I'm Not Looking For A Handout, I Just Need A Little Help.


Well-Known Member
I'm getting older, and my eyes just aren't what they used to be. I need a bigger TV in a bad way. By bigger, I mean at least 60", HD, and flat. No projection, please. Plasma or LCD only.

I know it's a lot to ask, and I'm ashamed to have to come to you folks for this, but you are my only hope. If one of you could buy this for me, or even if a few of you need to pitch in to make it happen, it would mean the world to me.

I love you guys. You're like the family I never had.


New Member
Hey with that being said. I am in need of alchol money. I know your people on the internet ill never meet and would have to be insane to give free shit or money to be but could I get some dough?

But seriously whats up with the panhandleing on RIU? You got craigslist. Mad ppl give shit away.


Well-Known Member
no one needs a tv. that shit rots your brain and your eyes. i also wish free shit fell on my lap. i feel you.


Well-Known Member
I guess no one has ever accused you of being compassionate, huh? ;)

A TV? vs roof over head.... I see the similarities... ;p

I'm getting older, and my eyes just aren't what they used to be. I need a bigger TV in a bad way. By bigger, I mean at least 60", HD, and flat. No projection, please. Plasma or LCD only.

I know it's a lot to ask, and I'm ashamed to have to come to you folks for this, but you are my only hope. If one of you could buy this for me, or even if a few of you need to pitch in to make it happen, it would mean the world to me.

I love you guys. You're like the family I never had.


Well-Known Member
My girlfriend REALLY wants a stripper pole. If RIU funds it I'll be sure to post a vid of her breaking it in. ;D