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  • I'm not sure why I cant receive private messages, I don't have any posts here because I use different forums like grasscity and waytoomany I just get on here sometimes to use as a 3rd resource for my grow. I actually met you at 4/20 a couple years back camping on clam beach I think.
    why dont you recieve private messages? I find it weird you have been a member for 3 years and have only made one post to comment on my thing and say my name. why have messages off if you dont post? who would message you? I'm so curious now. who are you? and how do you know me? thanks for editing my name out bro! hit me up!
    what's up? small world! btw could you edit the name guessing off my grow journal? just for my peace of mind? whatever you wanna ask just send a private message if you could. Thanks!
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