
Well-Known Member
Really? Is that a fact...I love my country and I've never worn a flag pin nor have I ever flown the flag from my house.
yeah me either but are you a President or running for President? read what i write i already explained this


Well-Known Member
im not going to vote on someone based on how much they wrap themself in the flag.. that happend the last couple of times.

and for the record McCain doesnt wear a flag pin either.....


Well-Known Member
lol a president should love his country and wear it every day?

says who? YOU? ROFL....who are you?

im obviously a hostile little man? and how'd you draw that conclusion? from your online internet emotion detector? lol....right.

i KNOW and grew up with plenty of people who wouldnt even say the pledge of allegiance. Its called believing in what you stand for. Apparently he has a reason.

If i were you, i'd be more concerned who the folks who actually rock the flag pin and claim to be patriotic...but their actions are far from it. At least Obama is keeping it real....he aint sugar coating shit.

and yet....after all that, you've yet to say something logical to the debate..... it seems like you have bigger motives for hating Obama....like you just use this as an excuse to hate Obama


Well-Known Member
yeah me either but are you a President? read what i write i already explained this
Why would I ask/demand a POTUS do do something that I wouldn't do myself? I don't hold the POTUS in any higher regard than Joe Citizen. Anything else (IMO) and we'd have to start believing that they truly are royalty. Even the phrase "Mr. President" was used from the beginning because they (the Founding Fathers) did not want a title that implied aristocracy or royalty. I don't measure a POTUS (or candidate for that matter) by what he/she wears as a gesture of patriotism. My measure is on how they have voted in the past. I believe that Obama loves America, I just find his voting record in favor of unconstitutional law(s) are less than desirable.


Well-Known Member
royalty? like king george w and queen hillary hahahah
this country is gitting ridiculous... we need to stop with the dynasties and letting a single family run the country for decades.... thats not democracy


Well-Known Member
Dubuh, a great man once said, "Facism will come to this country wrapped in a flag and a cross.":joint:
GW bush is a good example of this... christian my ass, compulsive liar is more like it! also, with all the BS laws he has setup we are on the road to ruin/fascism.


New Member
Fascism has been with us for a long time. Like, ever since the Woodrow Wilson administration. FDR embraced it too ... in a very big way. Uhhhh ... I know, your government school didn't touch on the subject ... but then why would they?



Well-Known Member
YouTube - Global Warming Hoax

start watching this at 8 mins... they are actually making kids study al gores global warming dogma in schools!!!!

actually global warming is true but its because the sun is getting hotter as it slowly dies out. actually, co2 fluctuates because of temps, not the other way around.... look it up if you dont believe me.

the reason why they are requiring the kids to study this is so they can impose a co2 tax on the up coming generations because they will be brainwashed!!!


New Member
YouTube - Global Warming Hoax

start watching this at 8 mins... they are actually making kids study al gores global warming dogma in schools!!!!

actually global warming is true but its because the sun is getting hotter as it slowly dies out. actually, co2 fluctuates because of temps, not the other way around.... look it up if you dont believe me.

the reason why they are requiring the kids to study this is so they can impose a co2 tax on the up coming generations because they will be brainwashed!!!
Anyone refuting global warming at this stage of the game needs intensive therapy. Anyone refuting Mans involvement is fucking retarded.


Well-Known Member
Interesting.. we happen to have a young friend who's a paleoclimatologist. Both of you might be interested to hear his take on the situation.

MM, you do know, don't you, that a U.K. court found that Gore's "documentary" had something like nine instances of scientifically invalid, non-factual "information" that was being passed off as though factually correct, yes? If the message needs to be spun, then maybe there's something wrong with the message.. or maybe with the messenger. Coming from someone such as Al is just disingenuous, to put it mildly.


Well-Known Member
coming from an idiot ,,,,,Im sure the founding fathers had no Idea that what has happened and is still happening in this country is truly fuct Im pretty sure they would have gotten back on a boat and went somewhere else, I think the flag pin is a non-issue . Its his right as an american just like it is your right to go and by a hid bulb and grow some of the sweetest chiba ever ,,, and no one is knockin you for it .
thus far he has refused to wear a pin in bushes campaign at this time he was planning to steal an election .Comparatively speaking we're doin well .
personally I would love to see a black man in the white house


Well-Known Member
Anyone refuting global warming at this stage of the game needs intensive therapy. Anyone refuting Mans involvement is fucking retarded.
so you take what al gore says as fact? maybe you are retarded you fuck!! do more research and then run your mouth you old boob.

Interesting.. we happen to have a young friend who's a paleoclimatologist. Both of you might be interested to hear his take on the situation.

MM, you do know, don't you, that a U.K. court found that Gore's "documentary" had something like nine instances of scientifically invalid, non-factual "information" that was being passed off as though factually correct, yes? If the message needs to be spun, then maybe there's something wrong with the message.. or maybe with the messenger. Coming from someone such as Al is just disingenuous, to put it mildly.
thanks seamaiden, you and dave always come in and save the day for me... sometimes MM thinks im pulling info out of my ass because he is ignorant and attacks me than you guys corroborate what i have said. thanks :D


Well-Known Member
Anyone refuting global warming at this stage of the game needs intensive therapy. Anyone refuting Mans involvement is fucking retarded.
anyone denying the fact that Pluto, Jupiter, and other planets are also warming needs intensive therapy!! anyone denying the fact that there are no cars, trucks, SUV's, factorys, etc on these planets needs intensive therapy.

maybe we should look into growing more hemp and save our trees/rain forests, and thusly providing more oxygen production.

YouTube - Grow more pot! Part 1
YouTube - Grow more pot! Part 2

95% of the greenhouse gases is water vapor!!!! look that one up you boob!!

we have the technology to run cars off of h20, but politics/money is impeding us from doing so. look that one up you boob!!!

do more research b4 you take what a politician says as true, and then start name calling people that are trying to spread the truth, you boob.


New Member
The "Useful Idiots" on the Left are very fond of saying: "Follow the Money." Isn't it interesting how, when it doesn't fit their agenda of advancing socialism and fascism, they never take their own advise? :roll:



Active Member
Wow from Obama wearing a gay little pin to blobal warming being an evil gore conspiracy...wow.
Firstly how can you deny that CO2 emissions are a huge problem? Of course they are responsible for global warming. all the proof you need if look at your gro op. When the CO2 levels are higher the room is hotter. done. no more silly denials because you are scared that you may actually have part with some of your precious money to help out.

and as for Obama, i love the idea that the staes will have its first black and islam president in one fell swoop. it actually gives me hope for a better day.