The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
shawny sorry to hear that mate. deleting text dont do shit tho lads. my mate got caught and they got the last 12 month text backdated off his mobile network supplier. never text anything especially if the contracts in your name. he got 18 months but got out in less than 9 with tag. he had texts on about kilos at a time too so i doubt very much you'll go down for a few plants

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
U trippin??? Lol mate this u are wromg about..xops can grt each and every tecy ever semt by the phone. I mean EVER.. unlike me u aint ever been on a conspiricy charge so belive me.every call
.every text..the lot easily getable.
1) If you type in English I might understand what you are saying.

2) You know fuck all about any criminal charges/convictions I may/may not have had in the past. Needless to say these days all my convictions are classed as spent, I don't have to declare any of it and a CRB will come back clean.


Well-Known Member
im hoping u delete all ur old emails shawny?? had a cpl addresses for me so dont wanna compromise myself or my mate if anything was left on ur laptop let us know so i can clean my shit up

The Groke

The laws got a right hardon for anything to do with digital communications, it's the reason there's no such thing as analogue any longer, it's much easier to trace. If they want to access your phones and laptop to look at old data, they will or you have to at least assume they will. The thing with information is, it can NEVER be destroyed.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
The laws got a right hardon for anything to do with digital communications, it's the reason there's no such thing as analogue any longer, it's much easier to trace. If they want to access your phones and laptop to look at old data, they will or you have to at least assume they will. The thing with information is, it can NEVER be destroyed.
I do know this but they only look so hard for certain things.


Well-Known Member
The poor lad had 9 plants, and not all in flower, it's hardly fukkin Scarface material is it. I got busted in the UK with a grow op in the 90's, my lawyer said if I hadn't had previous all charges would have been dropped (the positive thing being my clones/plant were not under the light yet and at my mates!) so they just got some finished product (oz or so). I got 175 quid fine in the end and a letter from the Police saying I could come to the station and collect all my grow stuff, lmfao (like I did that!!!). I was being interviewed telling them of my plans to supply the restraunts in Glasgow with Fresh Corriander:) I was sitting in the living room and they were playing my answering machine back (the old school ones with a tape) They went through the whole thing with some of my spazzy mates phoning up trying to speak in code and sounding totally jailbait, but they didn't do shit. They were just glad of the collar and the fukkin overtime!!!
I personally think worse case is slap on the wrist and a fine/comm service or whatever they give you these days.....

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
here's an idea. why don't we all start deleting everything straight after you've done what you need the info for. If you've posted something to someone scrap the addy when your done. don't keep emails with names n addresses in etc I know to a lot of you this is shit you do anyway but we should all be doing it. sooner or later someone will slip up and it could be a number of us that get the big red love tap.


Well-Known Member
the tsrange thing is, they havent let the lad a seizure record fro anything they have taken PLUS they have charged him already with cult and disc driving and fts,, and given him court date, i they wer going to take shit further they would have him on bail to go bak.

i say get on to the sols and get him to get your shit bak, unless ther going for proceeds of crime witch i doubt, they have no reason or legal right to keep his phone and stuff, its all legit and not reported and pinched, so again no reason to keep or have it,

i delete all my shit, wen i have a address i use it and then ask for it again if i need it,
but like we said don if they have a real hardon for ya, deleting doesent mean dik sqwat, it just makes em take a lil longer t get said information. i can wipe my phone remotely from my pc, but it dont mean nothing, bollox, but meh!


Well-Known Member
Yeh I've cleanse all shit on the net and what not so I'm sorry lads but do the same anyone who's had contact with me ditch you shit pronto. I still can't believe what's happend I panicked and didn't think strait Ffs now I've out me family and god knows who else in jeopardy


Well-Known Member
Yeh I've cleanse all shit on the net and what not so I'm sorry lads but do the same anyone who's had contact with me ditch you shit pronto. I still can't believe what's happend I panicked and didn't think strait Ffs now I've out me family and god knows who else in jeopardy
the thing is mate, u rnot a criminal, sop u dont have the thought process of one, unlike me,, i am a criminal, *semi retired) so its like, ahh fuk it, wat will be will be, not like ive got owt worth owt here anwyays, think of it like this m8, imagine if was 10 days ago Before you binnned all them extras!>+? the plant count would have had you worried then

just sit bak take a breath and let it run its course, fuk all else u can do, just get the missus on the sols to get that shit bak, coz legaly unless tehr charging u with summert else they have absolutely no right to keep it,


Well-Known Member
Cheers man as soon as she back I'm a phone him and get this sorted its wrong ,an fuckin fuckin wrong even the daughters phone she's 12 Ffs and sons birthday money £100 bless him he was well proud of it it's the kids and missis I feel worst for its a bastard . I just hope it brings no fucker else into it and it's just me


Well-Known Member
Cheers man as soon as she back I'm a phone him and get this sorted its wrong ,an fuckin fuckin wrong even the daughters phone she's 12 Ffs and sons birthday money £100 bless him he was well proud of it it's the kids and missis I feel worst for its a bastard . I just hope it brings no fucker else into it and it's just me
i know mate the kids shit is harsh, but they have been told so many times this is my daughters and whatnot they just dont belive it now,,,
on a better not my yoyos and reflector tunred up and my new 250 sonT be adding that today so sum graft in order

now gunna go kill sm cops on gta, i sujjest u do the same!


Well-Known Member
If you were all legit in car Shawny, why the fuck did you panick ? Even if u were driving bent , it would have been better to just stop & take rap for it, & why did you're gaff smell ? FILTERS, FILTERS , FILTERS !.remember for next time m8,


Well-Known Member
i know mate the kids shit is harsh, but they have been told so many times this is my daughters and whatnot they just dont belive it now,,,
on a better not my yoyos and reflector tunred up and my new 250 sonT be adding that today so sum graft in order

now gunna go kill sm cops on gta, i sujjest u do the same!
Yeh good idea mate think I might do that kill as many pig bastards as I can naaaaa mean lol well at least it's alright for sum lol u wanna see my wrists where I got cuffed there bleeding mate and all swelled up one fat cunt punched me in my face my 2 year old could do better the fat pussy bacon smelling cunt