im not sure if my light is too close or if they need water please help!


Active Member
hey all i went into the veg room this morning and noticed the lower branches reaching up so i lowered the lamp about a inch. some leaves are curling down and just looking weird not themselves but it also looked aliitle dry on some leafs but not all of them so maybe its needs water and soil is still pretty moist so I'm not sure if its both or one of the other heres some pics what do u guys think?



Well-Known Member
You can hang a mini thermometer from a piece of string right at the canopy level to see if your temps are too high from the light. Can't tell from the pics but you could actually be overwatering do you have a soil moisture meter? When I grew in soil I always had a hard time being able to tell if they needed water and found a moisture meter to be really helpful. You can get one pretty cheap on ebay or amazon their probably only like 5-10$ if I remember right. I would think they would look a hell of a lot crispier than those pics if they were drying out so that's why I'm leaning towards over-watering but without better pics I can't say for sure. Good luck


Well-Known Member
looks like you have a temp problem do you have exhaust fan on and oscolating fan blowing across the plants for air movement


Well-Known Member
next time plase tell u what kind of light is on them and the temps. t5 people place those a centimeter away from plants