
New Member
The Irony is that every day more people die from diseases that could be treated and cured than died in 911. TB, AIDs, diptheria, Malaria, etc. why isn't the world crying about that?


Well-Known Member
you guys really scare me
(snip) And whats the deal with using muslim as an insult? Of course he is muslim! Look at his name Barack Obama.
The name does not a religion make. Mine is a Christian name, but I was raised with no religion (well, unless you count The Constitution). Both of my parents rejected the church after marrying.
The states needs a new type of leader,
Agreed, but if you knew ANYTHING about Obama, you would know he's not that.
and it not like he is gonna change the official religion WHEN he gets elected, since only the chritian curch demands homogeny.
Oh.. you've GOT to be kidding me. ONLY the Christian church? Who do you think are still killing each other over the question of who the fuck was going to take over Islam after Mohammed's death?? That's another "ism", just against Christianity this time.
It freaks the crap outta me that so many people have allowed them selves to buy into the islamic hating just cause you were the victim of a one minor attack. Yes i just called 911 minor, cause it was.
THAT I agree with.
The entire country was operating again within weeks and now its just a call to arms for scared people who want retalitory action for something their own ignorance and unwillingness to challenge their leaders provoked.
I know that its "to soon" to say anything but good things about those planes but its time to stop using it as the excuse for everything done in the name of fear and reing in you govt. before you lose all those rights and libeties that you seem so taken with.
AbsoLUTELY agreed.
Ok hit me with you hate....
Does disagreement on some points equal hate? If so, why is that? Wouldn't that negate the idea of individuality, and thus freedom? ;)


Active Member
OK i know that a name doesn't define a religion but it suprised me that when that that deal about Obama having a muslim upbringing came out people were freaking out. thats all i meant.

Your also right about limited knowledge of Obama. i am in fact totaly apolitical and dont vote on principle, but i have payed more attention to your ellections this time since i truly believe the future of the western world is at stake(not kidding) and as far as i can tell Obama is a breath of fresh air in an incredibly stale system. Hillary and McCain represent the old sysytem and Obama very much a new one. The proof of that is that he is causing contreversy and he isnt even in office yet. In my book thats a score.
The way things are now, you dont even have a two party system, you have two people who are waging a campaing of slander. Just look at how as soon a Hilliary started to fall behind she started to attack Obama in any way possible, and not in a political sense, but personaly. And thats what feel is going on with this turn against him now. People are very ingrained with what a politician "should" say and do that as soon as a totaly different style of leadership comes along, they freak. This is a very very very superficial way of looking at it but i think its still true.

And the chirstian comment i understand the contreversiality of it but i stick by it. Islam and muslim is not nearly as exclusive and warlike as christianity. Of course certain sects of it have taken the message to a violent extreme, but those branches are exceptions to the rule. Islam even aknowledges that jesus was a prophet, and thats very hight praise, where as the christian faith claims as one of its most fundemental tenants and exclucivity of faith (you will worship no other god but me..ect) And far more blood has been spilled in the name of Christ than Mohhamed. Just think crusades, Medichi popes, which burnings...i could go on for a while but i seems obvious that christianity has its fair share of blood on its hands.

The "bring on the hate" was not meant that nobody has smart things to say its just that many americans are so overly sensitive over 911 that i truly expected and explosion of fury and ignorance. Thanks for making look like an ass, really.