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  • Probably a strain that grows mostly during the flowering period. U can probably grow any strain the stadium way u can grow almost any type of marijuana any type of system and get decent result its a fuckin weed. tHC BOMB is a good strain that produces top priced bud at max yeilds. PPP pure power plant is a high yeilder. Also try topping a few to make multiple colas to take up the horizontle space.
    hite widow is a good yeilder well known for a amazing high. a good yeilder in the white family is the white rhino. Yeild pretty good. Biggest yeilding strain is the big bud indoors if grown to fuul potential can yeild 2-3 ounces. if grown outside can yeild 20-22 ounces. THC Bomb is a good strain bred from PPP a high price strong plant and Big bud. THC is a comercial growers plant cause it grow faster than ppp and big bud alone. And produces a huge harvest with 15-20% THC. That is close to shitty hash
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