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  • hiya m8,

    if not grown these actual strains before dont think many have as they only been on sale a few months i think i found a couple of people at veg stage but noone seemed to have smoked any yet......ive been growing original cheese cut for about 4 years and that is one of the best smokes around so im hopin they should be pretty gd with a better yield than the original cheese as there from seed..... mine r 8 days old today gon to grow them untill there about 22inches then flick them regardless of how long it takes, im hopin about 4 and a half weeks veg total! without topping any of them thats only due to having 8 in a 1.2m2 tent dont really think i need to top to fill the space!

    hope some of this was usefull 2 you

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