Dyna-Grow Questions


Well-Known Member
Ok, in my first expereince with Dyno-Grow nutes I used there Protekt,Grow,and Bloom and nothing else on some clones of mine. I experienced some bump in the roads with yellowing and slow flowering blooming on some of my girls. I now have 10 clones that are vegging that have been given only Protekt and Dyna-Grow. Can i continue giving these clones just grow and protekt through the flowering stage and have a bumoper harvest? will this delay them budding? or effect my yield if i leave out the Bloom?


Well-Known Member
Sure what i did with my grows...im doing Pro-Tekt and GROW from start to fnish. Its really simple :D


New Member
can anyone let me know if I can just use dyna grow and protekt the whole way through???
You can but your yield will suffer if you dont use the bloom as the 7-9-5 is a little lite on p and k while the bloom is lite on the nitrogen. Its best to mix the grow and bloom what ratios were you using? and keep in mind the protect changes ph alot.


Well-Known Member
my ratios were 2.5 ml of grow,bloom and protekt once a week fo first two weeks then I would up it to 3.0ml for protekt and bloom and cut grow down to 1.0ml once a week. I am growing in PromixHp. is my ratios way to low??


New Member
stay closer to one part grow one part bloom and grow only and no bloom until 1st or second week of flower at about the 4th week you can change to 1 part grow 1.5 parts bloom if you want.
but I wouldn't recommend more than that. Are you checking the ph when watering and the runoff? as thats about the biggest problem with peat based mixes


Well-Known Member
so your saying just 1.5ml of grow and 1.5ml of bloom once a week during flowering and thats it?? that seems low


Active Member
Bloom's N-P ratio is pretty bad so use foliage pro 9-3-6 and bloom 3-12-6 instead of grow you will get better flexibility of N-P ratio. Start at 1:1 which is 2-2.5-2 and back off the foliage as you get further into flower. at 2:1 its 1.6-3-2 and at 3:1 you get an npk of 1.5-3.25-2.


New Member
I would say about 1.25 ml of each per gallon of water at each watering giving you a 1-2.1-1 ratio for bloom which would only be improved if you added a little protect for the added potassium
plants in hydro or even soil less to a extent need a little more potassium but less phosphorus than plants grown in soil. the foliage pro is severely lacking in iron but has a good ratio and the above are fine but
remember this is only a baseline and you should read your plants giving them a little less than would cause leaf tip burn. Watch out for ph problems in soiless as the lime buffer is used up and it becomes acidic often during the first few weeks of flowering


Well-Known Member
You can but your yield will suffer if you dont use the bloom as the 7-9-5 is a little lite on p and k while the bloom is lite on the nitrogen. Its best to mix the grow and bloom what ratios were you using? and keep in mind the protect changes ph alot.

you re kidding about pro tekt change ph a lot ? I feel that you re giving this OP a bad advice...

I actually use this products now...the PH is very solid...no change nada....today i just add 1/4 of Pro tekt and 2 ml of Foliage Pro per gallon , the RO is 6.5 , after mix , its 6.1...same pH everyday....for early vegetative now....

Plus last year or this early year , I did tried just Pro-Tekt and GROW from start to finish, i got outstanding result !

I use hand water method with coco/peat medium.

happy growing and peace


Active Member

you re kidding about pro tekt change ph a lot ? I feel that you re giving this OP a bad advice...

I actually use this products now...the PH is very solid...no change nada....today i just add 1/4 of Pro tekt and 2 ml of Foliage Pro per gallon , the RO is 6.5 , after mix , its 6.1...same pH everyday....for early vegetative now....

Plus last year or this early year , I did tried just Pro-Tekt and GROW from start to finish, i got outstanding result !

I use hand water method with coco/peat medium.

happy growing and peace
Never really considered using Grow as a one stop nutrient for flower and veg hmmm. at first glance it has too little K but your right that ProTekt would help this as it is 0-0-3 but protect at 5ml per gallon only adds about 50ppm's for me but claims 100ppm of silicate when used at 5ml per gallon. unless silicate doesn't show on a standard ppm meter and all 50 ppms are K then i don't think it boosts K enough but I may be wrong. anyone ever try their All Pro 7-7-7 was thinking of using this from start to finish but they don't sell it in quarts :(

Also Protekt by itself does raise PH considerably, I use it as a PH up when needed. It also stabilizes the PH which is good for me and my tap water I almost never adjust PH just shoot for 5.6 which will shoot up to 5.9 after 24 hours then drops back to 5.8 and stays after about another 24 hours.


Well-Known Member
Never really considered using Grow as a one stop nutrient for flower and veg hmmm. at first glance it has too little K but your right that ProTekt would help this as it is 0-0-3 but protect at 5ml per gallon only adds about 50ppm's for me but claims 100ppm of silicate when used at 5ml per gallon. unless silicate doesn't show on a standard ppm meter and all 50 ppms are K then i don't think it boosts K enough but I may be wrong. anyone ever try their All Pro 7-7-7 was thinking of using this from start to finish but they don't sell it in quarts :(

Also Protekt by itself does raise PH considerably, I use it as a PH up when needed. It also stabilizes the PH which is good for me and my tap water I almost never adjust PH just shoot for 5.6 which will shoot up to 5.9 after 24 hours then drops back to 5.8 and stays after about another 24 hours.
I ve been done with this Pro-tekt and GROW from start to finish as i stated in the first post...not maybe or dont know..no im not bullshting on you, the result was outstanding.

Yeah Pro-Tekt is likely to raise pH up but after you add other nutrients it will lower the ph, make sure to Pro-Tekt is first to go in the gallon before other nutrients because it can cause lockup or cloudy which its never good. The Pro-Tekt is the shit !!

I dont think they dont sell this 7-7-7 anymore because i called Dyna Gro, they said they feel that 7-7-7 is wrong for ratio so Foliage Pro is better than 7-7-7, thats what they said to me...

Happy growing and peace


New Member
I don't know what you mean about you added a "1/4 of protekt" but 1/2 teaspoon per gallon or 2.5 mil is a common rate. protekt always changes ph a quick google
can confirm this and I alwayts noticed it also. please read the bottom of the label and notice Dyna Grow confirms this also. Even though straight grow works ok yeild will suffer. In all honesty flora nova is a better formula and has higher levels of iron calcium and magnesium I get mine online at greentree hydro about 50 a gallon i think.


Well-Known Member
i dont know what you mean about you added a1/4 of protect but 1/2 teaspoon per gallon or 2.5 mil is a common rate. protekt always changes ph a quick google
can confirm this and I alwayts noticed it also. please read the bottom of the label and notice Dyna Grrow confirms this also.

sighing, i dont follow the direction because it can burn crap out of my plants...this products is highly concerated and their direction is very strong, its best to start with 1/4 ml per gallon to start work and bump dose up slowly while you read the plant.

Im pretty sure that Pro-Tekt dont swing pH that much...have you actually use this product before or you just hearing thing from other growers ? be honest, buddy.

Happy growing and peace


Active Member
Thanks for the info on the All-Pro 7-7-7. Will ponder the idea of using Grow for flowering instead of Bloom/FoliagePro as it would be the easiest nute schedule to use and you have gotten great results with it. I still feel like Bloom/Foliage pro provides great ratios to provide any kind of N-P ratio needed throughout all Veg and Flower stages but not experienced enough to know if this is really required hence why I wanted to try All Pro from start to finish.

Ive been using ProTekt at full strength 5ml per gallon which equals about 50ppms which is not very concentrated at all but Protekt still has higher amount of silica than other brands.


Well-Known Member

you re kidding about pro tekt change ph a lot ? I feel that you re giving this OP a bad advice...

I actually use this products now...the PH is very solid...no change nada....today i just add 1/4 of Pro tekt and 2 ml of Foliage Pro per gallon , the RO is 6.5 , after mix , its 6.1...same pH everyday....for early vegetative now....

Plus last year or this early year , I did tried just Pro-Tekt and GROW from start to finish, i got outstanding result !

I use hand water method with coco/peat medium.

happy growing and peace
Dude gave solid info and you call him out? Why? Protekt or ANY decent silica additive will make ph increase .on the other hand dyna gro base nutes drop ph like a rock .

Kite High

Well-Known Member
substitute MAg Pro for Bloom and use sparingly in flower...is what I do with Foliage Pro and Pro Tekt all the way through with Mag Pro touches here n there in flower...the added sulfur is good for trich production...also Liquid Karma all the way through


Well-Known Member
substitute MAg Pro for Bloom and use sparingly in flower...is what I do with Foliage Pro and Pro Tekt all the way through with Mag Pro touches here n there in flower...the added sulfur is good for trich production...also Liquid Karma all the way through
hey Kite High, good to see ya in here :D

I read Mag Pro is only for RO thats correct ? and i feel that liquid karma is too dirty because the color looks like the 5-1-1- but no smelly...LOL. But i got plently liquid karma bottles that i used for green bean and sweet pepper. how much ML of Karma per gallon that you recommend ? I shall try the karma, all the way to the harvest ? thanks homie.

happy growing and peace

happy growing and peace

Kite High

Well-Known Member
hey Kite High, good to see ya in here :D

I read Mag Pro is only for RO thats correct ? and i feel that liquid karma is too dirty because the color looks like the 5-1-1- but no smelly...LOL. But i got plently liquid karma bottles that i used for green bean and sweet pepper. how much ML of Karma per gallon that you recommend ? I shall try the karma, all the way to the harvest ? thanks homie.

happy growing and peace

happy growing and peace
mp is actually a flowering supplement...lk contains humic acid hence the color...5-10 ml/gal