My first and only plant..


Active Member
this is my first post, as well as my first grow, i have been reading the forums for a while now just haven't decided to post quite yet.

Im currently growing my first plant outdoors, in a 20 gallon pot. Its been about 3 weeks of growing and its looking kind of like a bush haha well heres a picture let me know what you guys think.

Its about 5 inch's tall and seams to be alot more round than tall is that normal?

Background info:
Grand daddy purple clone from a club in my city.


Active Member
makes me proud, that is a beautiful picture the kind you wanna frame and hang on your wall, good job, that should be one nice big bush.


Well-Known Member
20 bucks,

Is there any way to keep the plant somewhat small, maybe under 3 feet or so, im not too worried about how much buds are produced just dont want the neighbors to see it.
You can top it or LST it or FIM it. There are some great guides on this site in the FAQ.If you are outdoors you are kind of at the mercy of nature.But if you use one or more of the above methods it should stay low enough to not get seen easily. I grow outdoors but bring my pots in at night to get them to flower earlier than they normally would.


Active Member
You can top it or LST it or FIM it. There are some great guides on this site in the FAQ.If you are outdoors you are kind of at the mercy of nature.But if you use one or more of the above methods it should stay low enough to not get seen easily. I grow outdoors but bring my pots in at night to get them to flower earlier than they normally would.

Link? And how does bringing it inside at night make it bud faster?


Well-Known Member
you will want 12 hrs of light and 12 hrs of dark,this is the flowering light cycle...12on 12 off.