Recent content by MrDankster

  1. M

    Making all precautions

    Hello people of RIU! I am starting my first ever (also my last) grow ever this upcoming 2014 summer. I've been researching for two years before actually considering cultivating the most magnificent plant. I believe that if your going to grow this beauty out then you better do it right...
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    Should he go with a different bank?
  3. M


    Hey guys. So I've been doing some reading about attitude lately and people have been saying that their packages are getting seized in Chicago. My friend lives up in northern VT and was wondering if his shipment would be seized or if hes okay since hes no where near Chicago. Thanks.
  4. M

    My Upcoming Summer plan

    Thanks for your input I really appreciate it! And a totally unrelated question, do you think these strains i've listed will do fine in super soil?
  5. M

    My Upcoming Summer plan

    The Legend! Your actually my inspiration for an outdoor grow in the first place! Thanks JJ your the best!
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    My Upcoming Summer plan

    Hey RIU members! :blsmoke: I have finished my list for an outdoor grow this upcoming summer. I want you guys to tell me what you think of it. So here we go: 1 ETS Blueberry Headband 1 ETS Emerald Jack 1 ETS Grapefruit Krush 1 WoS Strawberry Blue 4 autos I also need one more outdoor strain...
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    Calling all whove grown Ms. Strawberry Cough!

    Hmmm damn! Well maybe it's time for me to find a different strain..Looking for a sativa dom outdoor beauty! Anyone got any ideas? :D
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    Calling all whove grown Ms. Strawberry Cough!

    Anyone shed some light?:-?
  9. M

    Calling all whove grown Ms. Strawberry Cough!

    Hey guys! This is my first post on RIP but certainly not the first time I've visited! :bigjoint: I am planning an outdoor grow this upcoming 2014 summer and was wondering if anyone has attempted this fine beauty outdoors. I only buy from the tude and they have two reputable breeders who sell...