med pot tax...the doc's are mad....


Well-Known Member
Hallelujah!...finally some common sense from the gatekeepers...

...nobody's quite figured out that there isn't a difference between medical cannabis and recreational pot. If med patients win this one, everyone will be a med patient buying medical cannabis not rec pot....kinda like it is right now with all the "new patients" walking in and out of dispensaries....


Well-Known Member
Hallelujah!...finally some common sense from the gatekeepers...

...nobody's quite figured out that there isn't a difference between medical cannabis and recreational pot. If med patients win this one, everyone will be a med patient buying medical cannabis not rec pot....kinda like it is right now with all the "new patients" walking in and out of dispensaries....
just the amount and how often when it comes to medicating for a life threatening illness. Most can wait until they are finished work before they can relax ..


Well-Known Member
Despite this they will double down on the reason why they need to do this, nothing is going to change which is why everyone needs to produce their own and cut these money grubbing fucks out of our lives for good.

I contacted my MP (unfortunately a liberal who puts party before constituents) when this shit first came out and was shot a canned response"

"Thank you for your email regarding the proposed excise duty framework for cannabis products.

This government’s priority is the health and safety of Canadians. Our approach to legalizing, taxing, regulating, and restricting access to cannabis aims to keep it out of the hands of young people and keep profits out of the hands of criminals. That is why, after extensive consultation with the provinces and territories, health and safety experts, and the Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation, we have been moving forward with our plan to legalize, strictly regulate, and restrict access to cannabis.

The proposed taxation framework is the next step in our plan, and it is designed to keep prices low enough to put criminals out of business, while helping to offset costs of education, administration, enforcement and other activities integral to an effective system of cannabis legalization and regulation. One of the key recommendations of the Task Force was to apply the same tax system with respect to medical and non-medical cannabis products. This consistent approach to cannabis taxation is also backed up by experiences in other jurisdictions where cannabis is legal. Medical cannabis is already subject to GST/HST, and the application of the proposed excise tax of $1 per gram will ensure we achieve this consistency.

Revenue generated from taxation will be used to supplement investments being made to support our government’s commitment to safely legalizing and regulating access to cannabis. This includes support for public education programming to inform Canadians, including priority groups such as youth, Indigenous peoples, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and those with a history of mental illness, of the health and safety risks of cannabis. Further funding will support law enforcement and build capacity to enforce all aspects of the proposed Cannabis Act, including efforts to detect and deter drug-impaired driving.

Public consultations are currently underway by the Department of Finance on the proposed excise duty framework for cannabis products. You can read more about the proposed framework at Feedback is being accepted to [email protected] until December 2017. I hope you are able to review the consultation document provided at the above address and share your comments."

The Liebrals have never listened to input from the public and followed through, they tend to just do what they want even when experts tell them it is wrong.


Well-Known Member
"The proposed taxation framework is the next step in our plan, and it is designed to keep prices low enough to put criminals out of business, while helping to offset costs of education, administration, enforcement and other activities integral to an effective system of cannabis legalization and regulation. One of the key recommendations of the Task Force was to apply the same tax system with respect to medical and non-medical cannabis products. This consistent approach to cannabis taxation is also backed up by experiences in other jurisdictions where cannabis is legal. Medical cannabis is already subject to GST/HST, and the application of the proposed excise tax of $1 per gram will ensure we achieve this consistency."

That's some stupid right there....task force saying medical or not they should apply also shows you that they truly think the majority of medical patients using cannabis are recreational users
It would at least be better to assume that those who have gone to the trouble, to out themselves... with respect to med cannabis ,did so because of an actual need for this as medication, rather than tax or tar everyone with the same brush.

""The proposed taxation framework is the next step in our plan, and it is designed to keep prices low enough to put criminals out of business,"

seriously do they even read what they write or even listen to what they say....for gods sake....this is complete stupidity....


Well-Known Member
It shows a lot of what they think of both patients and doctors. They think we are all secretly rec users and that Canadian doctors are willingly committing fraud day in and day out to sign people up. This is what happens when your cannabis laws are written by prohibitionists, everyone is a criminal first, and if not a criminal they will go our of their way to make sure you become one.


Well-Known Member
As mentioned above, just grow your own and all of this is mute. They'll be discussing how to tax home and medical growers next. Another reason for me to stay out of any registration schemes for growing personal/medical.
lol and we are right back to me screaming DONT REGISTER JUST GROW all over again
Why register to s systems that could rightly shut you down if need be and see you die because of it.
fuckem ..don't say shit .......................and there's no issue. 8-)
The courts of cannada are behind patients 100%


Well-Known Member
lol and we are right back to me screaming DONT REGISTER JUST GROW all over again
Why register to s systems that could rightly shut you down if need be and see you die because of it.
fuckem ..don't say shit .......................and there's no issue. 8-)
The courts of cannada are behind patients 100%
although i agree with you,im just too scared of getting caught,i couldnt afford it,,,lawyers lose the one investment i have,my home.i once lived on the street,it took years of hard work to scrape together what little i have now,and if i lost it id be done,probably kill myself......harsh realities of life


Well-Known Member
although i agree with you,im just too scared of getting caught,i couldnt afford it,,,lawyers lose the one investment i have,my home.i once lived on the street,it took years of hard work to scrape together what little i have now,and if i lost it id be done,probably kill myself......harsh realities of life
Hahaha... I used to think like you. Like you, I too am a high achiever. One who would off myself rather than subsist.

But dude, you can totally get disability, especially in the provinces like BC.

You are fucked up and cant work. Like 40% of the people there. Big deal. Free money. Oh well.

Anyways I still work for now. And probably for ever. I just think too highly of myself. Even though I have so much problems, I could get disabilawards too. Anyways seems all my less achieving friends do fine in the disablilawards.


Well-Known Member
i work,i own my home,im not willing to lose it by growing illegally

why are you talking about disability...
no one here Medically wise is growing illegally.
Medical has the courts behind them.
If you are not selling dope to kids or anyone for that matter. No one cares about your house or you growing or would any cop come knocking on your door................... specially next year! SPECAILY IF YOU ARE SICK AND HAVE A SCRIPT FROM YOUR GP!
If you are sick ITS YOUR RIGHT TO GROW AND TAkE MMJ anyway you like!
This scared BS crap is VERY old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Grow some!!!!!!!! ...
or die going broke
..only choice for some.

A house?! kids?!...what ever?!......ppphhht ......................


Well-Known Member
im not sick
probably not the discussion for legal,happy that way.....if others wanna take a chance go each their own


Well-Known Member
Youre not sick but you are legal ? HOws that again? lol
o_O.......its not a chance they take................
theyre not doing anything wrong according to thw courts of cannada and Trudy boy...:lol: he;s legalizing it after all don't ya know.


Well-Known Member
social anxiety

i got busted 8 years ago,right after i applied to mmar,charges eventually got dropped,but it cost me dearly.....well over $15000,might be chump change for some,but its a lot to me.
i think its kind of irresponsible to tell people to fuck the law and grow.....

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
social anxiety

i got busted 8 years ago,right after i applied to mmar,charges eventually got dropped,but it cost me dearly.....well over $15000,might be chump change for some,but its a lot to me.
i think its kind of irresponsible to tell people to fuck the law and grow.....
How did you get busted?