Marijuana + Catnip = OMG


Active Member
Hey everybody, for those of you who don't know, catnip is actually an herb, it is actually a distant relative to marijuana. Long story short, there's a chemical in it called Nepeta. Nepeta is a mild hallucinogenic, and when catnip is smoked by it's self it creates a very euphoric high, then moves on to a body high, then you need to take a fuckin nap! I harvest 2 pound mj last week, just harvest one pound of catnip yesterday, got her all trimmed up and looking pretty, cuz I also grow dank catnip bud... (: Just smoked a bowl of half my weed half dried and grinded catnip, OMG I'm so fucking ripped I don't even remember what I just wrote (:


Active Member
Catnip and marijuana are distant relatives, why would it matter tomatoes are veggies? You saying there not close to marijuana also?


Active Member
Well just so happend had an old catnip plant in my garden, I wasnt to much into gardening until recently, So i just revived it, and then went to some organic garden center in Portland and stumbled apoun the other. I started to late though or I would have got much more bud from em.. The bud gets you soo fucking wrecked, its like taking your first hit on marijuana minus a little :P I just like mixing bowls, saves weed, gets me higher, gives me a different high than what I'm used to, and I like to mix it up :o


Active Member
Well I have two strains, the bud on both is pre mature but still pretty awesome since i have alot since I pruned the fuck out of it at the start like 4 times xD I have to say I enjoyed growing the catnip more than the marijuana! It was my first time at both did pretty successful I would say haha. I liked the constant every day coming and picking more leaves off the catnip and the next day more leaves could be picked, and so on. (: I would recommend catnip to anybody, have like 1 pound drying but I'll upload a pick of my dry stuff. Smells and taste sooo goood, but you will regret it if you over hit the grinned leaf as long as u don't try to toke to hard it's smooth as can be. I do have a little container of gridded catnip bud filled to the top, that shit hit's like fucking but! like to big of a hit and ohh my god head rush.


Active Member
It taste very minty if time is taken to dry it right! if you try to speed up process it taste like ass, mine taste delightful :D


Active Member
My ex's mom used to brew up catnip tea. I don't know why or anything, that bitch hated me so I never asked. Always thought it was weird though.


Active Member
A strong brewed catnip tea will leave you with a decent body buzz, drank 32 oz of a strong brew for some better effects, although I also smoked quite a few bowls that day haha.


Active Member
I've heard the stories and tried some back in high school. I can say after smoking a joint of it there was a bit of a buzz but I probably would have gotten that if I smoked page 36 of my algebra II book... Anyway it's been like an hour since I started typing this. Anyway it's been like two hours since I started typing this, I never tried catmint tea but I don't have a cat. Sounds fun. Oh the buzz of the smoke was nothing. Have some seeds to try when.


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody, for those of you who don't know, catnip is actualy an herb, it is actually very closely related to marijuana. Long story short, theres a chemical in it called nepta. Nepta is a mild halucigenic, and when catnip is smoked by it's self it creates a very euphoric high, then moves on to a body high, then you need to take a fuckin nap! I harvest 2 pound mj last week, just harvest one pound of catnip yesterday, got her all trimmed up and lookin pretty, cuz I also grow dank catnip bud... (: Just smoked a bowl of half my weed half dried and grinded catnip, OMG I'm so fucking ripped I don't even remember what I just wrote (:
Lol. Catnip does work. Never tried them in combo though. Always in desperation as a kid. Good idea though. I kinda want to make some Catnip+MJ Hash now...


Well-Known Member
cool story, bro.

(couldn't resist)

I think you're confused. Cannabis is related to Hops. Catnip is related to mint.
Next time you can't resist. This will explain it.


Well-Known Member
Catnip and marijuana are distant relatives, why would it matter tomatoes are veggies? You saying there not close to marijuana also?
Tomatoes fruit. Seeds in it right?

But actually ALL fruits are veggies. Vegetable by definition is: Coming from a plant.

Oklahoma's state vegetable is a Watermelon.