Recent content by Krayven Sumhead

  1. Krayven Sumhead

    If You Ran Into Mitt While Pumping Gas????

    "Has Rafalca been reduced to glue and dogfood, yet"??
  2. Krayven Sumhead

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Daddy Drinks
  3. Krayven Sumhead

    If You Ran Into Mitt While Pumping Gas????

    What I might have said: Izzat one of your wife’s Cadillacs? Looks a little dusty. Is your car elevator working OK? You gotta push that big button to start the pump. You are on the diesel pump. You want the premium gasoline. Be careful you don’t spill your Mr Slurpy. I’ll hold it for...
  4. Krayven Sumhead

    Memo my former employer put out on friday

    I do..........but I perfer mushrooms.......... Never been addicted to it tho............Only addiction I have is to PUSSY!! (and not the nasty pussy, either!)
  5. Krayven Sumhead

    The men who built America

    But, it takes skilled craftsmen such as Carpenters to build the concrete forms which encase the anchor bolts to which the first piece of steel is attached. Without Carpenters, iron workers wouldn't have the beginnings of any built structure, these days. One more important point, Jesus was a...
  6. Krayven Sumhead

    Obama's favorite word........

    Bush's was "Duh"
  7. Krayven Sumhead

    Obama To Graham and McCain: "Bring It, Beeeyatches"

    Bronco Bama sez "They want to come after somebody, come after me". I figure McCain has an excuse after being locked in a cracker box for 6 years, but Lindsey Graham is nothing more than a used up doosh-bag.
  8. Krayven Sumhead

    Memo my former employer put out on friday

    while on probation, my officer had a test kit for mj that could tell if you had smoked in the last 4 hours. Looked like a piece of litmus paper. When placed on your tounge, if the test reacted positive, you were in trouble. And this was 15 years ago. The construction Union I belong to...
  9. Krayven Sumhead

    Stewart Rakes Huckabee Over The Coals

    I believe Jesus was a liberal............ He wanted things to change. Huck looks like he's on the Chris Christy diet.
  10. Krayven Sumhead

    Legal Medical Marajuana and Firearms.

    We gonna have to wait and see. Someone is gonna have to challange the law. In my opinion, since it's supposed to be legal, just like liquor, the laws will have to ammended. But it's gonna be a one big cluster fuck for a couple of years until the law is ammended to fit the demands of the...
  11. Krayven Sumhead

    Racism Alive and Well, Here In America!!

    Favorite Republican Rhetoric: "It's not me, it's you"!!!! Stupid electorate, anyhow...............
  12. Krayven Sumhead

    Racism Alive and Well, Here In America!!

    Here is an article describing the racist 'tweets' around the country as Bronco Bama was being re-elected. We still got a long way to go......................
  13. Krayven Sumhead

    Reckon What Mitt Willard Romney Is Up To???

    I'll bet Mitt wishes he hadn't given that extra money to the tax-man now. Think he'll ask for the extra $ back now in the form of an over payment claim next year??
  14. Krayven Sumhead

    Reckon What Mitt Willard Romney Is Up To???

    He is probably relaxing, maybe right here in his La Jolla home, looking over the printouts of his investment accounts, kind of tallying up his money, figuring fuck everybody, I am transferring more money to the Cayman Islands.
  15. Krayven Sumhead

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Was she Japanese, her name would 'Irene' A woman with no legs at all would be 'Consuelo' (Cuntswaylow)