Stoned and alone thoughts


Well-Known Member
First off i have not been on here for a little but i just got real stoned with a little thing called adderal and just had some crazy thoughts i would like to share...

Recently I've been thinking about the human brain just because everywhere you go there is always somebody different in every way. For example when your in amusement park and you see all the different people it just amazes me how we act.
I started to think that the way we act is by the amount of chemicals/drugs that is released by the certain parts of our brain. I think drugs are your personality.

If this makes any sense i will see tomorrow but keep me entertained rollitup in the meantime

I love thinking about stuff like this, like how people are all different based off of the different mixtures of chemicals that flow throughout their brain. Even wierder is thinking about how one day, scientists will have learned enough to track and chart these chemicals and all that, and all our spontaneous and different personalities will be easily trackable and even predictable by doctors and stuff. Like already scientists have found a chemical that induces the feeling of love, and all that. As we progress, more becomes learned about things that we once thought "made us human." And then if you think even further (depending how ripped you get hahaha) I think about how one day, scientists will probably be able to inject chemicals into people to create certain feelings. Inject this into your kid to make him poetic, feed the baby this to make him artistic. You know? I love thinking about that stuff

Another thing I think about is how there is really no such thing as luck and chance and all that. How, in reality, everything comes down to a calculatable equation, concerning statistics, physics, and other science. Even an example of someone stepping out of the way of a falling rock; some would call that lucky, but in reality there was a mathematic equation that resulted in that person stepping out at the right time, you know what I mean? And then, once again, depending how much weed you smoke, it makes you think that if there's no much thing as luck or chance, maybe there's no such thing as a higher power controlling everything. People say things like "God was really looking out for us," but if their good fortune was just a favorable mathematical equation, maybe there isn't anyone taking care of everything.

I don't know, those are just things I think about. But I agree with you.
Neurotransmission is a fascinating idea. All cognitive function can be traced to a chemical reaction between neurons. Anything and everything we know is that way because our brain housed a reaction to make it such. It makes me feel so happy to think about it all.

Or maybe that's just the dopamine...