Purple Erkle, Blue Dream and Grape Ape outdoor clones. Pics, advice please


Active Member
Hey everyone, this is my first grow ever so any advice would be put to great use. I got 2 Clones of Purple Erkle sometime in the beging of may and put them in 10 gallon buckets with Foxfam Ocean Forest.One of them has turend into a bush and the other is nice and stalky. bout a month later i happend to be in oakland again so i stoped by the Purple Heard Paitend Center(place i gor the Erkle). When i saw they had Blue Dream and Grape Ape I couldn't help but buy some. so i got 2 apes and 1 dream. One of the apes Never rooted.. shitty probably my fault. since then I transplaned the Bue Dream into a 15 gal wit FOF. Shes Gettin big now. I have had a Problem with Thrips for some reason and also whiteflys.
anyways heres some pics.:bigjoint:


Active Member
I'll start with the smallest first, the Grape Ape. I'm pretty sure the only reason that shes not big is because I haven't transplanted her into a big pot yet. Don't worry!! I'm doing that tomarrowbongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie. Shes got some Really werid growth on the leaves:cuss::

Heres a side and top view:



Active Member
Heres the Blue Dream, She's the same age as the Grape Ape, yet 3 times larger. Shes a Bute' sides her thrips :-(
Heres a few shots:



Active Member
This Erkle is a damn bush and her stem is twice the size of the other erkle i have. I Could maybe use some advice here because I have never pruned and i think she may need it. Heres some Shots:



Active Member
Heres the other Erkle, she seems to be budding already. Seems weird because she in the same location as the other 3 plants, and they are still all veggin. I'm a newb I"m sure theres some explanation. Here she is:



Active Member
Now I know I have Thrips and I"m trying to take care of them with Neem Oil. I treid Preying mantis' and ladybugs and they did alot of damage to those little bastards but it doesn't seem to be enough. I squash about 20 a day. I also seem to have a problem wiht Whiteflys, they are all throught my yard and i keep killing the suckers but i donno.
There is also this fly:

I seem to find them alot underneath the leaves and sometimes next to small white eggsacc loking things. I take everything off when i find them.

Also getting a few of these spots, not sure what they are:

aswell as some other leaf damage(not sure what):

Thanks for looking any advice or input would be put to good use!


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My dumbass was All oiled out and knocked my trainwreck off the table when I was transplanting her.... Her roots were ripped off... Fuk I'm such a moron. I still put her back w/ som


Active Member
Got some Monterey Gardens nsect spray and gave my girls a good once over. Ima check the result tomarrow. Grape ape is going into a sick 20 gal pot because I'm stuntin that bitch.


Active Member
Wow, what a crazy start huh? I think the bugs definatly had part in the holes in the leaves and/or maybe some kind of sickness the plant is getting due to an off pH. Are you using nutes? Maybe too much?
Hye StickyMangos thanks for looking! Yeah I have a bad prtiblem with Thrips, but after that spray last night I have found nothing but their dead carcas'!!!! damn that makes me happy. I am wondering if anyone has used the Monerey Garden Insect Spray because I was wondering when i should apply another dose... Maybe 5-7 days. There are no negative effects to the plant they are looking beautiful.

I should be cecking my pH more often but whenever i do it seems to be right around 6.8.

Nutes: I went out and bought some Humboldt Nutrients Grow but was extremely lazy and only applyed one dose to the Blue Dream. She took it like a champ and loved it. Other then that I only have them in the FF Ocean Forest. What Nutes do you suggest?


RIP Trainwreck sorry you couldn't live a full life :cuss::cuss::cuss:

gonna go rip the Blazemaster bongsmilie


Active Member
Grape ape update: go her into a big ol pot now. She wAs rootlocked pretty bad... Shit was crazy it was just a solid white root structure in the shape of the pot. She should be happy now in the FFOF.
As for the thrips still haven't seen any, but I'm going to take another close look later on today... A cleaning is also in order.
Stickmango: Mad scientest looks like a ripper


Well-Known Member
Holy shit it is.....but I must say R.I.P. to my ash catcher....my girlfriend was moving it and it hit something and broke the ash catcher and the diffuser, but i just stole the diffuser from my ash catcher and threw it in the bong :D

As far as the cleaning, I agree, dead bug bodies could attract more bugs :(
i've got last yrs mad scientist with the perculator( which i hate)percalaors suk on bongs,,anyway,man yu got the stuff,lol,i bid pretty high on that grape ape ,but ot high enuff,lol.waiting on BODHI,lol.


walmart has an insect spray that you can use all the way up until the day of harvest....i wouldn't do that now but i do use it and everybug problem i have had, it has taken care of it......its called houseplant and garden (insect killer). good luck and your gonna have some good ass bud sites.


Well-Known Member
walmart has an insect spray that you can use all the way up until the day of harvest....i wouldn't do that now but i do use it and everybug problem i have had, it has taken care of it......its called houseplant and garden (insect killer). good luck and your gonna have some good ass bud sites.
get some pyrethrium,plant safe ,kills everything with a few small whiffs throught he growroom. iuse licensed stuff most of the time its epa approved , the good stuff.but pyrethrium you can buy at walmart or chemical store without license.


Active Member
blazemaster huh? sounds gnarley...this is my Mad Scientist :D

I was just thinkin I didnt look too close at those picutres but I actually own a Pure aswell. Its just a straight tube 7mm like that one. the joint broke and I yet to have it repaired. I've been using my blazemaster alot I'll post some pictures up later. I just recently got a Ti Pad so I've been vaping oil outta the mini sky!!! bongsmilie


Active Member
walmart has an insect spray that you can use all the way up until the day of harvest....i wouldn't do that now but i do use it and everybug problem i have had, it has taken care of it......its called houseplant and garden (insect killer). good luck and your gonna have some good ass bud sites.
thanks man if this doesnt' work i'll check it out! Hopefully i'll have some bomb otherwise i'll just be making tonsa BHO


Active Member
i've got last yrs mad scientist with the perculator( which i hate)percalaors suk on bongs,,anyway,man yu got the stuff,lol,i bid pretty high on that grape ape ,but ot high enuff,lol.waiting on BODHI,lol.
I agree with you on the Percs. I don't mind dome percs but I really dont like Tree Percs very much. they rip like hell but i'm just not a fan. I just like a good old straight tube with either a diffused downstem or not either way is fine. I am also a fan of ice pinch bowls that thats what i usuallly rip instead of a push.


Well-Known Member
My scientist has a ice catcher so i load that bitch up as well :)

But I was thinking of getting a dome perc ash-catcher because it wont stick out as much as my old one. I dont mind percs either :D
i jus bot a new bong with this wicked ass ash catcher , ordered it from amsterdam,lol,but my fav. is the ole half gallon glass tublar bong for the knock out punch,lol.i want to watch this one .all your strains are on the waiting list for me,thanx.. subscribed .



Active Member
Man, that almost seemed too easy! thrips are gone, I haven't found one since spraying with the Monterey Insect Spray. Everything is going well at the moment, the Grape Ape seems to be taking to her new home very soundly.
Both Erkles need a pruning, but I'm not sure how to do that so I'm doing a little research, basicly taking off alt he lower branches that are shaded from the sun.

The Blue Dream is getting really tall... I may need to dig a hole in the ground to put the pot in...

Shits goin good fellas...... I'm intrested in applying some nutes, is there any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Man, that almost seemed too easy! thrips are gone, I haven't found one since spraying with the Monterey Insect Spray. Everything is going well at the moment, the Grape Ape seems to be taking to her new home very soundly.
Both Erkles need a pruning, but I'm not sure how to do that so I'm doing a little research, basicly taking off alt he lower branches that are shaded from the sun.

The Blue Dream is getting really tall... I may need to dig a hole in the ground to put the pot in...

Shits goin good fellas...... I'm intrested in applying some nutes, is there any suggestions?
a higher phospherous if your flowering , mild in th first 4 weex a tiger bloom 2-8-4 , mild use every other watering,if using RO water thats a A+, then to a 0-50-30 or alike from day 28 to 42 , then a 9-50-10 or alike and if you have access to a quart of sugar daddy , add 7 tsp per gallon with the haf teaspoon of a 9-50-10 or alike for aggressive flowering and leave them alone and get record weight and resin.from there to finish , do extra week and theyll probably crystalize turning cabs to sugars before your eyes. get some real deep purple and sweeter taste ,they shrink 50% less and lose hardly any weight in drying and curing.:leaf:R.