Recent content by TonyKush

  1. T

    is it possible to just use ROwater in hydro for the first couple days newly rotd cutn

    hey im new to hydro im starting real small I have newly rooting cuttings and i have the whole line of ionic nutrients but its for soil im not sure how much to use or if i was told it would work fine but I'm worried about over doing it and I'm outta cash get go buy anything else right now any...
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    visiting cali can i get a card or do i have to live there

    ya i was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis about 2years ago i control it well with a clean diet just veggies and lean meat/fish like chicken turkey wild salmon and weed helps big time especially when it first happen.
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    visiting cali can i get a card or do i have to live there

    hey i always thought that to get a medical card u have to be a resident of that state but when my friend went to cali she went in the dispensary and bought with no problem she might have found a doctor im not sure but i know for sure she went in and had no problems but does anyone if she had to...
  4. T

    michigan clones

    to grow a mother from seed will take months at least 2. with a clone you can basically put right into flower
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    michigan clones

    hey all i live on the east coast i want to take a trip to michigan in hopes of getting clones does anyone know how/if it would be difficult to get clones in michigan i kno the dispensary wont sell to someone outta state but i was thinking of just asking someone that lives there to buy them for...
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    anyone know how to get clones if not in medical state

    these were the type of comments i expected but it was still worth a shoot once in while the site is helpful not today
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    anyone know how to get clones if not in medical state

    i dont want a new one im done with this shitty site and people telling me to google shit when i ask a question.
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    anyone know how to get clones if not in medical state

    no fuck that i want this shit gone
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    anyone know how to get clones if not in medical state

    can someone delete this account please i kno knos how
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    anyone know how to get clones if not in medical state

    been trying to delete this shit a long time fucking useless
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    anyone know how to get clones if not in medical state

    im thinking of taking a drive to michigan for clones but once i get there im gonna have to find someone to go in the dispensary for me and ill probly have to pay them. i would really like to avoid all this does any know a better way to get clones if anyone has any private message me please
  12. T

    im driving to canada can i bring alittle weed do they search cars

    radom stupid question they dont search every car do they?
  13. T

    im not sure if my light is too close or if they need water please help!

    hey all i went into the veg room this morning and noticed the lower branches reaching up so i lowered the lamp about a inch. some leaves are curling down and just looking weird not themselves but it also looked aliitle dry on some leafs but not all of them so maybe its needs water and soil is...
  14. T

    do any seed banks or websites sell clones?

    i know its a long shot but its been a slow go for me i have some healthy girls but not as many as i need
  15. T

    would cops make up a burglar story just to knock on my door

    i thought police blotter are only for arrest are u sure it will tell me if my neighbor was robbed?