Recent content by cdbr420

  1. cdbr420

    My First Grow.OUTDOOR.!!With Pics!!

    chewwy fuck off.ur stupid.liekur pic.
  2. cdbr420

    My First Grow.OUTDOOR.!!With Pics!!

    actaully no its not a male any more....if im seeing 2 pistils comign on at the nods im pretty sure its a female....ive helepd grow enough.....thsi my frist grow by myself. and ye theres testrogen in the pills ppl on here dotn know alot.
  3. cdbr420

    My First Grow.OUTDOOR.!!With Pics!!

    Coomon ppl.What yall think of a first timers grow?
  4. cdbr420

    My First Grow.OUTDOOR.!!With Pics!!

    This is my first grow. I started these in dirt and in my dresser. Now they are outside and in soil mixed with cow manure, they also have some nutrient spikes in them to balance out the nutrient problem I had. They are about 1 1/2 months. The tallest one was male, but I turned it back to female...
  5. cdbr420

    My first grow.OUTDOOR's.

    This is my first grow out doors. I started them indoors then put them out.They're about 1 1/2 months old....halfway there.No grow journal but ill post pics regularly. Peace real
  6. cdbr420

    how much should i pay for a half

    i pay 150 an ounce for primo shit up here in canada.and ive started my first grow.stay tuned..
  7. cdbr420

    Somethign to celebrate.

    Me and my gf were able to truely tell the sex today of the plant we've been growing...for all its been thru its doing great. its really healthy and if this computer didnt suck i would podt pics.thanks to anyoen who gave us tips. CR and CB
  8. cdbr420

    I needed some advice from a veteran.

    kill that shit and start over man...get urself some nutes, good lights, a good grow room and some info on how to grow before yo try again...seriuosly dude...put that out of its misery
  9. cdbr420

    what wrong with my plants? pictures.

    hahah youve got overwatering problems and nute burns and a .light problem to i bet...learn how to grow before you actually do...if you dont your jsut doin the poor thing a dick favor.
  10. cdbr420

    possible new grow light?

    ok so im walking through home hardware and i find this bulb that looks like a normal incandescent bulb minus the powder white coating...i read the box and it says 200watts,no biggy there...but heres what caught my eye...its puts out 3850 lumens...could i use some of these on my plant? -Clear...
  11. cdbr420


    welcome...good luck with your first grow...alot of your new questions can be answered in the grow FAQ...check it out.
  12. cdbr420

    Is it true that you get about 0.7 for every watt on a HPS???

    Hey everyone, I saw a thread on this site that said for every watt on a HPS light you would get 0.7 worth of bud. So lets say I have a 140 watt HPS, would this mean I'd get around 98 grams??? Thanks
  13. cdbr420

    can i LST my plant yet????????

    k my palnt is 4 icnehs tall and the stem is about this thick(from period to period) . . thanks
  14. cdbr420

    using a T-12 for flowering...rep for whoever replies with a intelligent answer

    okay so i know its dumb but i dotn got money for a im gonna use my T-12 for the flowering process...i know it wont produce nearly as much but will it still produce "ok" buds...thanks
  15. cdbr420

    Can I start LST on my plant yet?

    okay i cant get pics up but my plant is 4 inches tall and is at its 4 nod... i was wondering if i could start LST on my plant yet? The stem is about this thick (from period to period) . . Thanks