Recent content by extracrispy90

  1. extracrispy90

    I get my wisdom teeth pulled today

    yup this last week I have just started to feel my wisdom teeth coming in too under my molars (idk if that's normal or not) , but only on one side gettin my pulled as well :cry:
  2. extracrispy90

    Kickass Butterfly Photo

    looks like something from a scene in a Lord of the Rings movie
  3. extracrispy90

    Is it ok to be a pretend christian?

    Yeah i used to be semi-christian when i was younger , but have been a strong atheist for the last 6 years...even going as far to say "Well I'm sorry" when ever I hear someone proclaim their faith to me :twisted: , based on the fact that no "god' has been proven true to me...I just dont know how...
  4. extracrispy90

    Your Stoner Lingo

    I also head someone say something like "Lets smoke some Bumblebee Tuna" or something like that - weird
  5. extracrispy90

    Is it just me? (About Obama)

    And that ^^^ is the bone cut & dry nature of ANY presidential candidate no matter if the issue affects you or not , just saying...
  6. extracrispy90

    How to store your weed . . .

    pill bottle , 2 zip locks , vacume sealed 3 times , in a water proof safe at the bottom of the nearest pond :mrgreen:
  7. extracrispy90

    Oil prices hurt P Diddy

    His "Saudi brothers and sisters" give me a break , for all we know his great grandfather is probably WHITE , besides Saudis are clearly a Arab race , if your going to be an advocate to a cause PUT SOME BACKBONE INTO IT GREEDY ASS
  8. extracrispy90

    Your Stoner Lingo

    the most original I have heard around here is "got green?" like the "got milk" ads lol
  9. extracrispy90

    Whos on the edge with their gf?

    that's exactly my experience i was talkin about earlier in the thread but she kinda I think tried to come back a second time and I told her I had replaced her with other things that took up my time now ;-) not a person like she tried to do and i think it really pissed her off and that thing...
  10. extracrispy90

    check this pic out / trichs vs effects

    what he said ^^^ there also used to tell where genetically where the plant comes from I have heard this: SATIVA- South America/Mexico , & Asia INDICA- Arab country's , India , Africa
  11. extracrispy90

    Best Game While Stoned!

    I would mac people in Call of Duty 4 if i still had a live subscription but I just play at my brothers occasionally now and im still good , 40-2 is my best game
  12. extracrispy90

    Great Stoner Quotes

    ok i got a giant dresser in my room I NEVER use I just neatly stack my cloths at the foot of my bed... Well we were smoking and we got talkin about cutting down trees and what not, I didn't have any sensible input on it & thought about my use less dresser at home and was like "They should stop...
  13. extracrispy90

    Is Carrot Top Gay?

    Future Reference: I have testicles.
  14. extracrispy90

    Is Carrot Top Gay?

    Is carrot top gay???.....hmmm I would say increasingly everyday Me being a red head and part of a dieing breed I think im going to have to have like 20 kids just so my genes can repopulate the redhead race and eventually super cede this freaks
  15. extracrispy90

    defeating flyover FLIR

    I read somewhere legislation banned the use of evidence from FLIR in court, keep your grow in a inner room with no windows and vent into your area dispersing the heat? because I saw a show and it said they busted most people through huge heat signatures coming from basement windows/leaks