Recent content by Supreme Skunk

  1. Supreme Skunk

    2010 outdoor grow contest only the strong may enter!!!!

    not to damn bad since we did it at night lol
  2. Supreme Skunk

    2010 outdoor grow contest only the strong may enter!!!!

    you know im getting on this shit, come on people lets see what this season is starting off with....
  3. Supreme Skunk

    2010 outdoor grow blackjack, snow white, master kush, and papaya

    looking good my man, we've got to get those hybrids set up.
  4. Supreme Skunk
  5. Supreme Skunk

    Switching to hps help any?

    +1 for moving it to the hps lol thanks bro and hopefully it will show a difference in these last few weeks
  6. Supreme Skunk

    First Grow.... Any suggestions?

    Just moved the plant to a buddy's and now were using a 400watt hps for the final 3 weeks.
  7. Supreme Skunk

    8 days left till harvest, just took some pics.

    hell ya man this does look good. Are you watering it anymore before harvest?
  8. Supreme Skunk

    whats up man, good to have you on board!

    whats up man, good to have you on board!
  9. Supreme Skunk

    Switching to hps help any?

    One of my good friends has just completed his recent grow and his flowering room is open for about 3 more weeks.... I've been using cfl's for my entire grow and now he's wanting me to swap to his 400watt hps to finish up my last 3 weeks of flowering. Would i see difference from making this...
  10. Supreme Skunk

    buds to dry but stems not

    no i know plenty of friends who wait til everything is amber and then they harvest. It's supose to be a deeper stone sometimes
  11. Supreme Skunk

    First Grow.... Any suggestions?

    h it was my first grow on my own and when i decided i couldn't let it get any taller i started pulling it over so that i could focus light on the bud spots better working with what i had. I'm pretty happy with it tho : )
  12. Supreme Skunk

    Two Questions!! Its easy... Please

    i'm gonna be honest i dont think that 12 watt light your talking about caused the sex change of your little girl, what type of soil were you using with your first plant?
  13. Supreme Skunk

    looking for soil advice

    dude hit me up if your ever want to go organic! lol its cheap and easy too
  14. Supreme Skunk

    400 or 1000 watt MH?

    go with the 1000 aslong as you can get heat out from between the light and the plants and have a good circulation of air running through