Sick of all the A$$HOLES!!

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Active Member
Dude...ya gotta lighten up. Don't you ever give your buddy shit about something, just for fun? Ever greet him by saying "hey, whats up asswipe?"

Would you let a friend go somewhere with a skid mark on the back of his shirt? No, you'd say, "hey buttfucker, go change your shirt." Or, just roll on the floor laughing until he figured it out.

Same here. We're gonna tell you if you're writing dumb shit. I expect you to do the same to me. Don't take it personal, just try harder next time. If some gives you crap for asking a newbie question, fuckem.

So good luck you piece of shit motherfucker... (just kidding man) lmao

ps I'd give you a rep, but I can't figure out how, because I'm a dumb motherfucker.


Well-Known Member
pms only lasts a week, so this thread should be done by next thursday, right?
lol amazingly this post is still going, i cant get a reply to a post for shit and carry on. This dude has over 8 pages of replies. For a n00b to the site I would say you are getting a lot of attention. I would imagine that on top of being ridiculed by people who are stoned and sitting alone posting in a internet forum you are also getting lots of info. YOu should be happy that your post is getting this much attention, I Have posted pics and asked questions and not gotten replies at all. Stop tripping and acting like people get paid to assist people here and take what you can get. As for the searches yes they can be confusing because the results will only show the thread but not the page that contains the key word you searched for. If you do in fact use google to search you will find that most of the results lead you back to this site anyway and most times it leads you back to a sticky or thread that is permanent at the top of each forum section that contains most often asked questions. There are kids on this site and unless you are one yourself it shouldnt bother you so much


Active Member
im new to the whole site thing and indoor growing but i cant deny im a asshole sometimes to. theres just some basic things people shouldnt have to ask like is this male/female or is this ready for harvest or basic plant problems....... theres tons of threads and even stickies right by where you hit to make a post with answers to the questions.... anyways when someone talks shit just get them to say something stupid and make it public and have fun with it like i did to the guy in my signature :)


i had 60 plants , and the smell was all the way to the sidewalk in front of my house. i got real paranoid and stopped posting. never mind the fact my pc shit the bed.
should we be worried about posting our grows? i mean does anyone ever get busted for posting? Just curious if anyone knows anyone who has had their riu journal brought up in court.


Well-Known Member
should we be worried about posting our grows? i mean does anyone ever get busted for posting? Just curious if anyone knows anyone who has had their riu journal brought up in court.
I've been wondering that same thing!!! everyones always worried about getting busted but how many people do you think actually get busted on here?? it cant be that common otherwise i dont think this site would be so popular!

lol amazingly this post is still going, i cant get a reply to a post for shit and carry on. This dude has over 8 pages of replies. For a n00b to the site I would say you are getting a lot of attention. I would imagine that on top of being ridiculed by people who are stoned and sitting alone posting in a internet forum you are also getting lots of info. YOu should be happy that your post is getting this much attention, I Have posted pics and asked questions and not gotten replies at all. Stop tripping and acting like people get paid to assist people here and take what you can get. As for the searches yes they can be confusing because the results will only show the thread but not the page that contains the key word you searched for. If you do in fact use google to search you will find that most of the results lead you back to this site anyway and most times it leads you back to a sticky or thread that is permanent at the top of each forum section that contains most often asked questions. There are kids on this site and unless you are one yourself it shouldnt bother you so much
i cant believe how much attention this has gotten. my ofther treads maxed out at maybe 8 replies so i figured i'd get the same here. i even got a response from RollItUp himself! im very pleased with the turn out haha.


I have not personally had to deal with any negativity but I have seen it far too many times. When I first started researching about 2 years ago everything seemed to be much too difficult and there was too much involved. Quite frankly there is a lot involved and the one thing I have come up with is that even the most respected and experienced growers are still learning. Do people need to do a thorough research before asking questions? Sure, but it can be hard when you don't know what you are really looking for. I find people respect people who seemed to have done their due diligence before requesting help though.

I like to go back to the old saying that "If you don't have anything good to say then don't say anything at all." Plain and simple. If you think someone is a "Noob" or is asking stupid questions, what makes someone feel obligated to flame them? Superiority Complex?

I have gotten very good info by reading threads started by others that will not show up in the FAQ's. The FAQ's are very basic and don't really cover much in my opinion. They are a very good resource but very limited considering all the variables. If you check out the cloning part of the FAQ's there are 2 links of which are very basic and IMO wouldn't help a person trying to clone for the first time unless you are going to simply copy the techniques used. Even then the posters are simply stating what has worked for them.

In conclusion I would hope that the things we have in common would be greater than the things that separate us. The Love of a good healthy potent plant is why everyone is here, let us remember that. No matter the intelligence of the person asking the question the goal is the same. PEACE!!!


Well-Known Member
I have not personally had to deal with any negativity but I have seen it far too many times. When I first started researching about 2 years ago everything seemed to be much too difficult and there was too much involved. Quite frankly there is a lot involved and the one thing I have come up with is that even the most respected and experienced growers are still learning. Do people need to do a thorough research before asking questions? Sure, but it can be hard when you don't know what you are really looking for. I find people respect people who seemed to have done their due diligence before requesting help though.

I like to go back to the old saying that "If you don't have anything good to say then don't say anything at all." Plain and simple. If you think someone is a "Noob" or is asking stupid questions, what makes someone feel obligated to flame them? Superiority Complex?

I have gotten very good info by reading threads started by others that will not show up in the FAQ's. The FAQ's are very basic and don't really cover much in my opinion. They are a very good resource but very limited considering all the variables. If you check out the cloning part of the FAQ's there are 2 links of which are very basic and IMO wouldn't help a person trying to clone for the first time unless you are going to simply copy the techniques used. Even then the posters are simply stating what has worked for them.

In conclusion I would hope that the things we have in common would be greater than the things that separate us. The Love of a good healthy potent plant is why everyone is here, let us remember that. No matter the intelligence of the person asking the question the goal is the same. PEACE!!!

Amen brother hahaha well stated

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I personally don't think there are any dumb questions.

People are at different levels, not only with their growing but understanding how to get and give information on this site. Lets be nice and help people grow CHRONIC and as INDIVIDUALS in the RIU community.



Well-Known Member
I personally don't think there are any dumb questions.

People are at different levels, not only with their growing but understanding how to get and give information on this site. Lets be nice and help people grow CHRONIC and as INDIVIDUALS in the RIU community.

thanks for stopping by garden knowm. very true about everyones at different levels.

I agree with you for the most part, but is e-rep really that important to you?..
not so much, it was sort of an after thought i threw in. but it is a nice way of saying thanks


Active Member
Why do people on here insist on being so mean to eachother??

I dont get why people have to make fun of someone that just happens to be a beginner and knows less than you. YOU WERE ALL BEGINNERS AT SOME POINT! i've been yelled at for asking too many questions in a post....seriously? i have to think twice before asking something because im afraid i'll just get bitched at. Isn't cannabis about being kind and easy going to everyone? Theres so many uptight people on here its rediculous! Why do they even bother replying if its just to say something mean? Seems like a waste of time to me. One guy pretty much called me retarded because i didnt know what a "darwin list" was. sorry I've NEVER heard that before! :cuss:

i've only been a member less than a year and im a newbie grower and for some reason the makes me the STUPIDEST person on earth to 90% of the people on here. isnt the point of this site to HELP eachother out, newbies and veterans alike? its so hard to get anyone to give me helpful information around here. i've started 5 or 6 threads and i dont think i've ever gotten over 10 replies. now, im not lazy and know how to use the search button but lets face it....THERES MILLIONS OF THREADS AND POSTS ON HERE! You're gonna miss things sometimes and i guess thats unacceptable??:finger: if i reply to someones question i try to answer their question and then give them a direct link to a more informative thread if i can find it. Maybe im just a nice person but i sure would appreciate someone doing that for me.

And one more thing... whats with not +repping people? i add to you're rep just for replying to my post without being an asshole, even if its not that useful! I have 40 posts and only ONE person has ever added to my rep. kind of a bummer.

Im not trying to sound like a sensitive little pussy, just pointing out the lack of common courtesy shown by many of the members.

anyway RIU i just wanted to put my thoughts out there! im sure plenty of people will hate on me for this haha. Please feel free to comment and add to this!! share your stories of asshole replies you've gotten, everyones welcome!

i agree 100% ive been reading these forums for over a year and recently signed up but i too get no replys on my posts and no one has ever +rep 'ed me new members are ignored and newbs are shunned. why not make it a private club instead of a open forum.


Well-Known Member
i agree 100% ive been reading these forums for over a year and recently signed up but i too get no replys on my posts and no one has ever +rep 'ed me new members are ignored and newbs are shunned. why not make it a private club instead of a open forum.
i know it man, you really gotta fight for attentions haha. i have noticed that a lot of it is in the titles you post. you gotta word it in a way that make people say "hmm thats sound interesting, think i'll check it out" you know? never lie tho, that makes it worse haha no one wants to click on "I GREW 100lbs CHECK IT OUT!" and it ends up being a question about nute burn. i also notice that most people are interested in ops with over 5 plants...micros dont get much respect. i know from experience haha. keep trying tho.


Well-Known Member
Theres plenty of assholes out there,but theres also plenty of people like me and the rest of us that liek to help and were all begginers.I am still kind of a begginer but i know what to do and will always help a fellow grower.assholes r just part of the game man


Well-Known Member
Yeah this has gotten big, fast :bigjoint:

I think I answered over 20 questions yesterday and actually I look for NooB questions as I try very hard to dispell the myths, which is hard

one of the hardest things to do is enter a thread and see poor pitiful plants trying to survive, folks I love this plant and sometimes it feels like child abuse which hurts, so I try to help even more !

To those of you that have not gotten an answer I can honestly say sorry if I did not find your thread or did not have "the" answer?

So let me add some hints here for all the NooB's that are serious about learning,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Before I joined this forum in Sept. I spent about 6 months reading EVERY WORD in lots of threads, (always completely straight, you see I never learned anything while I was stoned) sometimes it would take hours just to finish one thread. But what I discovered was that it was like panning for gold, in all the threads I read there was nuggets of info, could be that I would read 40 or 50 pages to get just one good nugget of info. but I got em and now I got a very healthy happy girl that I flipped yesterday :bigjoint:

so here is the very best noob advice I can offer


MJ is a weed it will grow anywhere, under any light, in any dirt, with very little water.

Best advice offer #2


Hydro is more exspensive and has a higher learning curve and is less forgiving of mistakes.

All of the tweaks, the PH, the Nutes, The Tricks are about getting more yield from the plant and getting it all together and doing it right takes experience, as with any thing we as humans set out to do it gets better with trial error and experience

Best advice offer #3


Does she know the ph of her rain water?
Are the light cycles constant?
Does she add Nutes?
Does she add mollases?
Are there light leaks? Does she "hide" the moon to stop hermies?

Folks this is just common sense, it's a weed, if you put a seed in dirt it will grow and as a weed it is very hardy it will fight for life and survival just like we humans do (I know this from experience, I've tried real hard to kill them with stupid folklore and forum myths,,,,,,,,,,,,they survived)

So read enough to know that water on a seed ignites an emzyme that starts a process, take a few bag seeds and put them in a small cup of water (room temp) for 6 to 12 hours, now you have started the process and softened the shell,,,,,,,,,,,,put em in moist dirt 1/4 inch deep

read enough to know that timed released nutes "could" be bad or cause a problem, that the soil should be loose and that water should drain through it easily and quickly

understand that you can go up to a week without watering again, in fact do it on purpose because this will let you see the plant tell you it is thirsty and teach you how to understand the plant as it says what it wants

read enough to know that if they are stretching you need to move the lights closer

Know when to hold em and when to fold em, IOW when to try to fix or save them (best is to leave em alone and watch what they do) or when to start over and learn from our mistakes.

and don't stress over it, simply do it, watch it and learn

Once you get that first grow out of the way start playing with the tweaks, slowly and easily. Don't buy 5 different nutes and add them all at once, start with just one, do it, watch it and learn

And here is some advice you may never hear :bigjoint: experiment on your males!!! I see all the time post asking are males good for anything,, the answer is YES they can be smoked (they have thc too) you can collect pollen and make seeds, you can create your own breed and you can PRACTICE topping, LST, supercropping without worrying about causing any harm, Hell I have a bonsai male I've abused. He is 5 inches tall 8 weeks old and has been topped 4 times (he lives in a seperate room) I have learned so much from him! he has been burned by lights, he has been root bound, he gets very little water, he turned purple after the burn and is very pretty to look at, the leaves I have cut off have gotten me high and taste very good, even though it is a different kind of high (no couch lock)

And one more tip troll regular garden forums, get info on soil mixes and and nutes as well as tweaks and tricks (hey they add mollases too) if you post ask questions about tomatoes they are very similar and like a lot of the same things, also the folks there are eager to help and answer questions.

Read REAL gardening books, learn the basics, hell gardening for dummies is a great book and it all applies to growing strong healthy plants.

growing should be related to relaxing, don't stress, fret or worry

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
superb answer riddleme. although i worry a little about ur male abuse. unresolved issues. lol. i just joined this site a few weeks ago. sum answer questions, sum don't. if they're cheeky, fuck'em.enuff decent peple on here. if ur question isnt answered then u can almost gaurantee that its been answered b4, it just a case of lookin. sum fuckers got nuthin better to do than try to piss people off. i'm new at this but if i see a question that ive seen a previous answer to i'll give the same advice out with the statement " ive heard sum people......" i may or may not help but at least its making the attempt


Well-Known Member
riddleme- you need to start you're own thread with that exact post! thats great advice that everyone should see :clap:. thank you haha.
about the males, i've read about people making oil out of males but when i tried it i got a green slime that just bubbles and turns brown when you light it. did i not let my male mature long enough?
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