THIS IS YOUR THREAD!!! -- What's YOUR favorite special ingredient


Well-Known Member
How did you come across Total D.... That's a pretty closed off little group.... I have never met anyone other than from home that had even heard of them


Well-Known Member
I currently have 7 strains running indoor and two that just finished outside.... My favorite strain to grow so far was the original G13.... I got clones in 97 and grew that strain for four years and never have had anything as sappy... I had a greenhouse grow where I grew P91 and Ak47 and I liked those a lot too.... Right now I am excited to see how the Delahaze turns out and if it is all it's hyped up to be... on day 7 of flower now and just put the outdoor in the dark last night for the start of a 48 hour blackout


Active Member
I got one for all you guys out there. Every where I look this stuff keeps popping up, Biology, late night t.v., internet surfing, talking with people smarter then myself etc...
Low and behold Tera preta, a.k.a amazon dark soil, the self regenerating soil, and the cure for pollution and famine. * not making that last part up, at least that's the hype I hear* If ya'll already know please forgive me for adding some more info for those who dont. The shits pretty much soil with bio-char, or biomass *like leftovers, compost material, dead plants, grass, even human remains and clay pottery have been found in tera preta *thats been burned without to much oxygen. Does a couple things for ya, increase life of soil, reduces the need of extra fertilizers, airates the soil, stores hard and benefitiol nutrients for plants, promotes growth of [FONT=&quot]mycorrhizal fungi and probally some more stuff that I forgot. If interested I suggest you read up on it from someone who know's more about it then me i.e the net, biology teacher, shit bbc did a special on it. The only thing that gets me through those boring classes is aplying the concepts to my life, and since I'm usaully high in class I think about how I could grow better and be higher. Ok now those who hate may attack me at will, and those who like may grow better for cheaper and help out the enviroment at the same time *I Hope*


Active Member
damn I got high and screwed up the font size somehow, sorry for the squinting. lol
yo lostcoast if you're anywhere honeydew I'll hit u up next time I'm down there to see family. that is if you wanna burn a phatty blunt, if not no worries I'll be smoking plenty enough.


Well-Known Member
i guess my actual buds aren't good enough. gotta try some "magic" soil instead? that's cool. i'll stick with cat shit. :)


Well-Known Member
i dont think hes insulting your buds or anyone elses...just giving out tips and info just like you and many others in this need to bash his idea...


Well-Known Member
ohh. ok. my bad, i though you were being serious...
i'm serious about the cat shit. at first i thought it was kinda funny. that was 4 months ago before the mounds started forming. he goes right in the trenches around the plants. numerous times a day. he's the only one of 3 cats that poo's in my garden. he buries it really deep so i never get it on my feet or smell it. i wonder what it's really doing to my plants. maybe i should try some indoors. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
For anyone reading this thread that doesn't know who Fdd is, let me introduce you to someone I would refer to as the man... His results have ten times over spoken for themselves and if you read through RIU, you will surely cross paths with the reasons why he deserves to be referred to as the man... Fdd, many propps again....