Search results

  1. newbie45

    How Do I Make 100% Thc Oil?

    First off I wasn't sure where to put this but I figured this was a reasonable place. I would like to know if it is possible to make 100% oil with acetone, everclear, rubbing alc etc. I don't want anything less than 95 but I really want to make the real deal. And if so what would be the...
  2. newbie45

    Hydrophonic Setup Idea help

    Pretty much i haven't grown shit for the longest time and im getting bored. I would like to put together a real good hydrophonic system for like 6 plants at a time. i want it to be somewhat hiddable so i want some kind of cabinet or tent. Anybody that has expierence i would like feedback what...
  3. newbie45

    Iso Hash Oil Yields?

    So I've been reading about the isopropyl alchohol extractions for hash oil and they seem easy so i might as well carry through with it. Before i begin i would really like to know how much oil i will be getting from an ounce of mid grade and how much would i get from a ounce of nugget grade...
  4. newbie45

    Another Trip

    So early in the morning me and a buddy gulped down 2 tabs of good ass lsd. This trip is only my third time but my best yet. What a Funny/Confusing/Conquering Drug. Pretty much we started the day smoking some herb and walking around at my creek. We eventually came to a bridge over the creek...
  5. newbie45

    LSD alone trip?

    To start off let me explain i tried acid for the first time 3 days ago with 2 friends. We each took one little tab we put on our tongues. It amazed me what the one little thing did even without visuals was still amazing. So today i got two more and i really want to try it alone just to...
  6. newbie45

    Stoned and alone thoughts

    First off i have not been on here for a little but i just got real stoned with a little thing called adderal and just had some crazy thoughts i would like to share... Recently I've been thinking about the human brain just because everywhere you go there is always somebody different in...
  7. newbie45

    half of plant dead/dry?

    i have a plant that has been flowering for 3 weeks and i left it untended for 2 days and when i came back half of the plant from the top to the middle of the plant is dry and pretty much dead looking but the other half is still in good condition any help will be appreciated the place i left it...
  8. newbie45

    Identifying police choppers

    can someone tell me what to look for on a chopper to tell it is a cop
  9. newbie45

    Summertime heat control ideas

    ive been growing out in an attic in my garage its easy to access and no one can see up there. but in the summertime it get very hot i plan on running only 12/12 in there with the lights on at night but i know heat is still going to be a huge issue since there is no ventilation up there. so thats...
  10. newbie45

    normal lst?

    my plant has been completley horizontal for 1 week now and the old mature leaves are beginning to die but new healthy shoots are showing up is it normal?
  11. newbie45

    Emergency blankets

    i want to make my flowering room bigger but i want to go as cheap as possible. has anyone used $1 emergency blanket to make "walls" for a grow room and how well do they work
  12. newbie45

    multiple problems help needed

    i have 6 plants and about 3 of them are getting purple stems and all of them are getting very droopy leaves and also the newer leaves at the top of the plants are getting deep creases. i cant get pictures now but maybe in a couple days. i also gave the bone meal about a week ago and the lights...
  13. newbie45

    Free munchie food look!!!

    just saw a commercial for health food but its FREE. I havnt been able to connect yet but 99% free im pretty sure the 1% is taxes but who cares
  14. newbie45

    Leaves look like there drying out

    i just transplanted a plant the other day and the leaves are curling upward and the bottom leaves look like there drying but still are very moist and flexible what could be the problem
  15. newbie45

    Beginner Acoustic Guitar Songs

    i just recently got a acoustic guitar i dont go to lessons but i just sit and strum little tunes with basic chords. does any one know any easy songs
  16. newbie45

    Newbie45 second grow under Cfls

    well i didnt have a camera for a while but now i have one so let me tell you whats been going on. First off i started them about a month ago when it was really cold but since then they have been doing better. im using 2 big ass cfls dont know the wattage but there much bigger than regular ones...
  17. newbie45

    Tying down first time

    im tying down 2 of my 4 plants just to experiment and get a feel for it i used a waxy type plastic string and not sure if that is ok. can someone also show me some pics of budding tied down plants so i have an idea. Also some other questions like how early your suppose to tie them down and how...
  18. newbie45

    drug assessment program

    i have to take a drug assessment program and i need to know what exactly there going to do so ill be prepared.
  19. newbie45

    Breeding Plants Question

    i feel like im starting to understand so much about weed from this site and experience and i want to start breeding plants to make a kick ass plant but i need to learn about what i should look for in plants and how i should do it so any information would help
  20. newbie45

    Big Leaves

    i know this cant be a bad thing but im trying to learn as much as possible but my second set of leaves (the ones after the first two) are very big and dark green about 4 1/2" from one tip to the separate ones tip. does it mean its going to be a monster plant or is it the strain?