A Pro Obama Thread


Well-Known Member
Well since most of my thoughts regarding Obama are becoming increasingly negative, I thought I would accentuate some of his positive policies or attributes.
After careful reflection this is what I like about our Pres:

1) He is one half black.

2) He is diligent and aggressive in the use of drones to kill the radical scumbags who have declared war on my country.

3) He killed the pirates.

That is about all I can come up with.

Illegal Smile

He was the perfect raw material on which to construct the media candidate. He performed the script well right through the election. It's only the reality of governing that finally exposed him.

dank nug

Active Member
im not pro obama but im not really opposed to him. everyone around here seemingly hates him, but no one can really tell me what he's doing wrong. other than being black lol. kidding put that banhammer down!

people just want to hate. how can you really complain about the president when the last one was george w?

Illegal Smile

im not pro obama but im not really opposed to him. everyone around here seemingly hates him, but no one can really tell me what he's doing wrong. other than being black lol. kidding put that banhammer down!

people just want to hate. how can you really complain about the president when the last one was george w?
No-one can tell you what he's doing wrong? That's all we get done doing. The easier task is to list what he's done right.


Well-Known Member
Hi dank,
Please feel free to share with us Obama's accomplishments that you support.
Thank You.

Illegal Smile

I suppose you could say Obama hasn't "done" that much wrong since he hasn't done much at all. But I'm going to judge him by his intentions. Had he been able to accomplish all he wanted it would have been disaster. I'm so glad he is failing!

Man o' the green

Active Member
I'll take this one ..

.... no one can really tell me what he's doing wrong. ....
people just want to hate. how can you really complain about the president when the last one was george w?
Obama didn't inherit bad decision-making. And yes, some of us do miss Bush, if only because we know now how it can be worse.

- He supports a liberal / progressive philosophy that is detrimental to the US and contrary to the constitution
- ego above leadership.
- has not effectively hired or managed his staff
- cannot follow campaign promises
- cannot manage his message
- cannot accomplish the legislative goals of his own party
- is killing the democrat party in the polls,
- attacks the supreme court,
- attacks the press
- consistently blames others ( usually bush )
- attacks the rich ( class warfare )
- corruption ( unions, acorn )
- national security troubles both diplomatic ( iran ) and homeland ( terrorist rights )
- could be certifiably insane, based on his budget.

Now with the accomplishments :

- was elected president
- was given the nobel peace prize

( feel free to add more )


Active Member
So obama is a totally ineffective president who can't accomplish anything yet he somehow managed to put the country on a path towards radical socialism in just one year. Intriguing....

I would say that rescuing the economy and putting our foreign policy back in the hands of the state department are pretty good for starters. But then again, you guys don't think there was ever a crisis to begin with...just you're average down-cycle, right?

Man o' the green

Active Member
So obama is a totally ineffective president who can't accomplish anything yet he somehow managed to put the country on a path towards radical socialism in just one year. Intriguing....

I would say that rescuing the economy and putting our foreign policy back in the hands of the state department are pretty good for starters. But then again, you guys don't think there was ever a crisis to begin with...just you're average down-cycle, right?
Obama's path appears to be socialist, and we can be relieved that most of these policies have stalled. The fact that they are still priority while there are much more critical problems, shows to me that ideology is most important, not governing.

Our current economic situation is a house of cards. The economy was never rescued, in fact it may already have been given it's death blow by his irresponsible increase in spending and entitlements. I hope for the sake of the world, that we can truly be "rescued" before a collapse happens.

Foreign policy, wherever it belongs, is nothing for this administration to be proud of.

Illegal Smile

So obama is a totally ineffective president who can't accomplish anything yet he somehow managed to put the country on a path towards radical socialism in just one year. Intriguing....

I would say that rescuing the economy and putting our foreign policy back in the hands of the state department are pretty good for starters. But then again, you guys don't think there was ever a crisis to begin with...just you're average down-cycle, right?
No, he didn't put the country on a path to socialism. He tried to and FAILED! Let Obama go ahead and try to seel the claim that he rescued the economy. As for foreign policy, he is still running Bush's, modified only by his apologizing and bowing to everyone in the world.


Active Member
I don't think trying to bring about universal coverage or looking into how we can curb our emissions of carbon, both things he promised during the campaign and got elected on by a majority of americans by the way, are necessarily socialist. I think overall, american politics is generally skewed towards that right so that even something as moderate as government mandated employer-based insurance (basically mitt romney's health-care plan for MA, which everyone is quite please with) is considered radically left-wing. I will be the first to admit that republicans are better at politics and messaging than the democrats, which is why they're able to get away with the kind of incompetence and hypocrisy we've been seeing.

It's refreshing for someone in the obama-hater contingent admit that there was and still is a problem with the economy. I have yet to hear someone claim that mccain would have done a better job at stabilizing things though...? Anyone care to make that case?

It's pretty early to make any judgement about his foreign policy either way. What I'm saying is that I like that we're finding a balance between diplomacy and force that didn't exist during the bush administration. I think we would be better off if bush had listened more to colin powell and dick armitage and less to donald rumsfeld and paul wolfowitz.

You guys don't know this, but I worked for obama's campaign for about a year from the NH primaries until the general election. I don't agree with him on everything and didn't like some of the decisions he made even before he was president (FISA and the refusing public funding for example). And there are things I dislike about him as president as well, like the way he makes light of the issue whenever asked about MMJ or decriminalization. I wish he had pushed for a better healthcare bill and been more aggressive and smarter about how to communicate that to the american people. But I also understand that needs to juggle a number of conflicting priorities and I've been very happy overall with the way he's performed in his first year.


Well-Known Member
Whitey's guilt is gone! Now we can look forward to 10 years of little growth in our economy. flashback to the early 80's.

dank nug

Active Member
I'll take this one ..

Obama didn't inherit bad decision-making. And yes, some of us do miss Bush, if only because we know now how it can be worse.

- He supports a liberal / progressive philosophy that is detrimental to the US and contrary to the constitution
- ego above leadership.
- has not effectively hired or managed his staff
- cannot follow campaign promises
- cannot manage his message
- cannot accomplish the legislative goals of his own party
- is killing the democrat party in the polls,
- attacks the supreme court,
- attacks the press
- consistently blames others ( usually bush )
- attacks the rich ( class warfare )
- corruption ( unions, acorn )
- national security troubles both diplomatic ( iran ) and homeland ( terrorist rights )
- could be certifiably insane, based on his budget.

Now with the accomplishments :

- was elected president
- was given the nobel peace prize

( feel free to add more )
1. how so?
2. thats an opinion and not relevant
3.do you personally see or know who he hires. or how he manages the people that he does hire/appoint? any proof of this at all?
5.fair enough lol
6.the press was overdue for an attack of some sort.
7.is hard not to blame someone (bush) that spent the last 8 years royally fucking things up.
8.i dont really know anything about that. so ill leave that one.
9.he's a politician. a politician that doesnt lie,cheat,steal is jobless.
10.care to expand on the first part? i think terrorists are doing just fine. that sounds ignorant but really. they're TERRORIST.
11.just no

at least he was elected unlike some people i know *coughs* bush.

im not pro-obama i just dont like people making so many claims with little to no proof. lot of talk based on what?

Illegal Smile

I don't think trying to bring about universal coverage or looking into how we can curb our emissions of carbon, both things he promised during the campaign and got elected on by a majority of americans by the way, are necessarily socialist. I think overall, american politics is generally skewed towards that right so that even something as moderate as government mandated employer-based insurance (basically mitt romney's health-care plan for MA, which everyone is quite please with) is considered radically left-wing. I will be the first to admit that republicans are better at politics and messaging than the democrats, which is why they're able to get away with the kind of incompetence and hypocrisy we've been seeing.

It's refreshing for someone in the obama-hater contingent admit that there was and still is a problem with the economy. I have yet to hear someone claim that mccain would have done a better job at stabilizing things though...? Anyone care to make that case?

It's pretty early to make any judgement about his foreign policy either way. What I'm saying is that I like that we're finding a balance between diplomacy and force that didn't exist during the bush administration. I think we would be better off if bush had listened more to colin powell and dick armitage and less to donald rumsfeld and paul wolfowitz.

You guys don't know this, but I worked for obama's campaign for about a year from the NH primaries until the general election. I don't agree with him on everything and didn't like some of the decisions he made even before he was president (FISA and the refusing public funding for example). And there are things I dislike about him as president as well, like the way he makes light of the issue whenever asked about MMJ or decriminalization. I wish he had pushed for a better healthcare bill and been more aggressive and smarter about how to communicate that to the american people. But I also understand that needs to juggle a number of conflicting priorities and I've been very happy overall with the way he's performed in his first year.
Yep, that's what you think. Tell us something we don't know. :shock:


Well-Known Member
Well since most of my thoughts regarding Obama are becoming increasingly negative, I thought I would accentuate some of his positive policies or attributes.
After careful reflection this is what I like about our Pres:

1) He is one half black.

2) He is diligent and aggressive in the use of drones to kill the radical scumbags who have declared war on my country.

3) He killed the pirates.

That is about all I can come up with.
I have been thinking about what I like about Obama for a while now..

And I cant come up with anything. :roll:

He's a liar, and he literally "acted"his way into becoming the President of the United States.

He worked alot of people. :neutral:


Well-Known Member
if you choose to ignore what he has done, then it's easy to say he hasn't done anything.

in-fact, he has done plenty. you may not agree with everything he has done, like I don't, but he has done plenty.

  • passed the stimulus bill
  • eliminated the F22 fighter jet program
  • Sotomayor nomination.
  • Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.
  • SCHIP expansion. (kid's health bill)
  • Public lands bill.
  • Credit card reform.
  • Transparency measures, including a ban on lobbyist gifts; restrictions on the hiring of lobbyists; publication of White House visitor logs and other records; and a move to bar lobbyists from serving on advisory boards.
  • Enhanced tobacco regulation.
  • The E M Kennedy Server America Act
  • An Eo easing restrictions on Stem cell research.

Illegal Smile

If the dems really believed that Obama had accomplished anything they wouldn't be so desperately trying to blame republicans for his failure.