Reckon What Mitt Willard Romney Is Up To???

Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
He is probably relaxing, maybe right here in his La Jolla home, looking over the printouts of his investment accounts, kind of tallying up his money, figuring fuck everybody, I am transferring more money to the Cayman Islands.


Well-Known Member
What he is doing is refusing to take Karl Rove's calls.- Bwahahahahaha. "pleeeease can I have a few hundred mill, the Koches want to cut my balls off and I did it all for youuuuuuu Mittens!


New Member
probably celebrating his perfectly crafted victory with obama



Well-Known Member
He's still going to be active in the republican party. He is still their presidential nominee until the next one. I bet he does SNL soon.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I'd think you'd all worry about tightening your ass cheecks in anticipation of how much Obama's fucking is gonna make you move Forward!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member

  • I'd think you'd all worry about tightening your ass cheecks in anticipation of how much Obama's fucking is gonna make you move Forward!​

In the immortal words of every Tea Party member/self-proclaimed Patriot over the last 20 years, "If you don't like it........ get the fuck out." (brought to you by the GOP)

I approve this message.

edit: Oh and, *cheeks

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
This is still a capitalist nation, no matter Obama's intentions. If what I said made you so butt hurt, bitch to Rollie about stopping what I say, not me.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
This is still a capitalist nation, no matter Obama's intentions. If what I said made you so butt hurt, bitch to Rollie about stopping what I say, not me.
I'm not butt hurt. I'm throwing you and your ilk's words back in your face. It feels kind of good. Marriage equality is a reality and brought about by my fellow citizens. (I cried over that) The Affordable Care Act is still on the books, Social Security is safe, Women's reproductive rights are safe, DOMA is giving up the ghost, DADT is gone, ENDA will become a reality, we have a sane rational man in the White House again, the economy is improving, and I have a flat stomach. Life is good. I'm rejoicing and (ashamed to say) fighting off the terrible urge to gloat. It leaks out every now and then. I didn't tell you to shut up. I just repeated the words I've been hearing for decades. It's kind of abrasive, isn't it?

Prisoner #56802

New Member
Butt Hurt....let's examine this..shall we?


Butthurt is an online slang term used to describe a strongly negative or overemotional response. It is used to draw attention to a person who shows signs of being irritated due to a perceived insult, an unfavorable situation, or a lack of decent communication. On occasions, it can be also used to describe unreasonable users behaviors without an apparent explanation.

The term “butthurt” originates from spanking[SUP][1][/SUP], the act of striking the buttocks of another person, which is often seen as a method of punishing a child. Though some cultures view this as an acceptable form of discipline, it can be interpreted as abusive corporal punishment. Online, one of the earliest archived mentions of “butthurt” appeared in a 1998 comment[SUP][8][/SUP] posted on the website of Swiss surrealist painter H. R. Giger.[SUP][9][/SUP]
“Hollywood has tossed Giger for more talented artists, and even those artist who can emulate his style, without the tears and the hurt butts. If giger reads this I would be amazed, not only that he can comprehend a bunch of letters placed into groups and spaced randomly to create words which in turn create sentances, but that he can even UNDERSTAND the INTERNET! GIGER is LAME. all he can do is rely on his ALIEN paintings to make him famous! Well I used to be impressed until I read all this BUTTHURT he has been going through. Oh poor baby Giger.”

The comment was left by a poster named Doug in responding to Giger’s grievance over not being credited as a designer for sequel titles in the Aliens franchise. In the original 1979 film Alien_, Giger based the extraterrestrial monsters after one of his 1976 paintings, _Necronom IV.

The term was first added to the Online Slang Dictionary[SUP][10][/SUP] as a hyphenated word on January 29th, 1999. The original definition stated it was anger caused by “a small slight or friendly insult.” The term was first added to Urban Dictionary[SUP][12][/SUP] in December 2001, and has since gained a total of 32 definitions[SUP][2][/SUP] with an additional 9 under “butt-hurt”[SUP][13][/SUP] and 19 under “butt hurt.”[SUP][14][/SUP] The term was named the Urban Word of the Day[SUP][16][/SUP] on May 2nd, 2006. It was added to Wiktionary[SUP][11][/SUP] in August 2007.
On YouTube, videos related to the term have been uploaded since as early as 2005, which mainly consists of butthurt behaviors found in online gaming or personal messages addressing those who feel that way. As of June 2012, there are more than 7100 video results[SUP][17][/SUP] for “butthurt." Additionally, a Facebook group titled U Butthurt Bro?[SUP][15][/SUP] was created in 2011, which has gained more than 5000 likes by June 2012.