Search results

  1. T

    is it possible to just use ROwater in hydro for the first couple days newly rotd cutn

    hey im new to hydro im starting real small I have newly rooting cuttings and i have the whole line of ionic nutrients but its for soil im not sure how much to use or if i was told it would work fine but I'm worried about over doing it and I'm outta cash get go buy anything else right now any...
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    visiting cali can i get a card or do i have to live there

    hey i always thought that to get a medical card u have to be a resident of that state but when my friend went to cali she went in the dispensary and bought with no problem she might have found a doctor im not sure but i know for sure she went in and had no problems but does anyone if she had to...
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    michigan clones

    hey all i live on the east coast i want to take a trip to michigan in hopes of getting clones does anyone know how/if it would be difficult to get clones in michigan i kno the dispensary wont sell to someone outta state but i was thinking of just asking someone that lives there to buy them for...
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    anyone know how to get clones if not in medical state

    im thinking of taking a drive to michigan for clones but once i get there im gonna have to find someone to go in the dispensary for me and ill probly have to pay them. i would really like to avoid all this does any know a better way to get clones if anyone has any private message me please
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    im driving to canada can i bring alittle weed do they search cars

    radom stupid question they dont search every car do they?
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    im not sure if my light is too close or if they need water please help!

    hey all i went into the veg room this morning and noticed the lower branches reaching up so i lowered the lamp about a inch. some leaves are curling down and just looking weird not themselves but it also looked aliitle dry on some leafs but not all of them so maybe its needs water and soil is...
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    do any seed banks or websites sell clones?

    i know its a long shot but its been a slow go for me i have some healthy girls but not as many as i need
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    would cops make up a burglar story just to knock on my door

    hey all maybe im just paranoid but the local police rang my door bell just now and said that there was burglary and the lady up the street got robbed. he just asked me if i seen anything unusual and he asked my name and date of birth and if anyone else was home today my sister came to the door...
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    9days old what do u guys think are they ready for the metal halide

    hey everyone just started some seedlings from barneys farm most came up 8or9days ago i have them under fluorescents do u guys think there ready for the metal halide lamp i want them to have good internode distance
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    6x8 flower room i have 5 600watt hps how many lights can i put in there

    hey all seting up new flower room is 6ftwide 8ftlong 6ft in height i have 5 600watt hps and my friend has 3 600watt hps hes not using how many more lights can i fit in there?
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    anyone kno the best distance to hang 600w lights from one another?

    hey can anyone tell best what the best distance to hang 600watt lights from one another im using LUMII hods that are about 20inch by 20 inch
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    is it true that all feminized seeds are basically herms?

    i bought all feminized seeds was this a noob mistake is it true that feminized seeds are basically herms am i gonna end up with a lot of herms i thought in the best enviroment i could get all girls with just some herm-traits?
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    planning on using pro mix with 1/4 roots if i just use pro mix will ph be a prob

    hey im gonna use pro mix and roots for most of them but also wanted to try just pro mix with a few and fertilize with Ionics line of nutrients but i just read that ph becomes a problem toward the end of flowering when using pro mix alone is that easy to fix what do u guys think i should do its...
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    im unable to access the classifieds forum why?

    how do i access the classified forum it tells me i dont have permission how can i get permission. is this normal idk why i wouldnt have permission ive never had any problems with anyone on here or really anywhere
  15. T

    my seeds were sent to a differnt address because of forwarding instructions.

    i ordered seeds about a week ago i tracked them this morning and they were in the next town over at 6:00am and i just tracked them again and it said - (your item was forwarded to a differnt address at 2:25pm this was because of forwarding instructions or because the address or zip code was...
  16. T

    is it ok to have seeds sent to the same place ur growing im only using 2 lights 600w

    hey i know its not the best to have seeds sent to the same place your growing but i did i didn't have a choice my friend who usually lets me send them to his place, wouldnt let me ship them there. cuz last time it took almost a month and he got sketched out because when we tracked it said that...
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    anyone ever try barneys 8 ball kush

    has anyone grown barney 8 ball kush if so how is it
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    im looking for the best fem seeds. quality & yield what do u guys think

    hey everyone I've drove myself crazy in the past researching the best seeds but i kno a lot of you on here already seen everything under the sun so can someone point me in the right direction im looking for something that grows fast easy yields good and is really good preferable a strain that...
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    when to remove humidity dome i i dont want them to stretch

    hey i started a few seeds under fluorescents i dont want them to stretch i wanna get the light as close as posssible when can i remove the humidity dome.
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    can i use clones grown in hydro outside in soil?

    hey can i use clones that were grown hydroponically outside in soil i wanna put them in big bags of soil