Need help Quick


Active Member
My plants are about 4 week old from seeds. The leaves seem to be drooping. Kind of hanging down. Not all out and bushy aiming towards the light like I thought the would. Is something wrong? How do I fix it? I def have not over watered them or gave any fert yet. Please help.


Active Member
The pots are only like 1 gal. I usually water about once every 3 days. I have a moisture meter in the soil and only water when the meter gets to 2-3


Active Member
Throw the moisture meter away and lift the pot to check water content. If it's heavy, It's got a lot of water residing. If light, you need to water. Drooping is caused by one of three things, two most likely. Either your soil is too saturated and air is not getting to the roots, or your soil is dry and they are starving for water. The third option is fungus gnats, which eat roots and plant seeds in the soil, which hatch and the larvae start eating roots, hence no uptake of water (again, pot will be heavy, laden with water)

Pictures would help, and I hope my post does as well.


Active Member
Thank you for the help. I actuall drilled a ton of holes in the pots for drainage and air. I don't think it is possible for there to be too much water. I always think maybe I didn't water enough but I read that it's better to under water than over water. I will try to post a picture in a few minutes


Active Member
Thank you for the help. I actuall drilled a ton of holes in the pots for drainage and air. I don't think it is possible for there to be too much water. I always think maybe I didn't water enough but I read that it's better to under water than over water. I will try to post a picture in a few minutes
drainage is wonderful, but remember that most soils now are designed to retain water, so you can get a bog, even with plenty of holes. 50/50 perlite to soil helps to aerate and maintain possitive moisture while not drowning, but do the weight check and see for sure. If it's really heavy, just don't water for a week, and things will perk up.

Waiting for pics for a positive diagnosis...


Well-Known Member
Proper watering technique is important as well. Saturate the soil with a couple cups of plain water and then wait about 45 minutes before fully watering. This helps eliminate dry pockets in the soil and helps roots to form evenly throughout. Also remember to water slowly and allow a little runoff. If you follow this with no improvements its time to transplant.


Active Member
new 2012 088.jpgnew 2012 089.jpgnew 2012 090.jpgnew 2012 091.jpgnew 2012 092.jpgHere are some pictures that I just took. You can see most of them are drooping but there is a few that arent. Please help me figure out how to fix this if I can. Thank you


Active Member
They just went into the night phase for 6 hours. Should I wait till light comes on? Also would it take that quick after watering? Just 30 mins to perk back up?


Active Member
Def seems to need water, and yes, you can actually sit and watch them twitch back up to full livelihood. Water them now, don't worry about lights.


Active Member
Ok I will thank you. And I will throw away the moist meter. As you can see in one of the pictures it actuall shows an 8 wich means pretty wet. Useless I guess


Active Member
His soil does not seem dry. The edges aren't even shrunk on the top. I think its over watered. I water once a week on average during veg. They look small too most likely from the over water. They also look light green as over water would explain this too because there is not enough oxygen to bring up nutrients. Not too bad though. Try waiting a week before watering. Also those thick plump margins between the veins on your newer growth is a good sign of over watering. I'm almost 100% sure its over watered and not under. You should also try and water in the morning. The plant wont take up any water in the dark so its pointless.


Active Member
His soil does not seem dry. The edges aren't even shrunk on the top. I think its over watered. I water once a week on average during veg. They look small too most likely from the over water. They also look light green as over water would explain this too because there is not enough oxygen to bring up nutrients. Not too bad though. Try waiting a week before watering. Also those thick plump margins between the veins on your newer growth is a good sign of over watering. I'm almost 100% sure its over watered and not under. You should also try and water in the morning. The plant wont take up any water in the dark so its pointless.
Weight check that shit. If it feels like a cup of water, it's wet. if it's lightweight, it needs water. Yellowing and drooping happen from both underwatering, and over watering.


Active Member
Weight check that shit. If it feels like a cup of water, it's wet. if it's lightweight, it needs water. Yellowing and drooping happen from both underwatering, and over watering.
Exactly wait a week or so, or until until they start to droop but its definitely not from watering too soon. Take note of the weight of the pot when dry. Then use the weight to determine if they need water from them on. I take note of the new pots weight every time I transplant to a bigger pot. It's easier to transplant when they are dry because it helps them come out easier so its the perfect time to note the weight. Its a good habit to get into.


Active Member
Well I just watered them after I read the post and now just saw the one saying over watering. I actually didnt water that much. About every third day and only gave them like a cup and a half each. the pots did seem light and I stuck my finger as deep in soil as I could and it seemed pretty dry. Also here is a pic of something I just saw. I thought nute burn but I havent used any fert yet. What do you think of this pic?2012 2 001.jpg2012 2 002.jpg2012 2 003.jpg


Active Member
Looks like calcium def and over drying. They seem to have perked up since you watered them... ;)