do you beleive in ghosts


Well-Known Member
i was smokin thinkin about my encounters with a haunted house we lived in and just wondering if you people out there believe in it. i know i do cuz ive seen things that i cant explain and theres no explanation for it. i lived in this house for a few months and it was crazy i could step in the door an get a headache step right outside the door and it would go away step back in ya got a headache. we lived in a house in s carolina built in 1912 that had a family die in it in the 40s where someone else owned it till we moved in. me and my roommate seen an apparition or whatever and it looked like me. my girlfriend and i decided to move after roomates move cuz of the things happening to them. we rode out. but i still dont have answers so its gotta be what it is


Well-Known Member
i dont know if i do or not..i know strange things can accure..but as far as ghost..i never seen one..
iv seen images in the dark befor like at a glance--out the corner of my eye
but i would shake it off and just think---my mind is playin tricks on me
this might be a good topic for you and goldenganja to discuess
im not sayin he beleves but i think he might beleve in the perinormal.
only based on a thread a while back about somthing to do with somthing about being alone at night or something
i caint really remember.......:peace:
here it is..............

Stoned Psychics (
1 2 3)


Well-Known Member
i belive in ghosts, i used to live in a haunted house too. wierd things always happening, like lights going on and off even though the swich stayed up, the toilet seat would get banged down a bunch of times in the middle of the night and the glushed, my cat staring at nothing lots of things id rather forget


Well-Known Member
i believe in ghost face killer, but hes not that scary

but seriously, ghosts? umm, not really. i just havent seen anything personally to make me believe ghosts are out there.

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
I just bought a foreclosed home last year. I used to spend the evenings after work to do my remodeling.

I was painting the master bedroom about 10:00pm one night. every time I was one the top of the ladder I would hear something in the return vent in the corner of the room.

I would get down and put my face near the vent to hear.
I honestly was listening for rats or pest.
Ghost didnt cross my mind.

I followed the sound into the basement. I stood down their for like 5 minutes waiting to hear a mouse running across the duct work.

Then I heard voices coming from upstairs, kinda spooked me a little and ran back upstairs. I heard somthing to the tune of " Its going to be nice here you guys are going to like it"

Well we live here now.
One night I was kissing the youngens goodnight and asked "Where did all your animals go?" the little one said" it's Ok daddy I share with the other kids"

Finding out what was going on I found she stuffed her animals in the return vent.
I asked her why she did that?

She said the other kids were so lonely she wanted to share. I asked " What kids baby?"

then she whispered "The Dead ones Daddy" :fire::fire::fire:


Well-Known Member
there is ghosts out there. i think ghosts are the wrong word. i beleive in god too and go to church when i can and i was brought up in a church. i think ghosts are a tool used by satan to draw people from god. they are real though is anyone out there with another experience


Well-Known Member
Ghost and Spirits. Yeah I beleive.
They are just people who have passed on.
They are not evil or satans doings.
People die and wait, they wait for the 1st coming of Jesus Christ.


Well-Known Member
Yeah here's a true story~ I was 23 (never went to a funeral before), and my uncle passed away and I so this was my first funeral. It was a grave site funeral with a 21 gun salute. Beautiful. So here the way it looked~ Tent up, preacher under tent grave site right there and people in front of preacher (close family sitting in chairs) and standing people behind them. To the right was the 7 VFW guys doing the 21 gun salute. Tombstones and graves all around ( ofcourse it's a graveyard). So I am looking at the preacher speaking kind words of my uncle and as I look at his casket (true story) I see him behind the casket and he looks at me asn I hear him say, "wow (my name) is here", then he looks to his right and dissapered.
Every since then I have seen many things. It's Natural and has nothing to do with satan.


Well-Known Member
we live a galaxy and there are so many galaxys in the universe. It must suck for some people to have a small mind in such a vast Universe.


Active Member
Ive been around the world like 3 times. ive seen some fucked up shit, ive seen some really cool shit. Ive slept in walked through and shot up a graveyard ( I was being shot at). Never seen anything remotely close to being supernatural. doubt i ever will. I guess it could happen because no one really knows what happens after you die.
I think that only some people have the ability to see them. I work with a guy that swears he sees them all the time. I believe him i mean theres no reason he'd lie about it i dont think. Although he is an ex speed junkie, maybe theres a correlation, i dont know. I cant see them, nor do i believe in them so im not really to worried about anyhting weird happening.


Well-Known Member
i do believe in spirits or ghosts. havent lived in a place where someone has died but when i was in college i saw things in my dorm....That was prob the mushrooms but seriously I do beleive. However i do not think that they can influence or create physical affects. Think about it, right now they are trying to create a god molecule in europe, something that is purely fictional but is beleived to exist. If new things of science are discovered all the time why would you not believe in ghosts. Thats like saying aliens do not exist in space. How can you have a endless amount of space and no other forms of life. Like millions of galaxies would have to posses something that we dont know about

grow space

Well-Known Member
I just bought a foreclosed home last year. I used to spend the evenings after work to do my remodeling.

I was painting the master bedroom about 10:00pm one night. every time I was one the top of the ladder I would hear something in the return vent in the corner of the room.

I would get down and put my face near the vent to hear.
I honestly was listening for rats or pest.
Ghost didnt cross my mind.

I followed the sound into the basement. I stood down their for like 5 minutes waiting to hear a mouse running across the duct work.

Then I heard voices coming from upstairs, kinda spooked me a little and ran back upstairs. I heard somthing to the tune of " Its going to be nice here you guys are going to like it"

Well we live here now.
One night I was kissing the youngens goodnight and asked "Where did all your animals go?" the little one said" it's Ok daddy I share with the other kids"

Finding out what was going on I found she stuffed her animals in the return vent.
I asked her why she did that?

She said the other kids were so lonely she wanted to share. I asked " What kids baby?"

then she whispered "The Dead ones Daddy" :fire::fire::fire:

Holy shit.Is this a joke, man it got me spooked out, like it was a A-class horror:)

Never seen ghosts, but i strongly belive in paranormal world and diffrent levels.


Active Member
I grew up near Gettysburg Battlefield and Cemetary and it wasnt unusual for school trips to go there or for me to visit when I am back home. Everytime I go there I see apparitions. I am not alone. Thousands upon thousands of reports every year, photos etc.

I suggest if you dont believe in ghost go to Gettysburg PA check it out, if you do believe it's a worthwhile trip, and you dont even need to be high^ to see shit.:peace:


Well-Known Member
we live a galaxy and there are so many galaxys in the universe. It must suck for some people to have a small mind in such a vast Universe.

no dont be so stupid. because people dont beleive in ghosts does not mean we dont believe in other life on other planets.

ghosts were made up by man and r supposed to live on our earth, yet there is no evidence. u know y? THINK ABOUT IT LOGICALLY, there is no such fucking thing!!!!!!!