WTF Medical Marijuana

Change The Debate

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Too many brownies
Your entire motif of this thread is how you're upset the people on the front lines of the marijuana decriminalization movement aren't doing anything for people like you (and me). They are first trying to help those who are cast aside as criminals every day by simply treating their illnesses in an unconventional manner... with marijuana. Oh poor you. The little guy. Forgot about by those in the fight. There's more to life than you. And if you're so desperate to change things for you, you should certainly be doing more than offending people in an online forum. By all means, offend those worldwide by going on a more public venture. Write an article to CNN. Like this one; Marijuana as medicine: Consider the pros and cons - Now granted, this article, at one time FEATURED on CNN has to do with helping people with horrible, crippling diseases... but I'm sure they'd be more than happy to feature your article entitled "Marijuana; It's Gosh Darn Fun". Don't get me wrong, I love to smoke marijuana for the high just like you, but unlike you, I love smoking it even more knowing that it's helping people across the world overcome illnesses previously thought to be unmanageable. As Oscar Wilde once said “Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.”
once again I have to agree. I believe marijuana needs to be legalized for med users before it is ever going to be legalized for rec. use...

Marijuana is still NOT truly legal for med users even in medical states here in the US. You could still be arrested by the feds for being a med user even in cali, Ny, or any other med state.

So if med users cant gain the right to use it according to federal law...I dont think its going to happen for us.

If we all started growing on one day they would they could just go door to door and arrest us all...set up temporary containment camps for us if they had too. Kind of like the US did to all the japs in WWII


Well-Known Member
look at all the people growing and smoking marijuana....they confiscate hundreds of thousands of plants every year in every state and thats just the few they find. We are the ones smoking all of that, it doesnt get exported so I would say theres plenty of people smoking marijuana probably close to the amoun that drink alchohol.
Yes, it's certainly not practical at all.


New Member
This isn't just about me... it is about everybody.

When I first started growing this plant i did it for money. Then i fell in love, and wanted to know everything about the plant. Now I just have a little personal grow.

Then I learn that marijuana could save the world. Not just one guy with a bad back... or is that not comparible to AIDS, Oscar?

You've already proved from my trichome thread that your only reason for responding to any of my posts is that you want to have a verbal war. Why have you not come equipped?


Too many brownies
This isn't just about me... it is about everybody.

When I first started growing this plant i did it for money. Then i fell in love, and wanted to know everything about the plant. Now I just have a little personal grow.

Then I learn that marijuana could save the world. Not just one guy with a bad back... or is that not comparible to AIDS, Oscar?

You've already proved from my trichome thread that your only reason for responding to any of my posts is that you want to have a verbal war. Why have you not come equipped?
I dont think its about verbal war.

Without disagreement and discussion there would be no advancment in thought.


Too many brownies
you must have your weaponry hidden up your arse... maybe you should pull it out...
skunk he has not insulted you...

even if he has in the past why respond like that?

responses like that only hurt the discussion and slow advancement in thought.

There is nothing intelligent or witty about a response such as that.



New Member
I dont think its about verbal war.

Without disagreement and discussion there would be no advancment in thought.
For most of us... this discussion was over.

Closet Cult already put forward Oscar's arguments earlier in the thread... i tire of explaining myself over and over again.

Some people just love the excitement... which is fine while the points are being hammered out, but after the dust settles and the point is clear. There should be no need for continued, pointless argument.

If the point is beyond you Oscar, then so be it.


New Member
skunk he has not insulted you...

even if he has in the past why respond like that?

responses like that only hurt the discussion and slow advancement in thought.

There is nothing intelligent or witty about a response such as that.

Are you a male? Honestly, you can't be male.

Is this a set-up? You, Oscar and zekedog trying to set me off? Get a rise out of me?

You need to think, and try harder.


Too many brownies
Are you a male? Honestly, you can't be male.

Is this a set-up? You, Oscar and zekedog trying to set me off? Get a rise out of me?

You need to think, and try harder.
Yes im male and intelligent too....are you on steriods?

I see you deleted some of the nasty remarks you had made in that post.

This is not about you and your feelings....why dont you keep your emotions (mainly anger) out of this.

If I was trying to make you angry my responses would not be as they are.

Do you not see the positive points we are trying to bring up, because I do see some of yours and I agree with them, we are not completely disagreeing with you.

Zeke on the other hand seems to just be instigating for fun :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I like to smoke weed, I like to catch a buzz. I like the medicinal benefits too. It works wonderfully for my condition. Chronic pain and spasticity. What's wrong with me enjoying my medicine? It works, and it's fun.


Too many brownies
Are you a male? Honestly, you can't be male.

Is this a set-up? You, Oscar and zekedog trying to set me off? Get a rise out of me?

You need to think, and try harder.
skunk now your acting like a child...what does that even have to do with our discussion, control your anger, read and THINK about our responses and then truly respond. All I have been getting in response is a generalized answer that youve been giving everyone or something mostly unrelated.

You didnt truly respond to a single thing that was said to you on page 24....Im sorry but to be completely honest I am beggining to question your age.....I lived with younger siblings and I am still young myself, you seem to think like a 14-18 year old.

I would like responses to MY points just as I have given you responses to yours. (without the cocky remarks)


New Member
Why is it, that whenever I read one of your posts I feel the urge to vomit?


Honestly, just seeing your handle these days makes me feel ill. I mean there are dicks... and their are dick heads... i'm honestly starting to feel that you fit in the latter category. Which one do you feel you are in?


Well-Known Member
I haven't read the whole thing as I can't be asked right now. I recently thought about trying to goto my doctors to get MM. But after some time I thought fuck that, why should I have to prove to a doctor I need weed for this and that. In general I LOVE getting stoned, only late in the day otherwise I turn into a lazy mofo. So I will continue to grow and take this risk no matter what the Gov thinks or does. If I get busted I will still do it, they would have to rip my arms off and tear my lungs out before i thought otherwise.

So can't we just agree to disagree, that weed is GOOD, obvioulsy in some kind of moderation, and that it is not right that we can't leagally smoke it without nearlly dying of some ilness or lying about some ilness. I don't think we should totally say that the medicinal value of it is BS because ppl react in different ways and for some it might be an awesome medicinal solution and for others it doesn't do shit. But thats not the point, it's harmless if you compare it to half the shit that is legal eg alchohol and pharmecuitical drugs...

Anyways thought I'd add my 2p


Too many brownies
Why is it, that whenever I read one of your posts I feel the urge to vomit?


Honestly, just seeing your handle these days makes me feel ill. I mean there are dicks... and their are dick heads... i'm honestly starting to feel that you fit in the latter category. Which one do you feel you are in?
YOU are the one that started with the name calling and drama. I was just having a peaceful discussion with you among others.

Yet again you have no sensible comeback...just another pointless response with plenty of name calling.


Too many brownies
I haven't read the whole thing as I can't be asked right now. I recently thought about trying to goto my doctors to get MM. But after some time I thought fuck that, why should I have to prove to a doctor I need weed for this and that. In general I LOVE getting stoned, only late in the day otherwise I turn into a lazy mofo. So I will continue to grow and take this risk no matter what the Gov thinks or does. If I get busted I will still do it, they would have to rip my arms off and tear my lungs out before i thought otherwise.

So can't we just agree to disagree, that weed is GOOD, obvioulsy in some kind of moderation, and that it is not right that we can't leagally smoke it without nearlly dying of some ilness or lying about some ilness. I don't think we should totally say that the medicinal value of it is BS because ppl react in different ways and for some it might be an awesome medicinal solution and for others it doesn't do shit. But thats not the point, it's harmless if you compare it to half the shit that is legal eg alchohol and pharmecuitical drugs...

Anyways thought I'd add my 2p
I did/do agree with that and a few of the points he was making...I stated this and then commented/disagreed on things that were said. Not once did I get personal or did I instigate anything, until he resorted to name calling that is.

That is until he started with the name calling and then tried to cover it up by editing his post after I called him out on it.


Too many brownies
Why is it, that whenever I read one of your posts I feel the urge to vomit?


Honestly, just seeing your handle these days makes me feel ill. I mean there are dicks... and their are dick heads... i'm honestly starting to feel that you fit in the latter category. Which one do you feel you are in?
Youve got it backwards buddy.

I really dont want to resort to name calling because It hoenstly proves nothing and makes things worse but....YOU are the dickhead....

Please point out where I was being a dickhead....I would love to see it.

Based on this I will have to assume that being peaceful makes you a dickhead?

None of my responses were meant to cause a problem until YOU made one.

I love how you try to discredit me with mockery and humilation, really shows what kind of person you are.

You may be intelligent and knowledgeable but you act ignorant and foolish sometimes.

There is nothing wrong with what I said/did in this thread and certainly me wanting to keep this thread peaceful should not make me a "girl" or a "dickhead"

screw your attitude, you obviously have serious problems buddy and im not even exaggerating

go see a psychiatrist

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