ole boy pull one of his teeth at work one night. I got stories. Some people won't change. It's in their wiring. A little genetic and some strange life views.


Well-Known Member
Besides working in a factory I always had a side business repairing anything electronic. I've walked in some odd situations doing tv repair. All white Appalachian folks. Warranty work was hilarious. Anyway I've walked into several places with a person with COPD and on oxygen smoking. Those cigarettes would burn quick. Some people never learn. I saw a good ole boy pull one of his teeth at work one night. I got stories. Some people won't change. It's in their wiring. A little genetic and some strange life views.
Sad shit, eh?
Well, just wait for their oxygen tanks to run out and then they can't afford to get a refill because Obamacare was killed by Trump
What then?
Oh well, another Trump voter bites the coal dust (cough)
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