Lucid Dreaming and helpful drugs?


Well-Known Member
Hey I've been doing some research about lucid dreaming, sounds incredibly interesting and I was just wondering if anybody knew of any helpful drugs to make inducing the dream state easier?

Acid, shrooms, weed?


Well-Known Member
cheese and spicy food, ambien helps me but harder to controll than normall lucid dreaming your like I wanna fly but instead of just flying away like superman you turn in to a comet and fly away things like that that make it seem your not in full controll


Well-Known Member
probably most hallucinigens could help, you just have to know what your doing when preparing your mind


Well-Known Member
Interesting... Anyone else?

Also, do you usually set some sort of goal for the lucid dream or just let it flow?

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
I think that morning glory seeds work extremely well for this.

You need to get Heavenly Blue or Pearly Gates.

Dosage is from 200 to 400 seeds depending on the trip you want.


Active Member
Acid and shrooms wouldnt work for me thats for sure. Acid usually give me a teeth grinding speed feeling when Im coming down and I have trouble sleeping. I dont get the speedy effect from shrooms but still have trouble going to sleep. When I smoke weed, I dont dream at all. I have to stop smoking weed altogether for 3 or 4 weeks before I start dreaming again, and my dreams are VERY vivid and interesting, with the occasional lucid dream mixed in.


Well-Known Member
i think everyones different at how they induce lucid dreaming. for me its when i have taken some shrooms or ambien. it has only happened once or twice on the shrooms but very often with the ambien. i wouldnt recommend takin pills though. there are better ways im sure.


Well-Known Member
Synaptolepis kirkii / uvuma-omhlope, also knows as mother in law's tongue.
Its nice and fluffy when ground up.
Take about 400mg before bed. Shit will blow your mind.

The bioassay-guided fraction of a dichloromethane extract from the roots of Synaptolepis kirkii using neuronal viability as a model allowed the isolation of the new daphnane orthoester kirkinine (1a) as a powerful neurotrophic constituent.
What are neurotrophins? :
Neurotrophins are a family of molecules that encourage survival of nervous tissue.
A molecule, usually a protein, that will facilitate the growth or repair of nerve cells.
A protein, such as nerve growth factor, that promotes nerve cell growth and survival.


Well-Known Member
Supposedly sleeping with a pillow filled with hop flowers works. Evidently many people find it too intense. I always put my hops in the boil kettle or fermenter though so I can not say first hand.

If LSD is giving you teeth grinding speedy feelings...It was NOT LSD!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Follow those links, i think one of them is an entheo retailer.
KT should also carry it.


Well-Known Member
Here's a little report from a friend

been taking the root for about three weeks.

the following is my experience.

after about three days is when you really start noticing the effects.
you recieve:
sustained energy through out the day.
only recently started getting vivid dreams--- day have been so real and awesome!!! got lectured by hitler!

im a student and sleep is the most valuable thing that student can get. willing to trade for sleep hahaha.

been using round about ten people as test subjects.. they all seem to have similar effects, except for women much more intense maybe they are smaller???
all love it and have ordered from me.
found that i effectively get two hours sleep for every one hours sleep friking amazing!!!!
found when smoking green don't feel lethargic, am able to function, more sociable, dont become how do you say stupid nicely??
bring clarity to almost all actives that are taken.. you are able to learn a lot more from the journey.
being neurotrophine really good for your brain repair damage cells and promotes growth of neurons.
it is known to reduce ageing... for all of you that want to become vampires... just kidding
and boost your immune system

wow thats quite a list and it goes on!!!
I forgot to add the meaning of its name is "The White Agreement"


Well-Known Member
im ordering sum ASAP. it sounds like such a beneficial substance. ANC, what is the method of ingestion? and could u pm me the tek and the link so i can have the
all together. thanks man ++rep


Well-Known Member
thats so awesome. im gonna order sum ASAP. what is the method of ingestion? ANC can u pm me the tek and the link so i have em together. thanks man


Well-Known Member
no, tek just crsh some up, you could put it in a geltab, try 300 to 400mg, might take a night or 2 to become evident.
Students are going nuts over it because of how refreshed they are in the mornings.
Hehe, my friend has been giving samples to some people, they come back wanting kilos.


just take a short nap during the day. try it at different times of the day and see what works best. drugs usually keep me awake, or keep me from remembering my dream. a short nap during the day will be super vivid and intense because you'll jump straight into REM after doing it several times, sometimes even the first time. tire yourself out at the gym or something then come home and crash for less than an hour. usually around 5 o clock works for me, super vivid and i remember everything. goals? just set your own. you can do whatever, so try making a fancy restaurant with a hot ass chick eating across the table, then some asian drug dealers come in shooting up the place and you whip out your deagles, save your woman, kill them all and then get super laid. that should keep you busy. when you get more experienced you can do fun stuff like taking off your body like it's another set of clothes and being a god. sometimes i just let it flow and get weird crazy shit. i love talking to the characters, they're usually in the form of animals or insects and seem pretty smart. it gets very trippy. i think this is a way to tap into the subconsciousness. anyway read up about melatonin, just wiki it or whatever to get started. none of this should sound loopy if you've done lucid dreaming lol

also keep a dream journal, write down whatever you can remember as soon as you wake up, even if you can't remember anything or it wasn't a lucid dream. do reality checks, and read about lucidity before you go to bed to get the thoughts in your head. eventually it becomes as easy as saying 'i'm going to have a lucid dream' just before you fall asleep, and you'll have one.