HOLY SHIT POLICE RAID!!! Dont get much closer


Well-Known Member
Holy SHIT I dont know where to begin.....Last night at around 3:30am I herd a Bang followed by another BANG. I awoke and looked out my window and nearly shat my pants! Fucking police were raiding my buddies house! 2 mins later they raided my other buddies house. There was like 20 cops with assult rifles, some fucking people lying down in the grass, looked like war was going to happen. I can see all this because Im inside a building high up and this is happening in town houses below me. I hang out with these guys on a regular basis and EVERYTHING they get is from me so all I could feel is FUCK IM NEXT. Loose lips sink ships and thats all i was thinking. There was a police dog under my window many floors down but just wouldnt shut up. It was funny because if the dog was a human he would be saying Wrong house. wrong house! he def smelt my room full of plants.
I have been stabbed before, gun pointed at me, and manipulated into many positions to do fucked up things, AND still last night was probabily the most scared I have ever got in my life. The feeling I had was just undescribable. can anyone relate?


Well-Known Member
damn that sucks, hopefully your boys dont rat you out BUT you might wana chop anyways seems the LEO like your area


Well-Known Member
wowow thats scarey ...
the only thing i had happen that comes close is a police chopper hovering above my grow in mendo last year for like 2 minutes!!


Well-Known Member
I dont think they will spill the beans because if I did, they would be doing alot more time then me.lol. But yes the law love this fucking area. police here almost everyday. used to trip me out everytime I seen a cop at my building when i returned home. now i am used to the pigs....just not the raids lol. As for the chopper hangin above your house damn that must have been scary too because u have noooooo clue what they are doing or where they r looking

Brick Top

New Member
The feeling I had was just undescribable. can anyone relate?

Maybe a little, but not totally. Once I heard someone at my door and when I opened it there was a cop standing there. I live on a private road and cops do not patrol it but he was chasing someone and lost them and came in thinking the person turned onto the private road. He stopped to ask if I had seen any strange cars in the last few minutes. What made it somewhat stressful was I had five plants growing on my deck, not more than about 20 feet from him. They were behind a row of tomato plants but if you looked at them with more than a passing glance you could see them. He kept looking around the area past where my plants were looking towards where the road dead ends at the lake at the far back end of my property. I guess he was thinking that maybe the person went into the woods or something. But he was so focused on trying to see what might be in the woods that he looked right past my plants and evidently never noticed them.

It's times like that where you have to remain totally calm, cool and collected, on the surface anyway, or else you will tell a cop that something is up, that you are nervous because he is there and that there has to be a valid reason for it. If you do that, they will try to find what that reason is.

I acted all cool and calm but by the time he left I thought I was going to have to head to the nearest set of bushes and toss my shorts into them.


Well-Known Member
Maybe a little, but not totally. Once I heard someone at my door and when I opened it there was a cop standing there. I live on a private road and cops do not patrol it but he was chasing someone and lost them and came in thinking the person turned onto the private road. He stopped to ask if I had seen any strange cars in the last few minutes. What made it somewhat stressful was I had five plants growing on my deck, not more than about 20 feet from him. They were behind a row of tomato plants but if you looked at them with more than a passing glance you could see them. He kept looking around the area past where my plants were looking towards where the road dead ends at the lake at the far back end of my property. I guess he was thinking that maybe the person went into the woods or something. But he was so focused on trying to see what might be in the woods that he looked right past my plants and evidently never noticed them.

Damn that is still freaky. Just the fact that cops never patrol your area and BAM there he is on your doorstep.
Well its a goodthing you stayed cool and collective because that was a close call. good job man!
I myself would have been hyperventilating lol AHAHA


Well-Known Member
Holy SHIT I dont know where to begin.....Last night at around 3:30am I herd a Bang followed by another BANG. I awoke and looked out my window and nearly shat my pants! Fucking police were raiding my buddies house! 2 mins later they raided my other buddies house. There was like 20 cops with assult rifles, some fucking people lying down in the grass, looked like war was going to happen. I can see all this because Im inside a building high up and this is happening in town houses below me. I hang out with these guys on a regular basis and EVERYTHING they get is from me so all I could feel is FUCK IM NEXT. Loose lips sink ships and thats all i was thinking. There was a police dog under my window many floors down but just wouldnt shut up. It was funny because if the dog was a human he would be saying Wrong house. wrong house! he def smelt my room full of plants.
I have been stabbed before, gun pointed at me, and manipulated into many positions to do fucked up things, AND still last night was probabily the most scared I have ever got in my life. The feeling I had was just undescribable. can anyone relate?
you handled it better than i probably would have. i would have started chopping and flushing (down the garbage disposal) lol. figuring id get these plants gone before they get into my place!

you caught one hell ofa break! i wonder why they busted those 2 but not you. very lucky man!

the closest ive been to situations like this is...ive had choppers fly over my grow spot and hover a few times... ive had an UC parked down the street from my grow spot. ive been pulled over with a large amount of bud but apparently they never smelled it (thanks to my packaging) but i remember i thought my life was over because after he checks my license and all that he says im free to go but asks me to look dead in his eyes (so i do) then he says, "do you have anything illegal in the car" and i FROZE (on the inside) but i tried to think clearly and didnt look away from his eyes and calmly said, "no" and he paused for a second. then said, "ok you're free to go".

i thought i dodged a bullet that time. he had his suspicions but i just stayed as calm as possible.

the more you go through it the easier it gets (in my experience). when i was 16-18 i might have just folded under that kind of pressure but when you get pulled over all the time (yes i get profiled a LOT) it becomes routine to act calm. and shifty eyes are a no-no.


Active Member
Gr8 read man thanx god it wasent me in that position i think i wud of had a heart attack man, quite somethink eh a night u will never forget and a post i wont ever forget mad shit mad world!!!!!!! Am feelin ya man what a ordeal !! Raspect + rep for ur good calm self. Peace out man !


Well-Known Member
you handled it better than i probably would have. i would have started chopping and flushing (down the garbage disposal) lol. figuring id get these plants gone before they get into my place!

you caught one hell ofa break! i wonder why they busted those 2 but not you. very lucky man!

the closest ive been to situations like this is...ive had choppers fly over my grow spot and hover a few times... ive had an UC parked down the street from my grow spot. ive been pulled over with a large amount of bud but apparently they never smelled it (thanks to my packaging) but i remember i thought my life was over because after he checks my license and all that he says im free to go but asks me to look dead in his eyes (so i do) then he says, "do you have anything illegal in the car" and i FROZE (on the inside) but i tried to think clearly and didnt look away from his eyes and calmly said, "no" and he paused for a second. then said, "ok you're free to go".

i thought i dodged a bullet that time. he had his suspicions but i just stayed as calm as possible.

the more you go through it the easier it gets (in my experience). when i was 16-18 i might have just folded under that kind of pressure but when you get pulled over all the time (yes i get profiled a LOT) it becomes routine to act calm. and shifty eyes are a no-no.
Damnn if i had to face a cop accually face to face I know ide buckle.Way to go man!As for me not getting hit in the raid, The only thing I can think of is these guys had some Serious charges in their past and maybe it has something to do with that. Im just sooo happy I didnt get pinched. I thought for SURE I was over.
and F1bud trust me man it crossed my mind over and over to rip em out and toss them down the garbage shoot. Well to tell you the truth I was more scared about all my shit like scales and my dried bud in different bags. I live in pain everyday in my stomach and drs cant figure it out. I had 4 surgeries and still no dice. I asked for a weed card because its the only thing to subside my pain and they said no so I took it into my own hands, so if worse came to worse and I did get caught growing weed, I think with a bomb lawyer and all my medical records I would get off


Well-Known Member
Wtf there a dude saying u might wanna get rid of them....that's like saying I might wanna go to prison...I would have been cutting them up as the dogs were barking down stairs n been stuffing them in trash bags r something....newsflash! Yur buddies are gauranteed to rat u out u just said they're getting everything from u and they got raided n busted?.....haha wow u need to be smarter I live n a real neighborhood to I just got shot right past my ear n the middle of the street for watching my friend fight makin sure he don't get jumped.....everybody snitches Idc who u are because if u don't snitch u like getting butf*cked in jail....that's reality if they're facing anything over a year I would bet on my kids like they're snitching....and if they don't they're stupid or might be gay ha,,,,really if I was facing 10 years n prison I'd snitch on another dude best believe anyone who says they don't must like prison and they're lying....I've seen almost every dope dealer u wouldn't think would snitch....snitch. This isn't a movie it's real like bro, unless it's a family member they're not gonna take full rap for u. Ur going to end up going to prison anyways because I can tell ur not thinking critically at all....u already haven't removed the plants? Wow. Ur friends are in jail they raided 3 of ur neighbors on accident u said and the plants are all in your house....haha they're not just close they might be filing charges as we speak lol


Well-Known Member
Damnn if i had to face a cop accually face to face I know ide buckle.Way to go man!As for me not getting hit in the raid, The only thing I can think of is these guys had some Serious charges in their past and maybe it has something to do with that. Im just sooo happy I didnt get pinched. I thought for SURE I was over.
and F1bud trust me man it crossed my mind over and over to rip em out and toss them down the garbage shoot. Well to tell you the truth I was more scared about all my shit like scales and my dried bud in different bags. I live in pain everyday in my stomach and drs cant figure it out. I had 4 surgeries and still no dice. I asked for a weed card because its the only thing to subside my pain and they said no so I took it into my own hands, so if worse came to worse and I did get caught growing weed, I think with a bomb lawyer and all my medical records I would get off
U say serious charges....haha all the more reason to try and snitch all they can to get reduced time of nothing else....wow u need to understand how many people get snitched on everyday by their "buddies" they sell weed to...they don't give a f++k about u obviously ur not that close to them because u said they "might have serious charges n stuff n the past"...sounds like these guys are true friends...hey just start growing more plants since u already have some fuck it I give u about a week before u quit posting due to incarceration knock on wood


Well-Known Member
If those guy get all their shit from you chop now. I have experience with the law. They probably know your plants are there and from the dog, anf they might just be out getting a warrent.


Well-Known Member
U say serious charges....haha all the more reason to try and snitch all they can to get reduced time of nothing else....wow u need to understand how many people get snitched on everyday by their "buddies" they sell weed to...they don't give a f++k about u obviously ur not that close to them because u said they "might have serious charges n stuff n the past"...sounds like these guys are true friends...hey just start growing more plants since u already have some fuck it I give u about a week before u quit posting due to incarceration knock on wood
Yes i know there snitchs in this world, one of my best friends in highschool ratted me and I could never believe it was him untill I seen the video confession. It literally ripped me up, fuck the charges i couldnt believe that it was him talking. that being said I am a real tight lipped guy and I make sure the people I attend to do buissness are too. And I didnt say the guys I know might have serious charges, i said the raid might have been caused by their past..LIKE A SNITCH. And as for them talking to get a lesser sentence. One of the guys that got hit in the Raid spent 10 years in prison for armed robbery and all the add-on charges, the other guy he did it with got away and he didnt say shit. Since he wasnt willing to cooperate the state made an example of him and sentenced him 10 years.(He got arrested in america and is an american citizen) I know these guys are good and I got more dirt on them then they ever could on me. If these guys even had the slightest hint i was a rat im sure ide be dead a long time ago. and after the raid they were let out of the cars and back into their trashed houses and the cops left with boxes so there is no way they were in an interogation room talking. I know what you are saying tho man, trust no one, because doing so will only lead to destruction from within. And I didnt say they got raided my accident. I understand you trying to show you are more of a "critical thinker" but next time u should read more thoroughly before commenting


New Member
a while back 4 cop cars pulled up right in front of my place i was like oh fck then i noticed 2 cops went nextdoor i was thinking i'm fckt could they here my exhaust was there a smell ???? i was freakin out so i went outside started cutting my grass , lol in the days that passed found out some neibiour comitted sucide and thats why they were there
but either way was freaking