It Starts With the Build


The best weed I ever smoke in my entire life, I only paid $35 for... An ounce.... I was so friggin' stoned after my "guy" smoked one with me to test it out, that I left and had to go back... I forgot to buy it before I left! I was that hammered... It has not happened again since then!


Well-Known Member
The best weed I ever smoke in my entire life, I only paid $35 for... An ounce.... I was so friggin' stoned after my "guy" smoked one with me to test it out, that I left and had to go back... I forgot to buy it before I left! I was that hammered... It has not happened again since then!

I think you are hammered just now lol :)


Okay, I am standing in front of my little girl right now with a nice pair of garden sheers in my hand. : )

should i I euthanize this bitch, or walk away slowly....?



Well-Known Member
Okay, I am standing in front of my little girl right now with a nice pair of garden sheers in my hand. : )

should i I euthanize this bitch, or walk away slowly....?
I thought you was gonna say you hand something else in your hand, my heart missed a beat there .....
Do it ... Do it.... Do it .... Ha up to you mate if you think she's ready :)


I am getting better at using this mini microscope. It is still a wigglin' little bastard, but I think I am there. I can see the trichs, just not for long. I am going to take the ripest looking one first and then go sit down at the table where I can get a really good look. I really don't see many clear ones anymore and very few amber anywhere. Tonight is definitely the night for most of her. I am gonna take a bunch of pics first. And do I little update/kickoff for the rebuild.


Well-Known Member
Ambers? Chop Chop Chop. Take her tops for sure, but make sure the bottoms are just as ready - they may still need an extra couple days. Pics! Post 'em!


Well, I am almost at the starting line now, but first I just need to finish the race I am currently in. I am harvesting my little Blueberry girl tonight, so I thought I would do a last little tribute to her first. The first couple of pics are my current set up. Then rest rest are pics of her. Yep, I screwed up the nutes.... Hopefully, that won't happen again. Either way, it will be some time before I get to take pics of buds again.

I need to use the closet for a few more days to dry her. And, I am only topping her. She has a lot of undergrowth now that can probably go for another few weeks. I won't need the lights for awhile, so it won't hurt anything to let her keep going.



Well-Known Member
That's really impressive cupboard mate........
The plants a beauty it's so many colas, only thing they don't look that big ....?


That's really impressive cupboard mate........
The plants a beauty it's so many colas, only thing they don't look that big ....?
yeah... Like I have said before Stevieh, I got what I wanted out of this 1st grow... I made it to the finish line. That was number one! I learned...... A.... fuckin'..... shitload, about all of this; second major goal! That is why I am so excited about my second grow... Applied knowledge of my own, and the benefit of a few friends here on RIU... My second grow should really beat this one... I am looking forward to my tenth grow even more! I know I.... We... Can do much better on this next one!

By the way, here is what she looks like now. The second pic is why I decided to let her keep alive and trying. The leave tips are bad, but that came from the over nuting. The rest looks frigging great and grew after the nute problem.



And... Here s the harvest! 1 lbs, 6.9 oz... Wet of course. I know that wil drop, but... One seed and I got what you see here! : )

i will ill hang her up tomorrow...... I am fuckin' now. 5 straight hours of trimming!!!



I accidentally cut these off while I was trimming... These little guys are going into a fast cure mode and WILL get smoked first! Lol

