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  1. J

    your views

    I have up to now grown in soil, but am slowly turning my attention to Hydro, after seeing a friends very simple set up which yielded great results.........Although I have no idea what this method is called ! It comprised of 2 x 30 lt stacker boxes one holding 20 lts of water / water pump and...
  2. J

    2m x 2m x 2m grow tent help plz

    it would grow, of course, I dont think you'd get such alot of bud with only one light fo 15 plants..... I've used a 600 in 1.2 x 1.2 x 2 tent with 9.....with poor results. I would use big tubs........ do 4...and grow em big, and maximize the yeild that way:clap:
  3. J

    viking - new grow

    Just thought I show you my latest grow using 'viking' Im a simple grower, these are done in muck, planted on the first of Jan 2010 as 5inch rooted clones. In terms of nutes I used simply grass cuttings in a sack, placed in the water butt for 1 month to make a rich in nitrogen solution...
  4. J

    eliminating odours!

    Just thought I'd share a cheap tip to eliminate smells blown out of the ducting connected to the the carbon filter. As we know they do not get rid of everything simple...water butt - and lid. Cut hole in lid, same size as flue..... fill butt with 'bounce'.........or other fragrence towel one...
  5. J

    multiple plants in large containers

    What are your views on growing in this way. I have x2 tubs with 150 litres of muck in each, and 4 plants in each under a 600 watter. I've vegged for about 4 weeks, I have now what resembles 2 massive lush bushes about 3ft high. I have now changed to the flowering cycle a couple of days ago...
  6. J

    Cloning Problems

    Yes..... to all - no nutes I wonder of its the heat?..... about 75 oc???? lighting 18/6
  7. J

    Cloning Problems

    HELP! i have a mother plant that i have re-grown from a plant I cropped some 3 months ago - Although she is lush and growing well, and am unable to clone her properly. I have read all the tips and am convinced that i am getting it right in terms if cutting, using clonex and propergtor...
  8. J

    rock wool into soil?

    i have just been given x 4 plants from seed aprox 15 inches high (abut 6 weeks old) and topped. They have been rooted in a rock wool cube, and placed in a small bucket of clay balls......I would like to transfer these into soil if at possible, and wondered if this could be done, as he rock wool...
  9. J

    5wks into first grow

    hi all.... 5 weeks into flower, first grow does it look please? Any handy tips out there for the final stages? cheers Jap
  10. J

    light deprevation

    Next week I am having to have the power to my house cut off for aprox 20 minutes. Unfortunately this work to my electrics falls in my 12/12 cycle in which I have a plant 3.5 weeks into fower. My question is, will this 20 minute cause a problem to the flowering plant?....or should I get a...
  11. J

    height problems!!!!!!

    could any post a couple of photos as an example please???
  12. J

    height problems!!!!!!

    no.......i was told it would double or so in size...and still thought it would be didnt bother. Didn't expect it to explode like it has....!!!
  13. J

    height problems!!!!!!

    I need some advice please......I put a spindley 1 ft clone straight onto 12/12..(first ever grow)...that was just over three weeks ago. Although Im not complaining, but its now its 140cm....buds all over and only a foot of the lamp Its a 600 watt set up with no cool light. I canot lift the...
  14. J

    Clone Question

    My questiojn is quite it possible to to take a clone froma plant on a flowering cycle?......if so, where would be the best place to take it from?...if not, why not? Cheers
  15. J

    Nutes? Light/heat Burn? Help plspls

    I recently had slight heat stress diagnosed on my plant....the tips curled the otherway as do the sides of the leaves....dosnt look like heat stress if my diognisis was anything to go by....
  16. J

    Comments please

    cheers is 6.5....and Im feeding 2 mil of biobizz nute in the morning with half a litre of areated water.....and 2 mil of bio bizz flowering nute with half a litre of water on the evening
  17. J

    Comments please

    does this look ok?.......its my first and is 1 week into flowering and 70cm...a couple of leaves have yellowed tips and a couple of yellow spots..but only a couple...... I recon its probably heat burn as I have it under a 600wat with no cool tube and have adusted it accordingly..but Im not...
  18. J

    Heat Burn?

    my plant is growing very well and is lush with aprox 6 cm of growth a day...been on 12/12 for just over a week....and is well over cm now The tips of a couple of the larger leaves towards the top have yellowed and cured up ...albeit only 10 mil os so?.....they are under a 600w which is aprox...
  19. J

    lighting requirement?

    I will be taking a couple of clones off my single plant next week and shall be placing them in a small kitchen cupboard type vegging room. I only want to grow them until they are about 40 cm high, and when my other crop has been harvested in about 7 weeks I will transfer them, and finish the...
  20. J

    is this normal?

    this is my first plant, I have was given a clone from a 'blue cheese' that I was told was ready for flowering, I repotted it and put it straight into the grow tent, and it is exploding..........yesturday afternoon I measured it from base to highest point at 42 cm excactly...the following morning...