THIS IS YOUR THREAD!!! -- What's YOUR favorite special ingredient


Well-Known Member
RUI is a great tool as we all know or may be learning. Most people here are quick to lend a helping hand and want to see everyone succeed.... Why? bcuz we all share that common bond of loving herb. So why wouldn't we want to help and encourage the expansion of great herb as far and wide as we can... Anyway, if you use something or have some secret that you want to share to help someone else get the great results you get, then write it on this thread and help make this the thread to come to for top of the line growing tips.... ALL IN ONE SPOT!!!!.............. I will start with a couple things I like to do and use... Hope you guys decide to share... I know I would love to hear and I bet you would too

OK first off I will tell you I am a big fan of spraying sodium free seltzer water on the plants untill they are weighed down and drooping (greenhouse or indoor, as many as 20 times a day in greenhouse). Some people think it does nothing, I like it... I go 36 hours dark between veg and flower (encourages quicker onset) and 48 hours dark at final bloom (to try and encourage maximal resin production and consumption), then cut.... I am a huge fan of LST and am currently using AN's Connoisseur for the first time in my first attempt at vertical growing (two 600's in a 4 foot cooltube).... It's much different. 5 days in 22 out of 40 females.... I am attempting to paint the walls a way we can all appreciate....

So what do you got?


Well-Known Member
good thread bump...i aint got no secret ingredients so far, but i will share mine as soon as i get a few grows under my belt and learn some!!


Well-Known Member
Good stuff guys... I have used piss before diluted to 30 parts water, just for vegetive since it is a nitrogen booster, and molasses is always good and many peoples new favorite secret or rather special ingredient... But I gotta think that Bull semen thing must of been a joke and if not, that is no bud I would ever want to smoke


Well-Known Member
How about supplimental UV light during small periods of your lighted flower cycle........ Toxicity of the light causes plant defenses to engage resin production to protect against the light

mountainous revenge

Active Member
Good stuff guys... I have used piss before diluted to 30 parts water, just for vegetive since it is a nitrogen booster, and molasses is always good and many peoples new favorite secret or rather special ingredient... But I gotta think that Bull semen thing must of been a joke and if not, that is no bud I would ever want to smoke

dude the piss thing was a joke as well.
Why not buy some nutes for nitrogen?
You put piss into your buds, thats fucking sick dude.
I wouldent smoke your buds knowing that or the guy joking about bull semen...

have fun playing with the mj plants noobie. Get to reading to find out what will make your plants grow well instead of posting "whats your secret" threads....


Well-Known Member
.... bull semen is hard to come by around here nowadays. Since u put that post up, the price of bull semen has doubled.... no tripled in price! Thanks a lot for givin it away ha ha! The best ingredient i've found so far would be light. LIGHT! LIGHT! LIGHT! lotsa light, lots of buds... other than that, how about good ole distilled water? YUM!


Well-Known Member
Comedy, this from a guy that obviously doesn't even know where the lost coast is, and you call me a newbie... Comedy.... You find out where I was born and raised at and then see how much of a dipshit you feel like for calling me a newbie


Well-Known Member
Two Words, Pomegranate Molasses! It is a great sweetener (I use it the whole cycle, helps beneficial fungi and bacteria) and has citric acid which boosts the crebs cycle. Adding too much can drop the PH though, so moderation is key!

mountainous revenge

Active Member
Comedy, this from a guy that obviously doesn't even know where the lost coast is, and you call me a newbie... Comedy.... You find out where I was born and raised at and then see how much of a dipshit you feel like for calling me a newbie
cannabis grows the same no matter where you are. Who gives a fuck where you live?

I was raised in a place known for putting marijuana and moonshine on the map in my area. Dosent mean that I have any better or worse odds growing cannabis.

go read and dont be so upset.
You clearly stated that you use piss for nutes after I jokingly said something about it in reference to all the noobs on cannabis forums.
This can only leave me to defer that you are a noobie.

when you bring me some pics (notice the "s" there, that means plural, or multiple pics of one grow) of your plants and I may retract that comment.
Till then yoru a noobie for using piss as a nutrient because it has minimal traces of nitrogen



Well-Known Member
Lmao... damn mountain, u know how to start some shit around here. Just so u know, I've been off the piss for a year now, quit cold turkey and everything

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
I have 2 things but neither are secret nor are they "ingrediants".

One - Patience. One of the biggest mistakes I see new growers make is lack of patience. They want to hurry everything along and they end up causing all kinds of issues. They want to add nutes to early...they want to throw plants into flower after 3 weeks and then complain about yield...they want to chop after 6 weeks even though they need 8-10 weeks on most strains) because it said so on the package...they don't want to cure properly cause they want to smoke it, then complain cause it tastes like shit. :-P

Two - Keep your mouths shut. DON'T TELL ANYONE! I can't stress this enough. More problems arise during a grow from loose lips than no knowledge.


Well-Known Member
Learn to read fool, I said I have used piss, not that I use it... Read about it in an Ed Rosenthal book about 20 years ago and tried in on one plant in an old greenhouse grow during the vedge cycle... I also used bottled panther piss as a animal detourant for outdoor... maybe you have a comment you'd like to make about that.. You did come trying to start shit, and I could hoestly give a shit less whether or not you think I am a newbie. Definitely don't need to prove anything... ANd you can say what you want, but being born and raised in Humboldt did attribute to my knowledge and how much of a so called newbie I am... This was just a simple forum for people that wanted to share.... Not people that have a love for sticks up their asses


Well-Known Member
Brendon, what is the purpose of earthworms in your soil? Just to give some air pockets, or so they shit in there... Would be interested to know more


Well-Known Member
Hey Northerntights, what is Pomegranate Molasses... Got anymore info on it... ANd RTH, you are fully right about talking about your grow or showing it.... Amazing how many of your so called friends are down to rip you off.... Learned that many a time over... Opportunity turns good people bad sometimes