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  • what up bro let me be the first to welcome you to RIU. This is a great site to give or ask quistions and just share info . So how are you growing and what are you using as nutes . What kind of setup are you using and how long you been growing for . My self i have been growing for a long time but have been doing it serisely for about a year . Thats when i made the change from out door soil to indoor hydro . I am i the middle of updating my room so its kind of all over the place i am using on one half of my room is flood tables and on the other side its a flow and grow system that at the moment has 8 pots it will be a 16 pot system when its done but when my hole room is done i will have 36 pots and no tables cause i really just want to start growing bigger plants for the bigger yields any who if you want to see my setup just go by my profile page and go to my albums and look at all my pics . And if you need any help or have any questions just ask and i will do my best to help you out
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