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  1. TJ Watch

    Act Compost Tea - My Overview

    Aerated Composted Tea not only provides good microbes, bacteria and fungi, who feed the plants, but those microbes also occupy the space and consume the food that would otherwise encourage bad microbes and larger pests. I have no experience using ACTs, but here is what I've found from googling...
  2. TJ Watch

    Organic Tea For Outdoor Trees-Sized Plants

    Please check my thinking here.... This plan is "general" to help me check my understanding of the compost tea process. I know I'll have to make daily adjustments based on weather, plants, etc. Assume I'm growing 18 outdoor trees in 100-gallon soil bags, with lots of pumice etc. I want a 3-day...
  3. TJ Watch

    Earth Juice for Outdoor Trees?

    I'm thinking of using the EJ products for my grow this summer. I'm using 100-gallon bags with a loamy, balanced compost. This will be my first organic grow. I have the information from the website. I'll add Azomite for the minerals. Does anyone have any advice for me? THANKS!