Recent content by stinkincatfish

  1. S

    Scared Shitless

    half 2 liter bottles w/holes standing upside down in the woods sounds like a big red arrow pointing right at your plant hey! lookie here!!!
  2. S

    Lost 1 side of the plant....

    it might be haunted you should run it through a series of tests including the squishee blue stuff on weed or fanning milk out the window. sometimes you can just reveg it but id be carefull good luck and duck
  3. S

    Sand to get rid of pests??

    by the time my plants wilt i figure the dirt is pretty dry. but i still have gnats. i try to water just befor this point but since some plants drink more than others ill catch some wilting from time to time. i guess what im saying is weed likes dry soil and gnats seem to like weed...
  4. S

    Sand to get rid of pests??

    i was thinking praying mantis, then forgot might try that when my soil gets dry the plants wilt(not at the same time either)
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    Poll-How Many Grams A Day Do You Smoke?

    i used to smoke about a half z in two or three days, two weeks later id do it again then i started gardening and uh holy cow!! it doesnt stop i voted 2 to 3.5 but... sometimes i catch myself rolling small joints to get me through the ordeal of rolling a good blunt.
  6. S

    Sand to get rid of pests??

    ive heard that this works. 1 inch of sand, then water from the drain holes havent tried it yet and still have gnats i think thats my next move if that doesnt work im thinking toxic chemicals btw ive tried diatomatious earth(no effect) go-gnats smelled nice but thats all have some tomato...
  7. S

    not compact buds... did i harvest wrong?

    i could be the seed itself i planted 9 seeds last year 5 were male 1 was very fluffy and tasted harsh and funky 1 was a hermi the last two kicked ass -big tight buds -reeked of fruity pebbles - and a very nice stone of the nine i found 2 good mothers. im still...
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    Co2 should i use it?

    hungry for co2 maby
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    Co2 should i use it?

    kinda like asking i got weed should i um smoke it? 1500ppm is close to ideal 85-90degrees, and some kickass light, make some monsters.
  10. S

    How often should i use SUPERthrive?

    i also use it on my clones, spray bottle, and soak rockwool in it.
  11. S

    How often should i use SUPERthrive?

    ive heard that it prolongs the flower cycle. i use it (1-2 drops gal) while in veg, when i remember. i really couldn't say how/whether it may have helped since ive used it from the start but my girls look happy enough
  12. S

    Almost 5 Weeks Flowering (pics)

    they look nice all cfl?
  13. S

    I just sat on a potato chip and cut my ass.

    dont get me started with the Capn' so many mornings ive torn the roof of my mouth to shreds so many times ive sworn vengeace against that monster! only to be thwarted by an unexcapable bed time. damn you garfield and your semi effective sleep campaign now that im all grown up, shit...
  14. S

    Watching for amber

    i bought a scope 30x,and watched the trichs go from clear to cloudy to still cloudy to still cloudy yet, till like week 9 and a half, finally i chopped them and they kicked ass. point being theyre done when they really look done. i dont eaven use my scope anymore, want it