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  • Hell ya son! Sorry I haven't responded to your pm.. i've been busy as FUCK lately. Work and school man... fucking blows :( . I'll read that as soon as a get a chance.. and i'm sure i'll pass that link on as well. :D
    Damn, thanks for the link. I actually thought about that being a conspiracy... but didn't have any info to back it up. now i do lol... worlds fucked up man... you think NWO will take advantage of the 2012 fear?
    Yea man I just threw them bitches in jars over the last 3 days...Dry weight was at 150g and that was only with 2 plants...I still have 2 more flowering but one is a pussy, tall and skinny but the other is a chunky bitch and best smellin hoping to pull off another 150g or more dry..
    haha you should just have a buddy go golfing with ya and insult you during your whole round. You might shoot under... however, you might lose a friend lol
    lol oh man. that's terrible. But yes... harming animals for fun isn't good. However, sounds like they made you play better. Might want to invite them to play infront of you more often lol
    I bet. I always play well at the beginning of the season because i don't expect much. Then slowly get worse as my expectations grow haha. It's a mental handicap lol
    lol Good to hear man. I played in high school... and i would always utter those words to myself because its the basics that get the job done! you walking or riding? I go carts or i don't play
    Mine have all popped and been planted.They look great I hope its a close breed to my shoreline..Ill get a notice when the pics get posted .
    fuck yeah man... I'm a writer, but haven't gone out since I decided to grow. Gotta minimize all possible charges, ya feel me?
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