Sr. Verde
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  • My humidity in the flower room stays around 40% I would much rather it be around 53% SO yeah I agree with you.
    P>S> clean up your instant messages, can't send anymore.
    Hey, since everyone on the site is so nice,....can you hook me up with a free digital 1000w HPS<----------heheh
    I cant figure out how to send pic's through this Private messages?? i see the little link im guessing your suspost to use to add the pic's (the one between "insert link & insert video tab) but when i click on the "insert picture" tab, it only gives me the option to add a pic with a URL from the web?? i know theirs gotta be a way i can send u a pic from my computer through these damn private messages...maybe u can inlightin me as to u have something disabled..cuz its the same tab i click on to insert a image in a thread, or post.....oooorrrrr, im just a fucking idiot...
    Hey if u wanna know the best way to get rid of them pesky bugd...go to the "Marijuana plant problem" form, then click on the sticky note at the top of the thread, the one that says "Guide to diagnosing plant problems". Scroll down to the second entry post, posted by "shenagen". Click on the link highlighted in blue. When u load this web page, it should be a long long page, scroll down twords the bottom to pest problems or pest controll, u will see "symhpilids" highlighted, their u will find all the info u need
    hey ya if u want to post it that would b cool then we can come closer to finding out whats up with our strange its like having a extra finger on the palm of ur hand hhahahahaha
    Yo Senior, I cant seem to PM you so get at me somehow when you get this maybe I can help. Peace out Haze2
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