WTF Medical Marijuana

Change The Debate

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New Member
whats up guys, i made a post to this thread,and i really did'nt take the time to read it throughly, i was under the impression that it was a thread about if mm was really worth it. so i want to apoligize to the person that started this thread, my bad.


New Member
Ah! Now I see where the confusion has come in... I actually meant, only in regards to winning the debate. I don't feel it's the complete truth, and I feel that if we stand together in complete honesty, we can decide to legalise it ourselves.

'They' will have no choice in the matter at all.


New Member
Not a march... but a 10 million (wo)man GROW.

Here's a link to a new thread, if anyone is interested:
well, this is a macro idea. and i understand what you propose and why. but have seen what the U.S. DEA is trying to do to the Canadian Marc Emery?

when you use pot, you take a chance. when you grow pot, you take a markedly bigger chance. when you take political action towards legalizing pot they fucking throw the book at you.

if 10,000,000 people started growing out in the open how long do you think it would take for the political message to come across? how many people would be arrested before the case was taken to court and you got a law changed? (if it happened that way so easily.)

prohibition of pot only makes sense if you look at it as a scheme of the government: to oppress their will on the people, gain more taxes and fees thru the legal system, gain more tax money for prisons, and gain more money by the government suppling the drugs thru an illegal black market.

you are playing right into their hands if you choose to grow out in the open. they don't even have to look for you. IMO, prohibition will end, in the U.S., when the case is finally heard in front of a new supreme court. the current court has shown all the symptoms of corruption. they are bought and paid for by this and previous administrations. i dont know when a new court will come about. a revolution is required on many, many levels in this country.


New Member
Is that what the french thought when they lopped off the heads of the aristocracy?

No, they stood and fought for what they believed was right. A revolution is about the people, not governments or courts or law lords.

This is the reason I proposed that there must be a date... obviously, this will need to be media recognised before the actual event took place. There are journalists that are smokers, this could be leaked to the press and there's nothing they love more than a good story. Only this won't be just a story. This will be real. There are websites like this all over the web, from every country in the world.

We can start there...


New Member
your link isn't working for me. but are you suggesting we all GROW outside, in plain view? at what point do we call attention to ourselves? at what point do you think the government will look and see the error of their ways? there are MUCH bigger reasons for marijuana to be illegal. MONEY. i am certain that marijuana is illegal because SOMEONE and MANY OTHERS high up in government is getting rich off its prohibition.

these people dont care about what right and wrong.

i'm not trying to rain on your parade. but some very intelligent people have been working on marijuana reform for decades and have been stone walled by this and almost every government. why do you think that is?

in all honesty, i would fight a revolution of the Federal Reserve having control over our money and country before putting myself in danger of being made an example of in this country's "War on drugs". Does the heavy hand of the piece of shit drug czar scare me? yes, i'm afraid so.

so what is your plan of attack anyway? tell me and i will consider it.


New Member
My first plan of attack would be other forums, forums from all over the world.

Obviously this couldn't happen over night... but if we spread the word, and people want it badly enough it will catch the headlines well before the actual date we all decide to grow.

The whole world will need to be aware of what is going to happen on this certain date well before it actually goes into action.

I wonder how much co2 would be diminished from our atmospheres from this one act alone?

The whole world can benefit from cannabis whether they smoke it or not.

This is not just about legalising cannabis, this is about saving the world. Not just our souls, but the actual earth we live on too.


Well-Known Member
How would you rally the people.
Becouse the jack booted goverment runnin around busting smokers and growers has not been enough to rally the people.
Drastic times call for Drastic measures.


Well-Known Member
I would be happy to answer your question:

I would not use weed if it wasn't for my medical condition. Did not before and if I'm blessed enough...would not after.

But, I also think it should be legal for EVERYONE but especially for the MMJ patients. It really helps them/us. :blsmoke:

I'm a crabby mean ol' man... then you try and butter shit up. I lost interest in the rest of your post.

Quote me... quote where I said mm doesn't do a damned thing. Quote it.

Please answer this question, all of you.


Too many brownies
I just wanted to say that I finally see what you were trying to say skunk and I agree.

Honestly you werent too clear with your first few posts but I understand.

I also want to add that the mmj movement is FAAAAR from over. Only a few states in the US have legalized marijuana for medical use and the Federal government in america still considers medical use illegal.

So bottomline your saying that the non-med users and more importantly the fake med users need to stand up together and fight for their rights to use marijuana.




New Member
If you think it should be legal for everyone, then that is all I need to know.

There is more to this world than one man dying of cancer or aids. If we all grew cannabis in our gardens we would do a great thing for the world in general. Not just mankind, but every living thing on this planet.

Marijuana is much more important than a handful of people.


Well-Known Member
Your argument is not intelligent at all. Lawmakers are not looking to approve marijuana based on how much fun it is when you're high. They are looking to see if it provides a beneficial impact on human life. Grouping people who love getting high in with those who are smoking for its medicinal purposes would be a bad idea because it diminishes the "human" impact. At any critical moment in history, there had to be a first step. Getting marijuana approved because of it's medicinal purposes is the first step toward decriminalization and brings marijuana further into the mainstream. Uneducated people like you with a fuck the government mentality are only hurting the cause. This isn't the 1800's -- if we all started growing marijuana outside our homes the government would be justified in expanding the drug war budget and new task forces would be created to stop people like you and would bring marijuana into the news as a demon and it would be the new figurehead of rebellion, an unwanted type of attention. Maybe you should invest your interest in decriminalizing marijuana in more helpful ways and spend less time insulting people by comparing AIDS to the flu.


Too many brownies
Your argument is not intelligent at all. Lawmakers are not looking to approve marijuana based on how much fun it is when you're high. They are looking to see if it provides a beneficial impact on human life. Grouping people who love getting high in with those who are smoking for its medicinal purposes would be a bad idea because it diminishes the "human" impact. At any critical moment in history, there had to be a first step. Getting marijuana approved because of it's medicinal purposes is the first step toward decriminalization and brings marijuana further into the mainstream. Uneducated people like you with a fuck the government mentality are only hurting the cause. This isn't the 1800's -- if we all started growing marijuana outside our homes the government would be justified in expanding the drug war budget and new task forces would be created to stop people like you and would bring marijuana into the news as a demon and it would be the new figurehead of rebellion, an unwanted type of attention. Maybe you should invest your interest in decriminalizing marijuana in more helpful ways and spend less time insulting people by comparing AIDS to the flu.
I agree with what your saying...but what did alchohol benefit when it was finally legalized?


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Your argument is not intelligent at all. Lawmakers are not looking to approve marijuana based on how much fun it is when you're high. They are looking to see if it provides a beneficial impact on human life. Grouping people who love getting high in with those who are smoking for its medicinal purposes would be a bad idea because it diminishes the "human" impact. At any critical moment in history, there had to be a first step. Getting marijuana approved because of it's medicinal purposes is the first step toward decriminalization and brings marijuana further into the mainstream. Uneducated people like you with a fuck the government mentality are only hurting the cause. This isn't the 1800's -- if we all started growing marijuana outside our homes the government would be justified in expanding the drug war budget and new task forces would be created to stop people like you and would bring marijuana into the news as a demon and it would be the new figurehead of rebellion, an unwanted type of attention. Maybe you should invest your interest in decriminalizing marijuana in more helpful ways and spend less time insulting people by comparing AIDS to the flu.

Say word:hump: Damn he told you Skunk...lmao


Well-Known Member
I agree with what your saying...but what did alchohol benefit when it was finally legalized?
I don't know if they are that comparable. I think that so many people were drinking alcohol that it was just not a good idea to keep it illegal. I can see some future parallel arguments between the two, but let's face it, through about 40 years of commercials marijuana is the demon and it's going to take a lot more delicate work to decriminalize it. It's comparable to if a compelling study came out tomorrow that cigarettes are actually good for you. People would be taken away from their comfort blanket and naturally be defensive initially. Only through education of it's benefits, will people become comfortable and finally accept marijuana.

P.S. - I don't drink and I CERTAINLY don't agree with the fact that alcohol is legalized and mj isn't. It hasn't ever made sense to me. I certainly don't like being looked down upon when I say that I smoke marijuana because of an anti-mj campaign launched forever ago based on outdated studies and statistics.


New Member
You have no vision...

What is society? Think deeply now, i'm sure if you wait around a few years you might just get to the level.

Are we meant to be controlled in this way?

Is this world dying?

Is our society crumbling?

There is more to life than a bad back.


Well-Known Member
Your entire motif of this thread is how you're upset the people on the front lines of the marijuana decriminalization movement aren't doing anything for people like you (and me). They are first trying to help those who are cast aside as criminals every day by simply treating their illnesses in an unconventional manner... with marijuana. Oh poor you. The little guy. Forgot about by those in the fight. There's more to life than you. And if you're so desperate to change things for you, you should certainly be doing more than offending people in an online forum. By all means, offend those worldwide by going on a more public venture. Write an article to CNN. Like this one; Marijuana as medicine: Consider the pros and cons - Now granted, this article, at one time FEATURED on CNN has to do with helping people with horrible, crippling diseases... but I'm sure they'd be more than happy to feature your article entitled "Marijuana; It's Gosh Darn Fun". Don't get me wrong, I love to smoke marijuana for the high just like you, but unlike you, I love smoking it even more knowing that it's helping people across the world overcome illnesses previously thought to be unmanageable. As Oscar Wilde once said “Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.” There's a reason all of these great minds are fighting for decriminalization based on medical benefits, because it's the most effective way. And the most helpful way. Go ahead and tell them their wrong if you want, I'm sure they haven't considered the smoking is gosh darn fun aspect to present to courts around the United States.


Too many brownies
I don't know if they are that comparable. I think that so many people were drinking alcohol that it was just not a good idea to keep it illegal. I can see some future parallel arguments between the two, but let's face it, through about 40 years of commercials marijuana is the demon and it's going to take a lot more delicate work to decriminalize it. It's comparable to if a compelling study came out tomorrow that cigarettes are actually good for you. People would be taken away from their comfort blanket and naturally be defensive initially. Only through education of it's benefits, will people become comfortable and finally accept marijuana.

P.S. - I don't drink and I CERTAINLY don't agree with the fact that alcohol is legalized and marijuana isn't. It hasn't ever made sense to me. I certainly don't like being looked down upon when I say that I smoke marijuana because of an anti-marijuana campaign launched forever ago based on outdated studies and statistics.
look at all the people growing and smoking marijuana....they confiscate hundreds of thousands of plants every year in every state and thats just the few they find. We are the ones smoking all of that, it doesnt get exported so I would say theres plenty of people smoking marijuana probably close to the amoun that drink alchohol.
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